Sonoff/ESP8266 (Duco/Storkair etc) mechanical home ventilation control

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Sonoff/ESP8266 (Duco/Storkair etc) mechanical home ventilation control

Post by bbqkees »

A while ago I bought a Sonoff module and flashed it with ESpEasy firmware.

Now I use this module to set my Ducobox mechanical home ventilation system to 'High' whenever the light in the bathroom is on.

If you are going to follow the instructions below please be very careful because you will be working with exposed mains voltage.

The Ducobox can be controlled by (expensive) wireless Duco wall modules but also via a hardwired plug (via Perilex).


The Sonoff module has one relay which can turn on a mains voltage peripheral.

What you need to do is make sure the L3 terminal of Ducobox gets connected to the mains voltage line (L) when the relay switches on.
If the Ducobox detects 230V on L3, the fan will be set the High. (You could also connect it to L2, it will go to half power).


You need to connect the Sonoff exactly like the picture above. It is important that you do it this way, otherwise you will connect the N (neutral/blue) line to the Ducobox L3 when the relay is turned on, which will short circuit the box.
Also make sure the brown cable of the plug of the Ducobox is actually connected to L and not to N.

The Sonoff module is small enough to fit inside the Ducobox, and because it is powered by the mains voltage you don't need an additional power supply.

Now you setup a switch in Domoticz like the usual ESPEasy method.

And afterwards create a Blockly to turn it on when needed:

I use it via the bathroom light but you could also add a humidity sensor etc.
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Re: Sonoff/ESP8266 (Duco/Storkair etc) mechanical home ventilation control

Post by bbqkees »

The setup as described above will also work for f.i. Storkair/Buva ventilation units.
In fact it will work for every unit that has the tri-state input.

for the Storkair the connection is almost the same as for the Ducobox:

just connect the Sonoff to the grey wire pin on the top connector.
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Re: Sonoff/ESP8266 (Duco/Storkair etc) mechanical home ventilation control

Post by RayAmsterdam »

bbqkees wrote:The setup as described above will also work for f.i. Storkair/Buva ventilation units.
In fact it will work for every unit that has the tri-state input.

for the Storkair the connection is almost the same as for the Ducobox:

just connect the Sonoff to the grey wire pin on the top connector.
It is easier to use the 10V input. Simply add a CoCo (KaKu) ACM-LV10 dimmer and you will be able to control the unit continuously variable. See this thread.
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Re: Sonoff/ESP8266 (Duco/Storkair etc) mechanical home ventilation control

Post by mcwieger »

This looks like an interesting solution, as Duco have stepped away from z-wave and use their own closed RF system now.

@bbqkees: can you tell me which modifications have been done on the Sonoff module, apart from flashing the firmware? The link you included mentions soldering, which I would like to stay away that required?
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Re: Sonoff/ESP8266 (Duco/Storkair etc) mechanical home ventilation control

Post by bbqkees »

mcwieger wrote:This looks like an interesting solution, as Duco have stepped away from z-wave and use their own closed RF system now.

@bbqkees: can you tell me which modifications have been done on the Sonoff module, apart from flashing the firmware? The link you included mentions soldering, which I would like to stay away that required?
Well you need something to connect the 4 pins to the PCB for programming the board.
If you cannot solder it, you could use a few nails or bend paperclips to create the connection between the programmer and the PCB.
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Re: Sonoff/ESP8266 (Duco/Storkair etc) mechanical home ventilation control

Post by mcwieger »

Ah, ok. So no OTA programming of the module. That's too bad.

Looking at the picture, it should be possible to just add a z-wave module, right? L+N to the module and black to L3 of the Ducobox. Bigger investment, but less hassle.
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Re: Sonoff/ESP8266 (Duco/Storkair etc) mechanical home ventilation control

Post by bbqkees »

mcwieger wrote:Ah, ok. So no OTA programming of the module. That's too bad.

Looking at the picture, it should be possible to just add a z-wave module, right? L+N to the module and black to L3 of the Ducobox. Bigger investment, but less hassle.
There is more than enough room to add a Z-Wave module.
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Re: RE: Re: Sonoff/ESP8266 (Duco/Storkair etc) mechanical home ventilation control

Post by RayAmsterdam »

mcwieger wrote:Ah, ok. So no OTA programming of the module. That's too bad.

Looking at the picture, it should be possible to just add a z-wave module, right? L+N to the module and black to L3 of the Ducobox. Bigger investment, but less hassle.
Why not using a (z-wave) 0-10V dimmer module? You can set all speedlevels with such a dimmer module.
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Re: Sonoff/ESP8266 (Duco/Storkair etc) mechanical home ventilation control

Post by mcwieger »

Will that work? It's stated above that it requires 230V (meaning a regular dimmer would work).

I'm going to use a qubino switch (dual) and connect it to L3 and L2. That gives me two speeds, should be more than enough.

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Re: RE: Re: Sonoff/ESP8266 (Duco/Storkair etc) mechanical home ventilation control

Post by RayAmsterdam »

mcwieger wrote:Will that work? It's stated above that it requires 230V (meaning a regular dimmer would work).

I'm going to use a qubino switch (dual) and connect it to L3 and L2. That gives me two speeds, should be more than enough.

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You don't need 230V. Just use a dimmer with 12V input and 0-10V output
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Re: RE: Re: Sonoff/ESP8266 (Duco/Storkair etc) mechanical home ventilation control

Post by wmn79 »

RayAmsterdam wrote:
mcwieger wrote:Ah, ok. So no OTA programming of the module. That's too bad.

Looking at the picture, it should be possible to just add a z-wave module, right? L+N to the module and black to L3 of the Ducobox. Bigger investment, but less hassle.
Why not using a (z-wave) 0-10V dimmer module? You can set all speedlevels with such a dimmer module.
Maybe because of the pricing difference between the Sonoff (around €5) and the Z-Wave alternatives (around €55).
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Re: Sonoff/ESP8266 (Duco/Storkair etc) mechanical home ventilation control

Post by mcwieger »

Obviously Sonoff is the cheaper alternative, but if you're not into soldering, a Z-Wave module does the job. And that can be a dimmer or switch, prices of those are similar.
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Re: RE: Re: Sonoff/ESP8266 (Duco/Storkair etc) mechanical home ventilation control

Post by RayAmsterdam »

wmn79 wrote:
RayAmsterdam wrote:
mcwieger wrote:Ah, ok. So no OTA programming of the module. That's too bad.

Looking at the picture, it should be possible to just add a z-wave module, right? L+N to the module and black to L3 of the Ducobox. Bigger investment, but less hassle.
Why not using a (z-wave) 0-10V dimmer module? You can set all speedlevels with such a dimmer module.
Maybe because of the pricing difference between the Sonoff (around €5) and the Z-Wave alternatives (around €55).
Or use COCO ACM-LV10 (around €25).
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Re: Sonoff/ESP8266 (Duco/Storkair etc) mechanical home ventilation control

Post by bbqkees »

You cannot use a 0-10V dimmer with a Duco box.
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Re: RE: Re: Sonoff/ESP8266 (Duco/Storkair etc) mechanical home ventilation control

Post by RayAmsterdam »

bbqkees wrote:You cannot use a 0-10V dimmer with a Duco box.
But you can with the Storkair/Buva
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Re: Sonoff/ESP8266 (Duco/Storkair etc) mechanical home ventilation control

Post by mcwieger »

The result of using a Qubino switch in the Duco box:
Duco.jpg (186.05 KiB) Viewed 17808 times
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Re: Sonoff/ESP8266 (Duco/Storkair etc) mechanical home ventilation control

Post by mvveelen »

bbqkees wrote:A while ago I bought a Sonoff module and flashed it with ESpEasy firmware.


I use it via the bathroom light but you could also add a humidity sensor etc.
I'm using this box with a Kaku switch and can select speed 1 (the default speed), 2 or 3. With the Sonoff you can only select 1 (default) or 3 (high speed), right?
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Re: Sonoff/ESP8266 (Duco/Storkair etc) mechanical home ventilation control

Post by bbqkees »

mvveelen wrote:
bbqkees wrote:A while ago I bought a Sonoff module and flashed it with ESpEasy firmware.


I use it via the bathroom light but you could also add a humidity sensor etc.
I'm using this box with a Kaku switch and can select speed 1 (the default speed), 2 or 3. With the Sonoff you can only select 1 (default) or 3 (high speed), right?
The Sonoff I used only has one 'SPST' relay. So yes, only speed 1 and 3. But for me that was enough.
You can also use the newer Sonoff Dual if you want all 3 speeds but this one needs a small modification.
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Re: Sonoff/ESP8266 (Duco/Storkair etc) mechanical home ventilation control

Post by mvveelen »

Maybe a good idea when I want to get rid of the KaKu. I use speed 2 when someone uses the toilet :lol: It spins up the fan to speed 2 for about 5 minutes :mrgreen:
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Re: Sonoff/ESP8266 (Duco/Storkair etc) mechanical home ventilation control

Post by commentator »

bbqkees wrote: Thursday 30 June 2016 9:45
What you need to do is make sure the L3 terminal of Ducobox gets connected to the mains voltage line (L) when the relay switches on.
If the Ducobox detects 230V on L3, the fan will be set the High. (You could also connect it to L2, it will go to half power).
What if there is a connection with L2 & L3 @ the same time?

Thinking about adding a zwave switch to L2 & L3 to set it to High or medium. I can with Lua switch L2 or L3 off when enable the other one but there is possible some time there is power on both. So what happens then?
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