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Post by BertB »

I was experimenting with getting notifications from my RPI Domoticz server on my android phone, when I noticed that they also arrive on the Domotica app. Great, but ... it only seems to work when all notification options are checked, so I also get an email.
Is this intended?

Where can I find notification history?

Greets, Bert
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Re: Notification

Post by marcelk »


I'm trying to figure out how I can have Domoticz (I run it on a Windows system and a pi) send notifications to the Domoticz-Lite app (on Android) so I hope you at least explain how you got this to work?
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Re: Notification

Post by BertB »

I think you need the Pro Version to het notificaties. Did you enable the notificaties in the app by allowing it in the settings?
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Re: Notification

Post by marcelk »

I got it working but like you mentioned I also have to select every notification method in the switch-config. I did not configure the notification options in setting so I don't get them via email or pushbullet for example but only via the Domoticz Lite app.

It would be nice if there was an option to select the Domoticz App as Notification destination instead of all the other options.
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Re: Notification

Post by Andrex »

Marcelk would you like to share with us how you did it?
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Re: Notification

Post by dobber »

marcelk wrote:I got it working but like you mentioned I also have to select every notification method in the switch-config. I did not configure the notification options in setting so I don't get them via email or pushbullet for example but only via the Domoticz Lite app.

It would be nice if there was an option to select the Domoticz App as Notification destination instead of all the other options.
I'm having the same issue. All need to be selected for notifications to be sent to android app.
I tried every single option by itself, but no go.
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Re: Notification

Post by delfisastre »

I have the same problem! when all the notifications are ON. (email, pushbullet...) everythink works ok, but if i try all except email. The notifications are not send to my mobile.
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Re: Notification

Post by paralight »


i've got notifications problems too. Sometimes i get notifications on phone , sometimes not. very annoying.. all notifications are checked on domoticz. logs works fine , so it's not a captors issue.
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Re: Notification

Post by marmachine »

I have just set things up... haven't had time to check this out since notifymyandroid has disappeared, but my result is that i only have to check "GCM" as notification system, ofcourse i can also check others like email, but not required to receive push notifications in my app. You might want to check if you have the option activated in your app settings. By the way; i have the full (payed) Domoticz Android app (NOT Domoticz lite!) and currently running Domoticz version: 4.9962 on a Pi.
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