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RS485 Thermostat

Posted: Tuesday 12 July 2016 2:38
by dbemowsk
I have an RCS TR40 serial thermostat that I would like to use with my HA setup. My first question is, what thermostats are currently compatible with Domoticz. Next, are any of these serial controlled thermostats? And my last question in this is, if there is not a plugin for my thermostat, what does it take to write a plugin. I used to use an old PC for my HA setup in which I was running Open Source Automation. I had written a plugin for that using visual basic, so if I could in any way port my code to Domoticz easily, I might give it a try.

I am contemplating making a node for MySensors that will bridge the MySensors protocol to the RS485 serial protocol from RCS, so if there is a way to set up a MySensors node as a thermostat device I would be open to that route also.