Remeha eTwist

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Re: Remeha eTwist

Post by bwbboot »

Yes you are correct, only a heat pump. Now working without error messages. Thanks!
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Re: Remeha eTwist

Post by bwbboot »

I did some work on the plugin and added EnergyConsumption and EnergyDelivery counters.
Do need some help, since counters don't seem to show up. Can I have permission to upload as a branche? So you can have a look at the code?

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Re: Remeha eTwist

Post by Tuk90 »

I got it working but the total of today always shows the previous day as day total. See my previous post. You can do a pull request or something like that, that is the easiest I guess
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Re: Remeha eTwist

Post by gizmocuz »

My suggestion is to:

Fork the project to your own github repository
Check out this form
Do your changes
Commit the changes

Now when you go to your forked project, you should see a green button 'Create Pull Request' and you can create a pull request that Tuk90 can merge
If you need to make any changes before the merging, you can do so, and commit them, and the pull request with automatically be adjusted
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Re: Remeha eTwist

Post by bwbboot »

Tuk90 wrote: Saturday 27 January 2024 6:56 I got it working but the total of today always shows the previous day as day total. See my previous post. You can do a pull request or something like that, that is the easiest I guess
I have used code below to only pull today's data. Idea is to update the counter and display consumption/delivery so far.

Code: Select all

import datetime

            now ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%fZ")
            startDay ="%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00.0")
            response = requests.get(
            if response.status_code != 200:
                Domoticz.Error(f"Error getting device states: {response.status_code}")
                return None

            response_json = response.json()

            heatingEnergyConsumed = response_json["data"][0]["heatingEnergyConsumed"] / 1000
            heatingEnergyDelivered = response_json["data"][0]["heatingEnergyDelivered"] / 1000
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Re: Remeha eTwist

Post by Tuk90 »

bwbboot wrote: Saturday 27 January 2024 12:45
Tuk90 wrote: Saturday 27 January 2024 6:56 I got it working but the total of today always shows the previous day as day total. See my previous post. You can do a pull request or something like that, that is the easiest I guess
I have used code below to only pull today's data. Idea is to update the counter and display consumption/delivery so far.

Code: Select all

import datetime

            now ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%fZ")
            startDay ="%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00.0")
            response = requests.get(
            if response.status_code != 200:
                Domoticz.Error(f"Error getting device states: {response.status_code}")
                return None

            response_json = response.json()

            heatingEnergyConsumed = response_json["data"][0]["heatingEnergyConsumed"] / 1000
            heatingEnergyDelivered = response_json["data"][0]["heatingEnergyDelivered"] / 1000
I have almost the say for the daily calculation, but now the question is how to properly put it in a device? Since if you use these daily values as the current power then it just adds everything up so if at the end of the day you have 20kw used then Domoticz will think the total is around 50ish.

My current setup is that I am using a KWH device and I update this device with the following values: "kwh yearly summed up; kwh of today" but it seems that the yearly kwh consumption is only updated on the next day. So my usage of today is the usage of yesterday, any ideas on a better way to update the device?
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Re: Remeha eTwist

Post by Tuk90 »

bwbboot wrote: Saturday 27 January 2024 12:45
Tuk90 wrote: Saturday 27 January 2024 6:56 I got it working but the total of today always shows the previous day as day total. See my previous post. You can do a pull request or something like that, that is the easiest I guess
I have used code below to only pull today's data. Idea is to update the counter and display consumption/delivery so far.

Code: Select all

import datetime

            now ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%fZ")
            startDay ="%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00.0")
            response = requests.get(
            if response.status_code != 200:
                Domoticz.Error(f"Error getting device states: {response.status_code}")
                return None

            response_json = response.json()

            heatingEnergyConsumed = response_json["data"][0]["heatingEnergyConsumed"] / 1000
            heatingEnergyDelivered = response_json["data"][0]["heatingEnergyDelivered"] / 1000
I added a new branch: called energyconsumption, can you test that one? It is a bit behind on some parts from master so you should delete the dwhtemeperature device. If this is what you want I will update the code to make it a bit more cleaner and wil also add the generated part for you and push it to master but first I would like you to test it :).
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Re: Remeha eTwist

Post by bwbboot »

I am testing it. I did change the device type to Type=113 as it simply acts as a counter.

Domoticz.Device(Name=device_name_6, Unit=device_id_6, Type=113, TypeName="Kwh", Subtype=0, Used=1).Create()
Screenshot 2024-01-28 at 19.18.31.png
Screenshot 2024-01-28 at 19.18.31.png (115.87 KiB) Viewed 1564 times
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Re: Remeha eTwist

Post by gizmocuz »

Could this not be a generic kWh sensor instead of a counter?
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Re: Remeha eTwist

Post by Tuk90 »

It is a generic KWH, BWBoot adjusted it for himself
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Re: Remeha eTwist

Post by Tuk90 »

Schermafbeelding 2024-01-29 om 08.29.08.png
Schermafbeelding 2024-01-29 om 08.29.08.png (118.19 KiB) Viewed 1528 times
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Re: Remeha eTwist

Post by gizmocuz »

Ahhh perfect, looking great!!
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Re: Remeha eTwist

Post by gizmocuz »

Question, since you do not have Gas, is it possible to post here your json output?

Here is mine: (i masked the id's)

Code: Select all

  'appliances': [
      'applianceId': '1234',
      'applianceOnline': True,
      'applianceConnectionStatus': 'Connected',
      'applianceType': 'Boiler',
      'pairingStatus': 'Paired',
      'houseName': 'Home',
      'errorStatus': 'Running',
      'activeThermalMode': 'HeatingCH',
      'operatingMode': 'AutomaticHeating',
      'outdoorTemperature': None,
      'outdoorTemperatureSource': 'Unknown',
      'outdoorTemperatureInformation': {
        'outdoorTemperatureSource': 'Unknown',
        'internetOutdoorTemperature': None,
        'applianceOutdoorTemperature': None,
        'utilizeOutdoorTemperature': None,
        'internetOutdoorTemperatureExpected': False,
        'isDayTime': True,
        'weatherCode': 'normal cloudy',
        'cloudOutdoorTemperature': 5,
        'cloudOutdoorTemperatureStatus': 'Ok'
      'currentTimestamp': None,
      'holidaySchedule': {
        'startTime': '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z',
        'endTime': '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z',
        'active': False
      'autoFillingMode': 'Disabled',
      'autoFilling': {
        'mode': 'Disabled',
        'status': 'Standby'
      'waterPressure': 1.7,
      'waterPressureOK': True,
      'capabilityEnergyConsumption': True,
      'capabilityCooling': False,
      'capabilityPreHeat': True,
      'capabilityMultiSchedule': True,
      'capabilityPowerSettings': False,
      'capabilityOutdoorTemperature': False,
      'capabilityUtilizeOutdoorTemperature': False,
      'capabilityInternetOutdoorTemperatureExpected': False,
      'hasOverwrittenActivityNames': True,
      'gasCalorificValue': 8.7917,
      'isActive': True,
      'hotWaterZones': [
          'hotWaterZoneId': '1234',
          'applianceId': '1234',
          'name': 'DHW',
          'zoneType': 'DHW',
          'dhwZoneMode': 'Scheduling',
          'dhwStatus': 'Idle',
          'dhwType': 'Combi',
          'nextSwitchActivity': 'Reduced',
          'capabilityBoostMode': False,
          'dhwTemperature': 52.1,
          'targetSetpoint': 60.0,
          'reducedSetpoint': 15.0,
          'comfortSetPoint': 60.0,
          'setPointMin': 40.0,
          'setPointMax': 65.0,
          'setPointRanges': {
            'comfortSetpointMin': 40.0,
            'comfortSetpointMax': 65.0,
            'reducedSetpointMin': 10.0,
            'reducedSetpointMax': 60.0
          'boostDuration': None,
          'boostModeEndTime': None,
          'nextSwitchTime': '2024-01-29T21:00:00Z',
          'activeDwhTimeProgramNumber': 1
      'climateZones': [
          'climateZoneId': '1234',
          'applianceId': '1234',
          'name': 'CIRCA ',
          'zoneIcon': 0,
          'zoneType': 'CH',
          'activeComfortDemand': 'ProducingHeat',
          'zoneMode': 'Scheduling',
          'controlStrategy': 'RoomTemperatureOnly',
          'firePlaceModeActive': False,
          'capabilityFirePlaceMode': True,
          'roomTemperature': 21.0,
          'setPoint': 21.0,
          'nextSetpoint': 16.0,
          'nextSwitchTime': '2024-01-29T17:00:00Z',
          'setPointMin': 5.0,
          'setPointMax': 30.0,
          'currentScheduleSetPoint': 21.0,
          'activeHeatingClimateTimeProgramNumber': 1,
          'capabilityCooling': False,
          'capabilityTemporaryOverrideEndTime': True,
          'preHeat': {
            'enabled': True,
            'active': False
          'temporaryOverride': {
            'endTime': '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z'
Could you maybe add the 'gasCalorificValue' as custom sensor?

It is the amount of energy you can get from 1 m3 gas... would be interested to see if this is fluctuating....

'waterPressureOK' could also be interesting as a switch (on=ok, off = not ok), we could set a alarm/action on this

Maybe you can use some of the 'capability' fields to determine if certain values are available
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Re: Remeha eTwist

Post by bwbboot »

Tuk90 wrote: Monday 29 January 2024 8:28 It is a generic KWH, BWBoot adjusted it for himself
Reason I made the experimental change is, that the heat pump only provides the kWh usage, not the W from which the kWh can be calculated.
In the screenshot from Tuk90 it shows a usage of 3000 Watt which isn't the actual usage as you would see with a power meter.
I would expect it to simply display the kWh value.
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Re: Remeha eTwist

Post by bwbboot »

gizmocuz wrote: Monday 29 January 2024 8:53 Question, since you do not have Gas, is it possible to post here your json output?

Code: Select all

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Re: Remeha eTwist

Post by Tuk90 »

gizmocuz wrote: Monday 29 January 2024 8:53 Question, since you do not have Gas, is it possible to post here your json output?

Here is mine: (i masked the id's)

Code: Select all

  'appliances': [
      'applianceId': '1234',
      'applianceOnline': True,
      'applianceConnectionStatus': 'Connected',
      'applianceType': 'Boiler',
      'pairingStatus': 'Paired',
      'houseName': 'Home',
      'errorStatus': 'Running',
      'activeThermalMode': 'HeatingCH',
      'operatingMode': 'AutomaticHeating',
      'outdoorTemperature': None,
      'outdoorTemperatureSource': 'Unknown',
      'outdoorTemperatureInformation': {
        'outdoorTemperatureSource': 'Unknown',
        'internetOutdoorTemperature': None,
        'applianceOutdoorTemperature': None,
        'utilizeOutdoorTemperature': None,
        'internetOutdoorTemperatureExpected': False,
        'isDayTime': True,
        'weatherCode': 'normal cloudy',
        'cloudOutdoorTemperature': 5,
        'cloudOutdoorTemperatureStatus': 'Ok'
      'currentTimestamp': None,
      'holidaySchedule': {
        'startTime': '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z',
        'endTime': '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z',
        'active': False
      'autoFillingMode': 'Disabled',
      'autoFilling': {
        'mode': 'Disabled',
        'status': 'Standby'
      'waterPressure': 1.7,
      'waterPressureOK': True,
      'capabilityEnergyConsumption': True,
      'capabilityCooling': False,
      'capabilityPreHeat': True,
      'capabilityMultiSchedule': True,
      'capabilityPowerSettings': False,
      'capabilityOutdoorTemperature': False,
      'capabilityUtilizeOutdoorTemperature': False,
      'capabilityInternetOutdoorTemperatureExpected': False,
      'hasOverwrittenActivityNames': True,
      'gasCalorificValue': 8.7917,
      'isActive': True,
      'hotWaterZones': [
          'hotWaterZoneId': '1234',
          'applianceId': '1234',
          'name': 'DHW',
          'zoneType': 'DHW',
          'dhwZoneMode': 'Scheduling',
          'dhwStatus': 'Idle',
          'dhwType': 'Combi',
          'nextSwitchActivity': 'Reduced',
          'capabilityBoostMode': False,
          'dhwTemperature': 52.1,
          'targetSetpoint': 60.0,
          'reducedSetpoint': 15.0,
          'comfortSetPoint': 60.0,
          'setPointMin': 40.0,
          'setPointMax': 65.0,
          'setPointRanges': {
            'comfortSetpointMin': 40.0,
            'comfortSetpointMax': 65.0,
            'reducedSetpointMin': 10.0,
            'reducedSetpointMax': 60.0
          'boostDuration': None,
          'boostModeEndTime': None,
          'nextSwitchTime': '2024-01-29T21:00:00Z',
          'activeDwhTimeProgramNumber': 1
      'climateZones': [
          'climateZoneId': '1234',
          'applianceId': '1234',
          'name': 'CIRCA ',
          'zoneIcon': 0,
          'zoneType': 'CH',
          'activeComfortDemand': 'ProducingHeat',
          'zoneMode': 'Scheduling',
          'controlStrategy': 'RoomTemperatureOnly',
          'firePlaceModeActive': False,
          'capabilityFirePlaceMode': True,
          'roomTemperature': 21.0,
          'setPoint': 21.0,
          'nextSetpoint': 16.0,
          'nextSwitchTime': '2024-01-29T17:00:00Z',
          'setPointMin': 5.0,
          'setPointMax': 30.0,
          'currentScheduleSetPoint': 21.0,
          'activeHeatingClimateTimeProgramNumber': 1,
          'capabilityCooling': False,
          'capabilityTemporaryOverrideEndTime': True,
          'preHeat': {
            'enabled': True,
            'active': False
          'temporaryOverride': {
            'endTime': '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z'
Could you maybe add the 'gasCalorificValue' as custom sensor?

It is the amount of energy you can get from 1 m3 gas... would be interested to see if this is fluctuating....

'waterPressureOK' could also be interesting as a switch (on=ok, off = not ok), we could set a alarm/action on this

Maybe you can use some of the 'capability' fields to determine if certain values are available
The type is easily discovered via applianceType. I have 'Heatpump' and you have boiler so that value can be used. But first I want to have this calculation done. I do not have a lot of time so I want to get things done before I do something new.

Maybe you can add an issue on github for eacht feature that you want so I have a to do list?
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Re: Remeha eTwist

Post by Tuk90 »

bwbboot wrote: Monday 29 January 2024 9:23
Tuk90 wrote: Monday 29 January 2024 8:28 It is a generic KWH, BWBoot adjusted it for himself
Reason I made the experimental change is, that the heat pump only provides the kWh usage, not the W from which the kWh can be calculated.
In the screenshot from Tuk90 it shows a usage of 3000 Watt which isn't the actual usage as you would see with a power meter.
I would expect it to simply display the kWh value.
I merged it to main, sometimes there are difference between the total calculation and the usage of today, but that is because of the update interval of the API.
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Re: Remeha eTwist

Post by Tuk90 »

gizmocuz wrote: Monday 29 January 2024 8:53 Question, since you do not have Gas, is it possible to post here your json output?

Here is mine: (i masked the id's)

Code: Select all

  'appliances': [
      'applianceId': '1234',
      'applianceOnline': True,
      'applianceConnectionStatus': 'Connected',
      'applianceType': 'Boiler',
      'pairingStatus': 'Paired',
      'houseName': 'Home',
      'errorStatus': 'Running',
      'activeThermalMode': 'HeatingCH',
      'operatingMode': 'AutomaticHeating',
      'outdoorTemperature': None,
      'outdoorTemperatureSource': 'Unknown',
      'outdoorTemperatureInformation': {
        'outdoorTemperatureSource': 'Unknown',
        'internetOutdoorTemperature': None,
        'applianceOutdoorTemperature': None,
        'utilizeOutdoorTemperature': None,
        'internetOutdoorTemperatureExpected': False,
        'isDayTime': True,
        'weatherCode': 'normal cloudy',
        'cloudOutdoorTemperature': 5,
        'cloudOutdoorTemperatureStatus': 'Ok'
      'currentTimestamp': None,
      'holidaySchedule': {
        'startTime': '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z',
        'endTime': '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z',
        'active': False
      'autoFillingMode': 'Disabled',
      'autoFilling': {
        'mode': 'Disabled',
        'status': 'Standby'
      'waterPressure': 1.7,
      'waterPressureOK': True,
      'capabilityEnergyConsumption': True,
      'capabilityCooling': False,
      'capabilityPreHeat': True,
      'capabilityMultiSchedule': True,
      'capabilityPowerSettings': False,
      'capabilityOutdoorTemperature': False,
      'capabilityUtilizeOutdoorTemperature': False,
      'capabilityInternetOutdoorTemperatureExpected': False,
      'hasOverwrittenActivityNames': True,
      'gasCalorificValue': 8.7917,
      'isActive': True,
      'hotWaterZones': [
          'hotWaterZoneId': '1234',
          'applianceId': '1234',
          'name': 'DHW',
          'zoneType': 'DHW',
          'dhwZoneMode': 'Scheduling',
          'dhwStatus': 'Idle',
          'dhwType': 'Combi',
          'nextSwitchActivity': 'Reduced',
          'capabilityBoostMode': False,
          'dhwTemperature': 52.1,
          'targetSetpoint': 60.0,
          'reducedSetpoint': 15.0,
          'comfortSetPoint': 60.0,
          'setPointMin': 40.0,
          'setPointMax': 65.0,
          'setPointRanges': {
            'comfortSetpointMin': 40.0,
            'comfortSetpointMax': 65.0,
            'reducedSetpointMin': 10.0,
            'reducedSetpointMax': 60.0
          'boostDuration': None,
          'boostModeEndTime': None,
          'nextSwitchTime': '2024-01-29T21:00:00Z',
          'activeDwhTimeProgramNumber': 1
      'climateZones': [
          'climateZoneId': '1234',
          'applianceId': '1234',
          'name': 'CIRCA ',
          'zoneIcon': 0,
          'zoneType': 'CH',
          'activeComfortDemand': 'ProducingHeat',
          'zoneMode': 'Scheduling',
          'controlStrategy': 'RoomTemperatureOnly',
          'firePlaceModeActive': False,
          'capabilityFirePlaceMode': True,
          'roomTemperature': 21.0,
          'setPoint': 21.0,
          'nextSetpoint': 16.0,
          'nextSwitchTime': '2024-01-29T17:00:00Z',
          'setPointMin': 5.0,
          'setPointMax': 30.0,
          'currentScheduleSetPoint': 21.0,
          'activeHeatingClimateTimeProgramNumber': 1,
          'capabilityCooling': False,
          'capabilityTemporaryOverrideEndTime': True,
          'preHeat': {
            'enabled': True,
            'active': False
          'temporaryOverride': {
            'endTime': '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z'
Could you maybe add the 'gasCalorificValue' as custom sensor?

It is the amount of energy you can get from 1 m3 gas... would be interested to see if this is fluctuating....

'waterPressureOK' could also be interesting as a switch (on=ok, off = not ok), we could set a alarm/action on this

Maybe you can use some of the 'capability' fields to determine if certain values are available
I added the gascalorificvalue, it is in the main branch. The waterPressureOK value will follow
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Re: Remeha eTwist

Post by Tuk90 »

Tuk90 wrote: Saturday 03 February 2024 15:56
gizmocuz wrote: Monday 29 January 2024 8:53 Question, since you do not have Gas, is it possible to post here your json output?

Here is mine: (i masked the id's)

Code: Select all

  'appliances': [
      'applianceId': '1234',
      'applianceOnline': True,
      'applianceConnectionStatus': 'Connected',
      'applianceType': 'Boiler',
      'pairingStatus': 'Paired',
      'houseName': 'Home',
      'errorStatus': 'Running',
      'activeThermalMode': 'HeatingCH',
      'operatingMode': 'AutomaticHeating',
      'outdoorTemperature': None,
      'outdoorTemperatureSource': 'Unknown',
      'outdoorTemperatureInformation': {
        'outdoorTemperatureSource': 'Unknown',
        'internetOutdoorTemperature': None,
        'applianceOutdoorTemperature': None,
        'utilizeOutdoorTemperature': None,
        'internetOutdoorTemperatureExpected': False,
        'isDayTime': True,
        'weatherCode': 'normal cloudy',
        'cloudOutdoorTemperature': 5,
        'cloudOutdoorTemperatureStatus': 'Ok'
      'currentTimestamp': None,
      'holidaySchedule': {
        'startTime': '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z',
        'endTime': '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z',
        'active': False
      'autoFillingMode': 'Disabled',
      'autoFilling': {
        'mode': 'Disabled',
        'status': 'Standby'
      'waterPressure': 1.7,
      'waterPressureOK': True,
      'capabilityEnergyConsumption': True,
      'capabilityCooling': False,
      'capabilityPreHeat': True,
      'capabilityMultiSchedule': True,
      'capabilityPowerSettings': False,
      'capabilityOutdoorTemperature': False,
      'capabilityUtilizeOutdoorTemperature': False,
      'capabilityInternetOutdoorTemperatureExpected': False,
      'hasOverwrittenActivityNames': True,
      'gasCalorificValue': 8.7917,
      'isActive': True,
      'hotWaterZones': [
          'hotWaterZoneId': '1234',
          'applianceId': '1234',
          'name': 'DHW',
          'zoneType': 'DHW',
          'dhwZoneMode': 'Scheduling',
          'dhwStatus': 'Idle',
          'dhwType': 'Combi',
          'nextSwitchActivity': 'Reduced',
          'capabilityBoostMode': False,
          'dhwTemperature': 52.1,
          'targetSetpoint': 60.0,
          'reducedSetpoint': 15.0,
          'comfortSetPoint': 60.0,
          'setPointMin': 40.0,
          'setPointMax': 65.0,
          'setPointRanges': {
            'comfortSetpointMin': 40.0,
            'comfortSetpointMax': 65.0,
            'reducedSetpointMin': 10.0,
            'reducedSetpointMax': 60.0
          'boostDuration': None,
          'boostModeEndTime': None,
          'nextSwitchTime': '2024-01-29T21:00:00Z',
          'activeDwhTimeProgramNumber': 1
      'climateZones': [
          'climateZoneId': '1234',
          'applianceId': '1234',
          'name': 'CIRCA ',
          'zoneIcon': 0,
          'zoneType': 'CH',
          'activeComfortDemand': 'ProducingHeat',
          'zoneMode': 'Scheduling',
          'controlStrategy': 'RoomTemperatureOnly',
          'firePlaceModeActive': False,
          'capabilityFirePlaceMode': True,
          'roomTemperature': 21.0,
          'setPoint': 21.0,
          'nextSetpoint': 16.0,
          'nextSwitchTime': '2024-01-29T17:00:00Z',
          'setPointMin': 5.0,
          'setPointMax': 30.0,
          'currentScheduleSetPoint': 21.0,
          'activeHeatingClimateTimeProgramNumber': 1,
          'capabilityCooling': False,
          'capabilityTemporaryOverrideEndTime': True,
          'preHeat': {
            'enabled': True,
            'active': False
          'temporaryOverride': {
            'endTime': '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z'
Could you maybe add the 'gasCalorificValue' as custom sensor?

It is the amount of energy you can get from 1 m3 gas... would be interested to see if this is fluctuating....

'waterPressureOK' could also be interesting as a switch (on=ok, off = not ok), we could set a alarm/action on this

Maybe you can use some of the 'capability' fields to determine if certain values are available
I added the gascalorificvalue, it is in the main branch. The waterPressureOK value will follow
I also added the water pressure 'alarm' device
Posts: 18
Joined: Monday 20 April 2015 21:53
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: 2020.2

Re: Remeha eTwist

Post by hendrikenrenny »


Great this plugin! I have been waiting for it since a long time.

Would it be possible in the next update to include the entry and back flow temperature (aanvoer en retour) of the heating? Those temperatures could help to optimize the heating.


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