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Guest access > presence

Posted: Monday 27 June 2016 23:42
by Hokkie001
Hi all,

First; Sorry for my English, i'm Dutch and didn't pay attention at school ;)
Second; Played 1 week with Domoticz and love it! Have some experience with Indigo Domo and Vera, but Domoticz wins!!

My question;

I've made a 'WeZijnThuis' (WeAreHome) virtual switch which checks if my wife's iPhone OR my iPhone (iOS app Pilot) is at home > DO SET 'WeZijnThuis' switch ON. If we aren't home, the switch is OFF. But... What if a 'guest' (babysitter, family, other guests) is at our home (we aren't, to be clear ) and turns the lights ON; i don't want to run a script that turning the light OFF (because 'WeZijnThuis' switch = OFF), which is fine on a other day.

KAKU motion sensor (hallway)
Philips HUE (almost everywhere)
Some other KAKU unimportant devices

Re: Guest access > presence

Posted: Monday 27 June 2016 23:51
by elmortero
You could make a switch ('Guest' for example) and include a check for that in your script.
If ('WeZijnThuis' == 'Off' AND 'Guest' == 'OFF) THEN

Re: Guest access > presence

Posted: Monday 27 June 2016 23:52
by Plaagje
it totally depends on what you want the guest to have in your home, i mean, if your baby sitter is at your home but you and your wife are not, should the baby sitter have the same "priviliges" äs you have? should the lights go on if the baby sitter arrives at your home?

Re: Guest access > presence

Posted: Tuesday 28 June 2016 0:28
by pvm
I created an override switch which I toggle on my tablet interface. Had the same issue.... Babysitter calling me on my company's Christmas party telling me she couldn't turn on the lights ( my scripts turn them off when switched on by hand while they shouldn't be on :)

Re: Guest access > presence

Posted: Tuesday 26 July 2016 13:44
by cyberclwn
I "solved" this issue with a KaKu key-chain remote (the AKCT-510). The house-sitter (in my case) has this device, and when he enters my house he is ment to press the "1" button on it, and when he leaves press the "0".
This will set the "wearehome" switch to on, of off.

(actually i made it a bit more complex...
If my phone is found a lua script adds 1 to a variable called "presence" if my girlfriend's phone is found, the lua script will do the same. So if we are both home the variable will be "2". When the found isn't found anymore, the script substracts 1. And if the button is pressed on the key-chain it will also add or substract 1 from the variable.

This way i don't have to reconfigure the script if a phone is changed or more family-members arrive.

So the lights are turned on if it get's dark AND the variable > 1, and vice versa

I also included that if the remote is on >12 hours , it will turn it off. So if the person has forgotten to press 0 when he leaves, it wont mess up my counting of people present :)