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ESP8266 or Arduino Nano

Posted: Sunday 11 September 2016 15:32
by bloody2k

I'm hoping you might help me getting an answer for my question.

I'm quite new to this and just bought 2 Arduino Nano and some basic sensors for learning.
But now I'm reading about ESP8266 board, wich look like a good alternative thinking about the buildin WIFI .

My plan for the feature is some different sensors, mostly remote, and a couple of them needs to run on battery.

Wich board would be the best, and most realiable to start working with?


Re: ESP8266 or Arduino Nano

Posted: Wednesday 14 September 2016 16:39
by jumping
I use ESP8266 as mysensors gateway, so I can have an IP and WiFi-enabled gateway.
The mysensors node like temperature or gas sensors are arduino pro mini 3,3V + nrf24l01 with battery supply.
In mysensors web site you can find a lot of information and examples!

Re: ESP8266 or Arduino Nano

Posted: Friday 25 November 2016 21:58
by plantjes
Check out espeasy to use esp8266 with sensors and switches.. And forget the arduino for now…
