ropske wrote: ↑Monday 23 November 2020 18:50
gonna update tonight to beta, fingers crossed
If you have a good backup there should be a risk. I'm running beta since the beginning 5 years ago.
well, the beta gave the same problems as before.
so i restored an image of my domoticz VM on proxmox to a data it was working before (i'm making backups every saterday)
but when restoring it, domoticz is still acting weird and certainly my zwave comms
a lot of timeouts again, some nodes not found (OpenZwave: node not found)
strange thing is, i had the same issue around the same period last year...
Egregius wrote: ↑Tuesday 24 November 2020 6:48
How long was it running to reach pass2php_net 8134?
Mine has now been running 18 hours:
pass2php_raw 6489 request
pass2php_net 4551 after filtering _Temperature and _Utility devices
pass2php_effective 2983 executed because file exists in pass2php folder.
Guess between 15 min max 1 hour I
I can flush the cache and do it again.
It was enabled and then when I figured it out how to read the value in domoticz max 1 hour.
LAN: RFLink, P1, OTGW, MySensors
USB: RFXCom, ZWave, Sonoff 3
WIFI: Mi-light, Tasmota, Xiaomi Shelly
Solar: Omnik, PVOutput
Video: Kodi, Harmony HUB, Chromecast
Sensors: You name it I got 1.
sincze wrote: ↑Tuesday 24 November 2020 8:08
Guess between 15 min max 1 hour I
I can flush the cache and do it again.
It was enabled and then when I figured it out how to read the value in domoticz max 1 hour.
Then you must either have a huge amount of devices, or have a lot of powermeting.
I must say that I don't care about all those powermeters, most of them are disabled. Think only 2 or 3 devices are active.
ropske wrote: ↑Tuesday 24 November 2020 8:24
an example of an error i sometimes see in Domtoicz log:
Error: Error executing uvccapture command. returned: 32512
Don't know where that came from, definitely not from pass2php.
ropske wrote: ↑Tuesday 24 November 2020 8:24
an example of an error i sometimes see in Domtoicz log:
Error: Error executing uvccapture command. returned: 32512
Don't know where that came from, definitely not from pass2php.
Never seen that error before.
And yes all devices have power meters
If I disable the zwave network.. CPU goes down by a lot. But now I also have energy meters with Tasmota.
Egregius-Zwave.jpg (396.27 KiB) Viewed 2975 times
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Egregius_Network.PNG (159.48 KiB) Viewed 2975 times
LAN: RFLink, P1, OTGW, MySensors
USB: RFXCom, ZWave, Sonoff 3
WIFI: Mi-light, Tasmota, Xiaomi Shelly
Solar: Omnik, PVOutput
Video: Kodi, Harmony HUB, Chromecast
Sensors: You name it I got 1.
Do you really need all those power meterings? I found that they slow down the zwave network quite a bit.
Guess you need to find a way in between. Maybe stop metering for devices that aren't that important. Like once you now a light uses only 5W, why measure it? Or have the reporting frequency lower.
Egregius wrote: ↑Tuesday 24 November 2020 9:44
I also have quite a large zwave network:
Do you really need all those power meterings? I found that they slow down the zwave network quite a bit.
Guess you need to find a way in between. Maybe stop metering for devices that aren't that important. Like once you now a light uses only 5W, why measure it? Or have the reporting frequency lower.
You know how it goes... Because we can...
You start with 1......
And before you know it you have a few.
Then add 60 wifi devices .... and boem you have a newtwork.
I must say the network is still quite quick but it does have an impact on the CPU.
THe goal was to measure every consumed watt all watts accounted for.
It does create a nice graph.
But maybe you are right..
I use wasmachine / droger / vaatwasser to sound chromecast speakers with a message whenever they are ready doing a specific program.
"Attentie bericht van de Wasmachine, Ik ben klaar met centrifugeren" ,
LAN: RFLink, P1, OTGW, MySensors
USB: RFXCom, ZWave, Sonoff 3
WIFI: Mi-light, Tasmota, Xiaomi Shelly
Solar: Omnik, PVOutput
Video: Kodi, Harmony HUB, Chromecast
Sensors: You name it I got 1.
Just checked the ZWAVE plug settings and it reports every 5 minutes. (or within)
7. Meter Report Interval: 300 (second) (actual: 300)
9. Configure power report: 50 (cA) (actual: 50)
Different plug
2. Meter Report Interval: 300 (second) (actual: 300)
6. Configure power report: 10 (%) (actual: 10)
Some hits indeed.
Egregius-24h.PNG (158 KiB) Viewed 2943 times
@Egregius, I noticed in your Github code you only use ACPu for a few devices (doorbell e.g.) the rest is still as is with the DB in the background right.
LAN: RFLink, P1, OTGW, MySensors
USB: RFXCom, ZWave, Sonoff 3
WIFI: Mi-light, Tasmota, Xiaomi Shelly
Solar: Omnik, PVOutput
Video: Kodi, Harmony HUB, Chromecast
Sensors: You name it I got 1.
Right, everything is in the MySQL database.
I just use APCu for small things that I don't want in my devices table.
The Ring doorbell is a good example. Notifications come in through IFTTT and a Python script. Ofcourse I only want 1 time a ding and not twice
about my strange error: i think i found it, there was a radiator valve: Eurotronic Spirit zwave+ valve acting strange, and it seems this one was 'disturbing' my zwave network it seems, after removing the batterys everything went normal again.
Something else Egrerius, sorry to bother you again
in your file(_TC_gasheating.php) on github, i dont see anymore you are setting your radiator valves, that's is comment now i see.
Before there was also the function: SetRadiator, but i don't see it anymore.
They don't
We decided not to heat the bedrooms anymore so I installed the old manual thermostat valves back and set them to 10°.
The radiators in the living room are completely open to allow control only by the gas burner.
My bathroom is heated with an electrical heater. I find it a big waste of energy to heat the bathroom every day from lets say 6 to 8 am. Sometimes that just doesn't fit our needs. Therefor, the bathroom is only heated when we enter it in the morning. At other moments we need to activate it with the push of a button. There's a small radiator with a simple thermostatic valve set at 17° to provide basic heat and avoid humidity.
Kitchen is not heated, even removed the radiator. Must add to that that it's a semi-open kitchen.
Yes, the Fibaro smoke sensors are great for temperature measurements.
We just didn't want to heat the bedrooms anymore. A bit tired of changing the batteries all the time.
And we installed a heating pump this year, if it's really needed we can power on that one.
For the living room, I'm convinced that having the radiators fully open is the best way. We only use the gas heater when it's colder than 10°C, everytime else it's done by the heating pump.
Egregius wrote: ↑Tuesday 24 November 2020 9:44
Do you really need all those power meterings? I found that they slow down the zwave network quite a bit.
Changed it to report only every 30 mins or so, to bring the load down and report if significant change is detected. A bit more difficult with the tasmota devices , needs to be done via rules i guess.
TelePeriod 300
Backlog PowerDelta 0; Rule1 0; Rule1 5
Rule1 ON ENERGY#Power>=35 DO Backlog PowerDelta 10; Status 8 BREAK ON ENERGY#Power>=15 DO Backlog PowerDelta 25; Status 8 BREAK ON ENERGY#Power>5 DO Backlog PowerDelta 35; Status 8 BREAK ON ENERGY#Power<=5 DO PowerDelta 100 ENDON
Rule1 1
Also started to monitor my Influx and PHP-FPM.
Pass2php - Influx.JPG (206.42 KiB) Viewed 2888 times
Pass2php - fpm.JPG (207.17 KiB) Viewed 2888 times
LAN: RFLink, P1, OTGW, MySensors
USB: RFXCom, ZWave, Sonoff 3
WIFI: Mi-light, Tasmota, Xiaomi Shelly
Solar: Omnik, PVOutput
Video: Kodi, Harmony HUB, Chromecast
Sensors: You name it I got 1.
i've got latest days a gas usage from around 10m³ / day
i'm falling behind.
We moved to a new house and it's a lot bigger than our house before, we also did a lot of renovations here so i thought the gasusage in winter period would be ok.
But ouch
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zigbee_badkamer.jpg (35.38 KiB) Viewed 2864 times
badkamer seems a bit very high, but our droogmachine in dutch lol is also there, so this one give a lot of heat also, i can see this at the radiator valve in the bathroom, it does not need to change a lot.