Control enigma2/Dreambox
Posted: Wednesday 14 September 2016 20:09
Guys, any recommendation for controlling enigma2/Dreambox devices?
There is a web interface, where is possible to access nearly all important functions.
I want to control (if it is possible with feedback):
on/off state
Isn't there any script/switch/button available for other similar device, so I can modify the code and use with enigma2/Dreamboxes.
There is a web interface, where is possible to access nearly all important functions.
I want to control (if it is possible with feedback):
on/off state
Code: Select all
http://dreambox/web/powerstate? to check Powerstate
0 = Toogle Standby
Code: Select all
Volume Requests:
Get current Volume: http://dreambox/web/vol oder http://dreambox/web/vol?set=state
Set Volume to 23: http://dreambox/web/vol?set=set23
Increase Volume: http://dreambox/web/vol?set=up
Decrease Volume: http://dreambox/web/vol?set=down
Switch Mute: http://dreambox/web/vol?set=mute
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
result = True if command successful, False otherwise
resulttext = textbased description of what succeeded/went wrong
current = current Volume - Value between 0 and 100
ismuted = True if muted, False if not