OpenWebNet developing..?

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Re: OpenWebNet developing..?

Post by spugna85 »

Hello fmal,

it should be a light point identified by Area = 0 PL = 10.
Try looking at the logs when connecting with the gateway or scanning your system, you should see the device.
In any case there could also be a bug, I don't know, I don't have any unexpected devices in my system.
If you want you can post the scan and let's check ..
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Re: OpenWebNet developing..?

Post by fmal »

I have nothing in my configuration with Area 0.
Lights are managed by 5 x F411/4 so configured:
zone 1 PL1-4
zone 1 PL 5-7 (1 actuator is free)
zone 2 PL 1 (3 actuators are free)
zone 4 PL1-4 (still not used ino domoticz)
zone 4 PL 5-8 (still not used in domoticz)

zone 3 is devoted to shutters managed by local actuators LN4672/M2

Where do you read that ID 1000A is A=0 and PL=10?
My first known ID is 1000B and its address is A=1 PL=1

In domoticz logs I have not any referee to Zone. It calls Rooms:

NORMAL FRAME - who=Lighting - what=Turn off - where=room 0, point of light 5
NORMAL FRAME - who=Lighting - what=Turn off - where=room 1, point of light 3
but room 0 does not tell me anything

the only reference to PL 10 is this:
NORMAL FRAME - who=Lighting - what=Turn off - where=all rooms, point of light 10
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Re: OpenWebNet developing..?

Post by spugna85 »


these are the rules implemented for decoding the 'where' field:

• A = 00; PL [01 − 15]
• A [1 − 9]; PL [1 − 9]
• A = 10; PL [01 − 15];
• A [01 − 09]; PL [10 − 15]

In the log there are some packages to analyze:
received=*1*0*01## : NORMAL FRAME - who=Lighting - what=Turn off - where=room 0, point of light 1
received=*1*0*02## : NORMAL FRAME - who=Lighting - what=Turn off - where=room 0, point of light 2
received=*1*0*03## : NORMAL FRAME - who=Lighting - what=Turn off - where=room 0, point of light 3
received=*1*0*04## : NORMAL FRAME - who=Lighting - what=Turn off - where=room 0, point of light 4

received=*1*0*0010## : NORMAL FRAME - who=Lighting - what=Turn off - where=all rooms, point of light 10
received=*1*0*0011## : NORMAL FRAME - who=Lighting - what=Turn off - where=all rooms, point of light 11

The last 2 packets can be decoded as:
A=00 and PL=10
A=00 and PL=11
I think the description 'where = all rooms' is just an error, but you actually have 2 devices in your system.

The first 4 packets do not match with the implemented decoding rules.
I checked the specification and noticed that the 'where' field can also be an interface.
To handle this, you would need to implement the rule from the specification:

Interface = I3I4:
• I3 = 0; I4 [1 − 9]
• I3 = 1; I4 [1 − 5]

Right now I think this is not being managed.

In summary:
- you have 2 devices on area 00 (0010 and 0011)
- the description of 'where' is wrong when there are devices with area 00 or with packets towards the interfaces. it's a minor bug.
- interfaces are not managed or are not managed correctly (they were introduced in the code but never tested)

Hope this will help you.
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Re: OpenWebNet developing..?

Post by fmal »

I see clearly, now it's more affordable. I did not know the ordering rules for assigning the IDs.
I do not have a zone 00 but I have two F422 interfaces to alarm and to video intercom. Maybe that's the origin of 0010 and 0011.
Thank you!
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Re: OpenWebNet developing..?

Post by jumposr »

spugna85 wrote: Monday 19 October 2020 0:31 @jumposr

The latest fix (area 0 management) introduced this bug.
I created a pull request that fixes this problem:

Please try again when this is approved and let me know.
Thank you very much spugna85, now it's work!
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Re: OpenWebNet developing..?

Post by dino »

Hi @spugna85 / everyone :-)
I have installed domoticz on an opnSense (based on FreeBSD OS) and it works well; I need help to configure domoticz to set properly the target temperature in a Central Bticino temperature control system with 99 zones (bticino 3550), all the sensors are working properly.

Some helpful link: ... or-myhome/

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Re: OpenWebNet developing..?

Post by spugna85 »

Hi Dino,
the devices for the temperature setpoint are automatically added to domoticz.

You have to try to manually change the temperature setpoint, for example for zone 1.
You can do this from F454 or from the touch panel, perhaps even directly from the sensor.

Then go to "setup-> devices" and you will notice that a 'thermostat' type device named 'TEMPERATURE 1 Setpoint' appears in the list.
The same thing for each zone in your system.
Once set as 'in use', the device will appear in the Utility tab and can be used.

Hope this helps ;)
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Re: OpenWebNet developing..?

Post by dino »

Oh thank you!
It was really easy... :) I'll try this evening

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Re: OpenWebNet developing..?

Post by dino »

Today I have checked and it works very well, only one issue, when the thermostat is read I can not see the position of the local offset selector :( There is a way to know the positions of the selector?
Schermata a 2021-04-18 23-03-41.png
Schermata a 2021-04-18 23-03-41.png (112.12 KiB) Viewed 1811 times
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Re: OpenWebNet developing..?

Post by spugna85 »

dino wrote: Sunday 18 April 2021 23:07 Today I have checked and it works very well, only one issue, when the thermostat is read I can not see the position of the local offset selector :( There is a way to know the positions of the selector?
Hi Dino,
you are right, there are 2 things that have never been added:
- probe status (heating, cooling etc.)
- selector positions (temperature offset, OFF etc.)

I did a quick check and didn't find a good way.
The only quick way is to add 2 more text type devices with the information mentioned above.

I try to make these changes, let's see if it's okay ..
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Re: OpenWebNet developing..?

Post by dino »

in these days I have tested and it works very well, if I can help in some way you to develop this feature ask me and I'll try.
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Re: OpenWebNet developing..?

Post by spugna85 »

I've already made the change, but I haven't pushed it yet because I don't like it very much and I was looking for a different solution.
Currently I have created a new "text" type device for each thermostat.
The text of this device contains the operating mode of the thermostat and the position of the selector (Example: +1, -2, OFF, etc ..)
A standard domoticz sensor is used for the thermostat and unfortunately I don't think I can easily add this information directly to the device.

If I don't have any other ideas I will push this change anyway ..
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Re: OpenWebNet developing..?

Post by spugna85 »

if you want to try it, you can find the change in my repo or in the latest beta version of Domoticz.
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Re: OpenWebNet developing..?

Post by fmal »

Ho can I force the refresh of Alarm status (Engaged/Disengaged) for a burglar alarm?
Somewhen domoticz fails to show the changing of the status, mostly when I disengage it. No way to refresh the page, until the whole domoticz is restarted, then it shows the new status.
I would like to make some kind of command to force domoticz to reread the status.
The device involved is this:
53 MyHomeTouch 20 1 Stato antifurto General Alert (0) DisEngaged
Thank you in advance
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Re: OpenWebNet developing..?

Post by spugna85 »

Hi fmal,
at the moment there is only one way to do what you ask.
You may configure the system scan every X seconds in the hardware configuration page.
However, I advise you not to put this scan too frequently because you could lose some "manual" command when it is performed.
This can especially happen in systems with many actuators.
The scan is the same as it is done at startup and includes BTicino systems, including the burglar alarm.
Hope this can help you.
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Re: OpenWebNet developing..?

Post by fmal »

I looked aroud for such rescan, but I could not find it. Which is the field?
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Re: OpenWebNet developing..?

Post by spugna85 »

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Re: OpenWebNet developing..?

Post by fmal »

TY! I'm trying to set it at 30 minutes ...
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Re: OpenWebNet developing..?

Post by draghip »

spugna85 wrote: Thursday 27 April 2017 21:25 F430 is used for thermoregulation.
F520, F521, F523 are used to monitor power consumption but are not yet supported.
related to this very old post, are there any news? Documentation?
I have a F521 module installed and I had no issues to get the energy measurement out of it,
but I cannot access the measurements from other F522 modules.
I can control the switch, but nothing related to energy measure or load control.

Many thanks
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Re: OpenWebNet developing..?

Post by spugna85 »

Hi draghip,

old post but I'm always here :).
Over time, the F521 module has been integrated and you can see it correctly.
The frame in the logs should look like this:

Code: Select all

Status: OpenWebNet: received=*#18*51*113*331## : MEASURE FRAME
the WHERE is 5N , where N in this example is 1.
5N indicates that the measurement comes from an Energy Management Central Unit, Pulse Counter, Power Meter.

You should find a similar frame in the logs, where the WHERE is 7N, can you confirm this?
the WHERE 7N should identify the measure that comes from Energy Management Actuators (F522).

Probably the WHERE 7N has never been implemented but I think it can be added.

I wait your feedback.
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