My settings on my Synology:
http back-end server: Apache http server 2.2
PHP: Default profile (php 5.6)
personal website: disabled
PHP settings:
Most extensions are enabled, except: ldap, libsodium, mailparse, mcrypt, ssh2
(I think this are the default settings)
I've downloaded the dashticz v3.1.0 beta release to my PC. Copied everything to the web folder in Synology File Station in the folder dtv3
Copied my config.js from my laptop to the web/dtv3/custom folder on the Synology
If I then browse to http://<IP of NAS I see the default Synology page.
If I browse to http://<IP of NAS/dtv3 then Dashticz opens, including garbage, news, etc.
The PHP version reported by Dashticz in Settings -> Info shows 5.6.31
Conclusion: For me everything works out of the box. (but that doesn't help you probably)
Then for debugging:
In Chrome open Dashticz on your Synology.
Press F12 to open the Developer window
Refresh Dashticz
Are there errors reported in the console tab?
Which garbage provider, streetnumber and zipcode do you use?
You can test with:
Code: Select all
config['garbage_company'] = 'avalex';
config['garbage_zipcode'] = '2612HH';
config['garbage_street'] = '';
config['garbage_housenumber'] = '123';
In Chrome, developer window, network tab: Filter on 'service'
Then the network request to load the garbage calendar should appear. What is the response? What is the reported status code in headers?