Milight dimming issue

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Milight dimming issue

Post by ygmail »

I just started to use Domoticz on a Raspberrypi with a RFLink attached to it. I am succesfully using this combination for a few 433mhz devices, so I started to experiment with Milight. I bought 3 bulbs al off the typ RGBW (and 3 WW/CW on their way). I can succesfully pair theses Milight RGBW bulbs within Domoticz using the RFLink.

Now, I can turn on/off these bulbs, I can change color (altough with an offset??? :?: ) and I can partially dim. This is a strange thing. If I for example have a bulb using the color white which is on 100% brightness (I guess by looking at it), I can dim this lamp successfully to for example 50% (using the slider in Domoticz). If I put the slider back to 100%, nothing happens? If I move the slider to let's say 10%, it dims... By going to 80%, it gets brighter, going to 100%, nothing change again. Only after some playing back and forth it seems to get at 100%. So, going down: always works. Going up: mostly doesn't work. What's going wrong here?

I am using the latest Domoticz stable version (v3.5877) and RFlink v45 (also used v44, but had the same issue). I don't have the Milight Wifi bridge, nor a Milight remote (although this one is on their way). My brother has the same set-up, same issue... Anyone else also experiencing this?
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Re: Milight dimming issue

Post by sincze »

I think I know what you are experiencing as I can reproduce the slider issue.
What happens if you just click the slider bar at 100,75,50,25 percent??
If I use it that way with rflink r45 I have a dimmable feature.

If I use the original milght the slider works flawless.
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Re: Milight dimming issue

Post by ygmail »

If I change the slider from 100% to 75%, 50% & 25% percent it works perfectly. If I change the slider from 25% to 50% and then to 75%, it works perfect as well, but then to 100%, nothing happens. If I create 2 scenes. One where the lamp goes to 25% and one where the lamp goes to 75%, it works every time. But then when I change the scene with 75% to 100%. Going to 25% works still perfect, but if I activate the scene going to 100%, nothing happens... the lamp still stays at 25%... Getting the lamp to 100% is by just trying pushing the slider up (not necessary till 100%) and down till it gets bright, but I am not sure if that is really 100%....

Since you don't experience this issue with the orignal milight bridge, maybe a bug in RFLink?
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Re: Milight dimming issue

Post by sincze »

Ok let me check exactly what you did. On my setup. Can you also activate debug mode if you use Google Chrome? You can actually see the json command that are pushed to domoticz. Store these in notepad and use them one at a time in a separate browser (I believe the field we are interested in is brightness) . Now that should say 100/75/50/25. If the URls are not doing their thing correctly something could indeed be wrong with rflink firmware and we should look at the debug log of that device as well.
Other thing I noticed I use both rfxcom and rflink for coverage reasons. So some devices are noticed by rfxcom and rflink.
if I use rfxcom with coco dimmable light.. The device reads 40% on rfxcom device and 7% rflink in domoticz. The sliders are never in sync even if I start at 100%. However light production is the same that is what currently counts for me.

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Re: Milight dimming issue

Post by ygmail »

Ok, so I did the test you suggested.

First I did the following link to dim to 25%: json.htm?type=command&param=switchlight&idx=5&switchcmd=Set%20Level&level=25
This resulted in an actually dimming lamp and the following lines in the Domoticz log:

Code: Select all

User: Admin initiated a switch command (5/Lamp Rechts TV/Set Level)
RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;f746;01;003d;ON
RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;f746;01;003d;BRIGHT
(RFLink) Lighting Limitless/Applamp (Lamp Rechts TV)
Then I did the following link to dim to 50%: json.htm?type=command&param=switchlight&idx=5&switchcmd=Set%20Level&level=50
This resulted in an actually dimming lamp to 50% and the following lines in the Domoticz log:

Code: Select all

User: Admin initiated a switch command (5/Lamp Rechts TV/Set Level)
RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;f746;01;007c;ON
RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;f746;01;007c;BRIGHT
(RFLink) Lighting Limitless/Applamp (Lamp Rechts TV)
Then I did the following link to dim to 75%: json.htm?type=command&param=switchlight&idx=5&switchcmd=Set%20Level&level=75
This resulted in an actually dimming lamp to 75% and the following lines in the Domoticz log:

Code: Select all

User: Admin initiated a switch command (5/Lamp Rechts TV/Set Level)
RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;f746;01;00bc;ON
RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;f746;01;00bc;BRIGHT
(RFLink) Lighting Limitless/Applamp (Lamp Rechts TV)
Then I did the following link to dim to 100%: json.htm?type=command&param=switchlight&idx=5&switchcmd=Set%20Level&level=100
This resulted in nothing (no change in brightness at all ) and the following lines in the Domoticz log:

Code: Select all

User: Admin initiated a switch command (5/Lamp Rechts TV/Set Level)
RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;f746;01;00fc;ON
RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;f746;01;00fc;BRIGHT
(RFLink) Lighting Limitless/Applamp (Lamp Rechts TV)
I did a few extra tests, the results are a little surprisingly. For example: 92%-95% does work! 96%-100% doesn't do anything. 89%-91% doesn't do anything. Everything below 88% seems to work (didn't test all values)... No idea why this is going wrong...

So, I created a scene where this same lamp wil be set to 95% brightness, but then, it doesn't work... This is what the domoticz log says:

Code: Select all

User: Admin initiated a scene/group command
Activating Scene/Group: [Test milight aan]
Activating Scene/Group Device: Lamp Rechts TV (On)
RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;f746;01;0000;ON
RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;f746;01;0000;ALLON
RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;f746;01;00f2;ON
RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;f746;01;00f2;BRIGHT
(RFLink) Lighting Limitless/Applamp (Lamp Rechts TV)
So, I did the url test again with 95% brightness (json.htm?type=command&param=switchlight&idx=5&switchcmd=Set%20Level&level=95), it worked! That's strange... However, the log looks completly different :?

Code: Select all

User: Admin initiated a switch command (5/Lamp Rechts TV/Set Level)
RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;f746;01;00ef;ON
RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;f746;01;00ef;BRIGHT
(RFLink) Lighting Limitless/Applamp (Lamp Rechts TV)
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Re: Milight dimming issue

Post by sincze »

Tnx I did the same. in hex we are 2 characters out of sync for whatever reason.

I used a different url however similar results as yours via rflink. ... htness=100[/b]&iswhite=true

Brightness 100

Code: Select all

2016-12-28 21:19:03.112 RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;cb1a;04;0000;ON
2016-12-28 21:19:03.522 RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;cb1a;04;0000;ALLON
2016-12-28 21:19:04.629 RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;cb1a;04;00ff;ON
2016-12-28 21:19:05.523 RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;cb1a;04;00ff;BRIGHT
Brightness 75

Code: Select all

2016-12-28 21:16:17.626 RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;cb1a;04;0000;ON
2016-12-28 21:16:18.470 RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;cb1a;04;0000;ALLON
2016-12-28 21:16:19.576 RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;cb1a;04;00bf;ON
2016-12-28 21:16:20.474 RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;cb1a;04;00bf;BRIGHT
Brightness 50

Code: Select all

2016-12-28 21:17:48.754 RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;cb1a;04;0000;ON
2016-12-28 21:17:49.501 RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;cb1a;04;0000;ALLON
2016-12-28 21:17:50.608 RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;cb1a;04;007f;ON
2016-12-28 21:17:51.503 RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;cb1a;04;007f;BRIGHT
Brightness 25

Code: Select all

2016-12-28 21:18:26.119 RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;cb1a;04;0000;ON
2016-12-28 21:18:26.512 RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;cb1a;04;0000;ALLON
2016-12-28 21:18:27.619 RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;cb1a;04;003f;ON
2016-12-28 21:18:28.513 RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;cb1a;04;003f;BRIGHT
If I issue the same command to the milight wifi controller dimming just works flawless. ... white=true

I think we should ask @stuntteam for advice and maybe send him some sort of debug log
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Re: Milight dimming issue

Post by bizziebis »

I noticed this a long time ago. Same goes for 1% untill 12%. There is some kind of offset it appears. You can only use 13% to 88%
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Re: RE: Re: Milight dimming issue

Post by sincze »

bizziebis wrote:I noticed this a long time ago. Same goes for 1% untill 12%. There is some kind of offset it appears. You can only use 13% to 88%
I did also see some offset in the command executed (see earlier posts). Just for fun I typed '255'.. That boosted level of brightness to the same as the milight gateway would do at 100%. Strange strange

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Re: Milight dimming issue

Post by kondrez »

I've experienced the same problem is there any fix went back a couple of versions but they all have this. the milight bridge works perfect so it should be doable right? too bad only 4 zones.
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Re: Milight dimming issue

Post by D3LTA »

i have the same issue. on milight normal and rgb dimmer same result
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Re: Milight dimming issue

Post by Nautilus »

Has anyone experienced this with the new version of RGBW GU10 spots (seems it is the same with RGB+CCT GU10 spots):

1. Off works usually ok
2. To get the light on, I need to first press "On", then give a brightness command and after this "On" finally works.

This is what I see in the log:

Code: Select all

2017-02-15 10:10:57.069 User: Admin initiated a switch command (420/MiLightv1 test/On)
2017-02-15 10:10:57.071 RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;a937;04;0000;ON
2017-02-15 10:10:57.242 (RFLink) Lighting Limitless/Applamp (MiLightv1 test)

2017-02-15 10:11:20.536 User: Admin initiated a switch command (420/MiLightv1 test/Set Level)
2017-02-15 10:11:20.537 RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;a937;04;00c1;ON
2017-02-15 10:11:20.698 RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;a937;04;00c1;BRIGHT
2017-02-15 10:11:20.854 (RFLink) Lighting Limitless/Applamp (MiLightv1 test)

2017-02-15 10:11:30.485 User: Admin initiated a switch command (420/MiLightv1 test/On)
2017-02-15 10:11:30.486 RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;a937;04;0000;ON
2017-02-15 10:11:30.685 (RFLink) Lighting Limitless/Applamp (MiLightv1 test)

2017-02-15 10:12:03.070 User: Admin initiated a switch command (420/MiLightv1 test/Off)
2017-02-15 10:12:03.072 RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;a937;04;0000;OFF
2017-02-15 10:12:03.239 (RFLink) Lighting Limitless/Applamp (MiLightv1 test)
First command is the basic "On", nothing happens. Second is setting brightness, nothing happens. Third is the basic On again, lights turn on! :) Fourth is basic "Off", lights turn off. I seem to be able to reproduce this (quite) consistently. When I get the light on, it also responds to setting brightness level. I am not seeing the same effect (except that dimming range is limited as mentioned by others here as well) with the old RGBW bulbs. Note, new RGBW and RGB+CCT GU10 spots work perfectly with v5 wifi bridge and the old type of remote (Link) so I assume they should work with current RFLink firmware as well.

Also, the switch in Domoticz is very unresponsive, maybe it is waiting feedback from RFLink? The switches created based on Milight wifi bridge do not suffer from this issue. Is this something specific for my setup or are others seeing this too?

Edit: Domoticz v. 3.6692 and RFLink R45
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Re: RE: Re: Milight dimming issue

Post by sincze »

Nautilus wrote:Has anyone experienced this with the new version of RGBW GU10 spots (seems it is the same with RGB+CCT GU10 spots):

1. Off works usually ok
2. To get the light on, I need to first press "On", then give a brightness command and after this "On" finally works.

This is what I see in the log:

Code: Select all

2017-02-15 10:10:57.069 User: Admin initiated a switch command (420/MiLightv1 test/On)
2017-02-15 10:10:57.071 RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;a937;04;0000;ON
2017-02-15 10:10:57.242 (RFLink) Lighting Limitless/Applamp (MiLightv1 test)

2017-02-15 10:11:20.536 User: Admin initiated a switch command (420/MiLightv1 test/Set Level)
2017-02-15 10:11:20.537 RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;a937;04;00c1;ON
2017-02-15 10:11:20.698 RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;a937;04;00c1;BRIGHT
2017-02-15 10:11:20.854 (RFLink) Lighting Limitless/Applamp (MiLightv1 test)

2017-02-15 10:11:30.485 User: Admin initiated a switch command (420/MiLightv1 test/On)
2017-02-15 10:11:30.486 RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;a937;04;0000;ON
2017-02-15 10:11:30.685 (RFLink) Lighting Limitless/Applamp (MiLightv1 test)

2017-02-15 10:12:03.070 User: Admin initiated a switch command (420/MiLightv1 test/Off)
2017-02-15 10:12:03.072 RFLink Sending: 10;MiLightv1;a937;04;0000;OFF
2017-02-15 10:12:03.239 (RFLink) Lighting Limitless/Applamp (MiLightv1 test)
First command is the basic "On", nothing happens. Second is setting brightness, nothing happens. Third is the basic On again, lights turn on! :) Fourth is basic "Off", lights turn off. I seem to be able to reproduce this (quite) consistently. When I get the light on, it also responds to setting brightness level. I am not seeing the same effect (except that dimming range is limited as mentioned by others here as well) with the old RGBW bulbs. Note, new RGBW and RGB+CCT GU10 spots work perfectly with v5 wifi bridge and the old type of remote (Link) so I assume they should work with current RFLink firmware as well.

Also, the switch in Domoticz is very unresponsive, maybe it is waiting feedback from RFLink? The switches created based on Milight wifi bridge do not suffer from this issue. Is this something specific for my setup or are others seeing this too?

Edit: Domoticz v. 3.6692 and RFLink R45
Hey interesting. I have seen similar behaviour. Don't know exactly if it is the same issue. What i had to do to have it fixed for some reason was.

Go to hardware.. Set domoticz wifi controller to rgbw(w)
Pressed the buttons of the milight app and all my lights were added again. The newly created lights worked again flawless.

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Re: RE: Re: Milight dimming issue

Post by Nautilus »

Sinzce, your post it really confusing :D I would understand reference to Milight wifi controller (well, actually bridge would make more sense as you cannot add the controller as such, but that could be concluded from the context :)) or RFLink transceiver but I'm not sure what you mean with this "Domoticz wifi controller":
sincze wrote: Go to hardware.. Set domoticz wifi controller to rgbw(w)
Pressed the buttons of the milight app and all my lights were added again. The newly created lights worked again flawless.
In any case, somehow you are able to re-create the devices via the milight v3 app to Domoticz? Still, I do not see how you can set anything in to RGB(W) with RFLink which this issue is about.

My Milight bridges are working well, so maybe just need to wait for the v7 bridge with unlimited groups support. Downside is, it could be again a year untill we see it...:)
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Re: RE: Re: Milight dimming issue

Post by sincze »

Nautilus wrote:Sinzce, your post it really confusing :D I would understand reference to Milight wifi controller (well, actually bridge would make more sense as you cannot add the controller as such, but that could be concluded from the context :)) or RFLink transceiver but I'm not sure what you mean with this "Domoticz wifi controller":
sincze wrote: Go to hardware.. Set domoticz wifi controller to rgbw(w)
Pressed the buttons of the milight app and all my lights were added again. The newly created lights worked again flawless.
In any case, somehow you are able to re-create the devices via the milight v3 app to Domoticz? Still, I do not see how you can set anything in to RGB(W) with RFLink which this issue is about.

My Milight bridges are working well, so maybe just need to wait for the v7 bridge with unlimited groups support. Downside is, it could be again a year untill we see it...:)
Haha my apologies. :lol:
I was still in bed when answering and not quite awake. :shock:
ANyhow. I Always use a Mi-Light WIFI Bridge indeed for setup of Mi-Light Bulbs / Strips -> this will create the devices in domoticz Hardware type Mi-Light ;-)
(as described above I had setup the Wifi Bridge indeed again as the lights were not turning on/off the usual way. They did work in the way you described)

If I enable "allow new hardware 5 minutes" the RF-Link with latest firmware v45 will create the appropriate devices type RF-Link.
So I have devices double. Lights in Hardware Type Milight RGBWW and the other in Hardware Type RF-Link :D

At the moment everything is working again as expected. It suddenly happened after an update when and I'm not sure quite around the time Mi-Light Wifi Bridge V6 was introduces in Domoticz. But again I did not look at the source code to be sure this was the root cause. I'll double check for you tonight to confirm all Hardware Type RFLINK Milight bulps are working normally as well. Hope this helps and is more clear to read.
RFLINK Milight Dimming issue is still a problem. That I do know :roll: However the Stuntteam are really doing their best to solve all issues and add new hardware. So +1 for Stuntteam.
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Re: Milight dimming issue

Post by Nautilus »

Ok, makes more sense now :) I am controlling a few old GU10 RGBW bulbs with RFLInk without problems (which are also controlled via Milight v5 bridge). Ok, well the dimming range is an issue, but it's known and hopefully fixed in the next firmware.

The biggest issues I've had with some new GU10 RGBW and RGB+CCT (=RGBWW) bulbs for which I did not have enough groups in the bridge (nor a remote) and created the RFLink switch manually according to instructions at Nemcon site. They work in the way I described above. I had a spare iBox1 bridge that I setup now and so I'm once again able to control them with Domoticz (did not try again with RFLink after this).

By request of Stuntteam I sent him some debug logs (a few times I might add) and tried to contact with direct message here, but no responses since beginning of January so yes I believe he is putting all the efforts to developing and solving the issue with RFLink firmware :)
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Re: Milight dimming issue

Post by stingone »

Nautilus wrote: Wednesday 01 March 2017 10:03 Ok, makes more sense now :) I am controlling a few old GU10 RGBW bulbs with RFLInk without problems (which are also controlled via Milight v5 bridge). Ok, well the dimming range is an issue, but it's known and hopefully fixed in the next firmware.

The biggest issues I've had with some new GU10 RGBW and RGB+CCT (=RGBWW) bulbs for which I did not have enough groups in the bridge (nor a remote) and created the RFLink switch manually according to instructions at Nemcon site. They work in the way I described above. I had a spare iBox1 bridge that I setup now and so I'm once again able to control them with Domoticz (did not try again with RFLink after this).

By request of Stuntteam I sent him some debug logs (a few times I might add) and tried to contact with direct message here, but no responses since beginning of January so yes I believe he is putting all the efforts to developing and solving the issue with RFLink firmware :)
Where you ever able to get the IBox1 working on domoticz?
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Re: Milight dimming issue

Post by rolandtwilt »

Has anyone had experience with Funck-Empfanger WS "Pilota Casa"?
I bought these from Amazon and they work with 433 Mhz.
However, I cannot get integrated into Domoticz using my RF link
You can always send it back, but I don't want to give up just like that ....
Anyone experience?

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