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Sensor/device blacklist?

Posted: Sunday 15 January 2017 9:51
by Redguy
I live in an apartment building so my rfxcom is picking up a lot of 433mhz sensors, rfcontrolled outlets etc. From neighbours poluting my devices list..

No big deal,but i would like to be able to "blacklist" them, so domoticz ignores them and nolonger shows them in the device list?

Is there such a feature? Any thoughts on how to achieve this?

Re: Sensor/device blacklist?

Posted: Sunday 15 January 2017 10:31
by SweetPants
You probably have "Accept new Hardware Devices" enabled permanently, that is why the devices are picked up. You can disable that and only use "Allow for 5 minutes" when your self wants to add a new device.

Re: Sensor/device blacklist?

Posted: Thursday 20 July 2017 23:56
by pimz3001
+1 for the 'blacklist'.
if hw detect is on I detect a few dozen devices in no time. Kinda hard to pick my own device. To keep overview, I'll delete them sometimes, but that's carrying water to the sea... (or coles to Newcastle, as Google translate suggests... ;) )