Popp radiator thermostat parameter

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Popp radiator thermostat parameter

Post by JuanUil »

Hi there,

I have two Popp radiator thermostats.
In the control panel Z-wave I see a parameter "Override Setback" which is 127.
Could anybody tell me what this parameter stand for?

Tnx in advance
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Re: Popp radiator thermostat parameter

Post by felix63 »


I have the same question as you. I have Danfoss LC13 thermostats which are the same or vary similar. Since upgrading Domoticz to the latest beta I get:

Code: Select all

2016-12-14 08:39:34.262 OpenZWave: Value_Added: Node: 10 (0x0a), CommandClass: CLIMATE CONTROL SCHEDULE, Label: Override State, Instance: 1
2016-12-14 08:39:34.265 OpenZWave: Value_Added: Node: 10 (0x0a), CommandClass: CLIMATE CONTROL SCHEDULE, Label: Override Setback, Instance: 1
So apparently Z-wave for these devices has a class CLIMATE CONTROL SCHEDULE which uses amongst others an 'Override Setback' and 'Override State'. It is intended to define some sort of time based scheduling for the thermostats which is not used or implemented as far as I can tell.

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Re: Popp radiator thermostat parameter

Post by ropske »

Anyone find out more on this?
Where does it stand for?

You also have override state
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