1Wire disappeared and disabled

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1Wire disappeared and disabled

Post by emme »


From today at 9.45am my 4 DS18B20 linked to 1Wire bus disappeared...

I did an upgrade yesterday bumbing the kernet from 4.4 to 4.9.11 but I did bood yesterday and all went good....

cannot figure out what's wrong....
I know this is something related to the hardware and not software, since domoticz has nothing to do with it because the sensors disappeared form /sys/bus/w1/devices but I was wondering if someone else experienced the same issue....

My 1Wire is hooked to pin 4 (physical 7), configured correctly with:

in /boot/config.txt

cannot figure out what's wrong :(

I'm not hat home at the moment so I cannot check if something has been unplugged... but it shouldn't.....
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Re: 1Wire disappeared and disabled

Post by Neutrino »

Try another GPIO and change the dtoverlay line.
Gpio 24 works fine.
I had the same problem, my gpio 4 was dead :(
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Re: 1Wire disappeared and disabled

Post by emme »

found the issue....

it seems that kernel 4.9 needs to upgrade WiringPi libraries
I had to purge WiringPi and reinstall from git

everythings went well and now I have my ds18b20 back! :P

uh... I played too much with rpi-update... now I know how to recover a stucked kernel version!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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