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switch type garage door

Posted: Monday 13 March 2017 22:41
by heistje
maybe somebody could help me with this:

I have a garage door that is operated with a push button:
-> push when open: close door
-> push while moving: stop
-> next push after stop: reverse
-> push when closed: open
I installed a Qubino ZMNHBD1 and I'm using one of its contacts as a push button in parallel with the hardware push button.
I'm also using a Finaro binary sensor (FGBS-001 - 2 contacts) to determine if the garage door is open or closed.

In Domoticz I'm using the switch type "push on button" to operate the garage door, (--> ZMNHBD1)
a switch type "On/Off" (Light/Switch) to see when the door is open, (--> FGBS-001 CH1)
and also a switch type "On/Off" "Light/Switch" to see when the door is closed... (--> FGBS-001 CH2)

Works fine but Isn't there a solution where I could work with just one switch type? I mean where all information is integrated in one type?

As you can see in next image I already tried to add the 2 "On/Off" switches as slave devices in the "push on button" and this works,
the button becomes red once the door is open or closed and becomes grey in between the 2
BUT unfortunately I can't see the difference between open and close... both --> red
garage door.JPG
garage door.JPG (24.27 KiB) Viewed 4042 times
I would really appreciate your ideas/suggestions!.

Re: switch type garage door

Posted: Thursday 27 April 2017 1:12
by TheeDude
This is something I am interested in also!
Tried to do something in Blockly, with a couple of virtual switches, but didnĀ“t have much success.

Have you found a solution?

Re: switch type garage door

Posted: Monday 08 May 2017 21:31
I use the blinds icon as I have a magent switch telling me if open / close

Thinking out side the square / garage why not make them hidden switches and use blockly script to change the blinds status remember reading some I think putting a $ in front of the name make it hidden I think

Only been doing this for a month

Re: switch type garage door

Posted: Sunday 14 May 2017 20:46
by heistje
found this solution:
I'm using a virtual switch (selector --> 'blinds inverted') with an other set of icons (icon for 'open' and one for 'closed')
Below "devices" I found that the Idx of this virtual Switch is 204
garage.JPG (24.6 KiB) Viewed 3751 times
I downloaded a garage switch from ... WdHV1Qxbm8 (unther 'D' you will find a garage door..)
Uploaded them in Domoticz with the help from this: ... binterface

I installed a Fibaro Universal switch which detects if the door is open or closed (electrical contacts).

Below "Edit" from the On/Off switch that detects garage door=open I've put following JSON command by "On action":
idx204=the idx of the virtual switch.

Below "Edit" from the On/Off switch that detects garage door=closed I've put following JSON command by "On action":
idx204=the idx of the virtual switch.

Hope this helps..


Re: switch type garage door

Posted: Saturday 30 June 2018 11:28
by magichew

I've read your messages regarding the garage door and I think you and I are trying to achieve the same thing yet I have had no success yet.

I have a Xaiomi MI Home Hub with various different sensors, switches etc. All working well through Domoticz. I have a contact sensor on my Garage Door which functions as expected and separately I have a Sonoff SV unit which opens and closes the door. The Sonoff is set up in Domoticz so that when the button is pressed, 1 second later the button turns off. So one press begins opening, another press stops the door and then the next press will close.

I'm looking for a way of merging the button and the sensor in to one button which can be pressed to open, stop, close and also reports the status of the door.

Any advice?