I have already a compiled domoticz running with several script in bdd :
* script getting power consumption from a custom board and writing to an "P1 Smart Meter/Energy"
* scripts thermostat who compute and set "virtual switch" in domoticz
* script that push "virtual switch" to real switch on custom boards
I have also USB RFlink in read only mode but read from 2 domoticz doesn't work (fisrt start get data)
Steps to have second (custom_charts) domoticz with data from the first and without break my current insatllation (disable script who write to real world)
* get and compil the custom_charts domoticz
* start the second domoticz with another www port
* stop the first domoticz
* import a backup from the first to the second
* on the second disable script who are sending order
* on the second disable RFlink device
* stop the second domoticz
* start my first domoticz
* start the second domoticz
Ok it's running but I have some problems
* First I disable RFLink (in hardware menu) :
** scripts make error when reading temperature, why ? hardware is disable but device are here !
** I can't add device from [RFLink] and I can't change type/position/color from an existing device
* When I reenable RFLink :
* the data are in the graph but my 2 test graphs are completely buggy
* I have deleted all the graphs and now adding new graph or editing graph is buggy (console javascript : Error: ctrl.activeChart is null)$
* After some retries it's work again
* For some device I have is the javascript console : "Unknown device with type=Lighting 1, subtype=X10" or "Unknown device with type=Light/Switch, subtype=Selector Switch"
After adding unknow type if I add a serie to the graph 2 it's add to the graph 1 (there is already 5 series in graph 2)
* Display graph 2 : json.htm?type=series&chart_idx=2
* Add a serie => wrong chart_idx (=1) : json.htm?type=command¶m=addserie&device_idx=207&graphtype=1&position=1&color=red&chart_idx=1
Even after delete unknow type this bug still occur
Questions :
* Is there a way to have my second domoticz reading RFLink device from database without try to catch the USB port ?
Thanks for your job, I'm new user of domoticz (2 month) and digging in the c++/database don't enjoy me but playing with js is ok !
Now I'm going to bed