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Domoboard - Bug reports

Posted: Friday 20 January 2017 22:43
by wez3

This topic is used to discuss bug reports.In order to fix issues or add features these have to be reported on one of the the Domoboard Github pages:

This makes it possible to keep track of issues/features on a centralized place.


Re: Domoboard - Bug reports

Posted: Sunday 22 January 2017 14:03

I have created a group in Domoticz which switch on or off all lights in the living room.
(The group exists of On/off switches and dimmers)
If one of the lights is on, Domoticz shows the term "mixed".
If all lights are off, Domoticz shows the term "Off"
And if all the lights are on, Domoticz shows the term "On".

But when i create a top_tile in Domoboard of that group, the group always shows a percentage.
(No matter what the status is in Domoticz.) I did expect the values On, Off and Mixed, like Domoticz does.
Is this a bug or the expected behaviour?

Kind regards,

(and thanks for creating Domoboard)

Re: Domoboard - Bug reports

Posted: Sunday 22 January 2017 15:28
by squandor
Could you try to use the Status key in the config:

Code: Select all

Counter Woonkamer = 145, icon, Status

Re: Domoboard - Bug reports

Posted: Sunday 22 January 2017 15:58

I changed my config accoording to your advice, but no luck.
The icon is added to the tile and i see the text Status for a brief moment, but than i see the percentage again.
a part of my config looks like:

Code: Select all

      Woonkamer Verlichting = 118
      Woonkamer verlichting group = 1, info, Status
It is part of my top_tiles[Verlichting] section
I also tried status with no captital, but that didn't do the trick.

Thanks in advance,

Re: Domoboard - Bug reports

Posted: Sunday 22 January 2017 16:08
by squandor
ah now i see.
The problem is that Scenes and Groups have different idx's so the value that you get is from the idx which corresponds with an device idx.

I will add it to the issues on GitHub because we don't support this feature in the top tiles right now.

Re: Domoboard - Bug reports

Posted: Sunday 22 January 2017 16:14

Thanks for your help.
The percentage is indeed of an another idx.
Unfortunally i can not code, but if it needs to be tested i will be happy to do so.

Thanks again,

Re: Domoboard - Bug reports

Posted: Monday 23 January 2017 17:45
by Snowtiger
The Wunderground, Condition is loading and gives an image, only the max and min values of temperature are always equal to the current temperature, maybe wrong vars selected ;)

Re: Domoboard - Bug reports

Posted: Monday 23 January 2017 17:58
by squandor
Snowtiger wrote:The Wunderground, Condition is loading and gives an image, only the max and min values of temperature are always equal to the current temperature, maybe wrong vars selected ;)
Hmm could be an problem indeed ;) i will check it later in the evening

Re: Domoboard - Bug reports

Posted: Saturday 29 July 2017 9:38
by jaccov
Problem with afvalwijzer plugin.

I installed the afvalwijzer plugin, Domoboard doesn't start anymore
Error occured during loading imports for the plugin afvalwijzer: No module named BeautifulSoup. Install it with 'easy_install BeautifulSoup' or 'pip install BeautifulSoup'
I installed BeautifulSoup by
pi@Domoticz:~/domoboard $ sudo easy_install BeautifulSoup
Searching for BeautifulSoup
Best match: BeautifulSoup 3.2.1
Processing BeautifulSoup-3.2.1-py2.7.egg
BeautifulSoup 3.2.1 is already the active version in easy-install.pth

Using /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/BeautifulSoup-3.2.1-py2.7.egg
Processing dependencies for BeautifulSoup
Finished processing dependencies for BeautifulSoup
Now I start Domoboard, but still have the same problem, what is wrong.

Re: Domoboard - Bug reports

Posted: Saturday 29 July 2017 9:40
by squandor
Did you start domoboard usong virtualenv by any chance?

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Re: Domoboard - Bug reports

Posted: Saturday 29 July 2017 9:44
by jaccov
Thanks for the replay, but not familiar with virtualenv, how should i do that?

Re: Domoboard - Bug reports

Posted: Saturday 29 July 2017 9:47
by squandor
Well in that case how did you install domoboard? Did you use the bash install?

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Re: Domoboard - Bug reports

Posted: Saturday 29 July 2017 9:48
by squandor
Or do you have an bin folder in you're domoboard folder?

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Re: Domoboard - Bug reports

Posted: Saturday 29 July 2017 9:52
by jaccov
sudo curl -L | bash

yes I have the bin directory

Re: Domoboard - Bug reports

Posted: Saturday 29 July 2017 9:53
by squandor
Than you should install the beautifulsoup module using the command bin/pip install BeautifulSoup

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Re: Domoboard - Bug reports

Posted: Saturday 29 July 2017 9:55
by squandor
You are using an virtualenv which means that domoboard is running in an python environment in that folder and not of the os itself. So every time when you want to install an module you must use the pip version of you're environment which can be found in the bin folder

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Re: Domoboard - Bug reports

Posted: Saturday 29 July 2017 9:57
by jaccov
pi@Domoticz:~/domoboard/bin $ sudo pip install BeautifulSoup
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): BeautifulSoup in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/BeautifulSoup-3.2.1-py2.7.egg
Cleaning up...

Still not running, I did't try it with virtualenv..yet

Re: Domoboard - Bug reports

Posted: Saturday 29 July 2017 9:59
by squandor
And if you try you're command with --upgrade?

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Re: Domoboard - Bug reports

Posted: Saturday 29 July 2017 10:02
by jaccov
pi@Domoticz:~/domoboard/bin $ sudo pip install BeautifulSoup
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): BeautifulSoup in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/BeautifulSoup-3.2.1-py2.7.egg
Cleaning up...
pi@Domoticz:~/domoboard/bin $ sudo pip install BeautifulSoup --upgrade
Requirement already up-to-date: BeautifulSoup in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/BeautifulSoup-3.2.1-py2.7.egg
Cleaning up...

the same

Re: Domoboard - Bug reports

Posted: Saturday 29 July 2017 10:03
by squandor
And how do you start domoboard and what does it says exactly

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