1-Wire, Z-wave or? Hardware to choose?

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1-Wire, Z-wave or? Hardware to choose?

Post by baekmark »

Hi all

I need help in choosing the correct hardware to various jobs. Right now I like to get some temperature measurement and that points to 1-Wire! Right?
At the same time I would like to use the Domoticz system to control my awning. Just a manual control to operate it out or in. Later on that might be turned to a more automatic control. What I need here is a relay to simulate the two buttons I have right now. What hardware does this point at? Is that still 1-Wire or?

Thanks for any help or suggestion

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Re: 1-Wire, Z-wave or? Hardware to choose?

Post by danoussh »

At first I was going to say, no. I don't know of any 1-wire relays.

But then I google it("1-wire relay") and found a few hardwares that support 1-wire communcation.

http://denkovi.com/1-wire-eight-channel ... automation
http://www.instructables.com/id/Home-au ... e-devices/

Are you trying to place the temp sensor on the same wire as the awning relay would be?

Never done this before though.
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Re: 1-Wire, Z-wave or? Hardware to choose?

Post by baekmark »

Hi Danoussh

the question was of a more general kind, not just 1-Wire.

As I'm new to this, I would like to use others experience in this field. Why am I listing 1-Wire first? I don't know, just the first I read about.

I found a 1-Wire relay here: http://denkovi.com/1-wire-eight-channel ... automation

I do remember that I have read some where on the internet that latency on a 1-Wire solution is not that good, and that might point to 1-Wire as a primary temperature network.

But what hardware would I choose if I would like to control my awning? I have a Danish made IHC from LK here in Denmark. It has a number of inputs 24V and a number of outputs that can be 24 or 230 volt. My intention was to have a parallel relay over the control buttons that I use to drive the awning out or in. No automatic is in place to operate the awning - EG. Sun, Wind or Rain.

Any suggestion or ideas?

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