Help to start to use Blockly

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Help to start to use Blockly

Post by esteen »

I'm totaly new to Domoticz and blockly and have some initial questions to get started.

How do i start using Blockly?
Is it a webapplication or should it be installed on my Linux server where i run Domoticz?
Or can i use it on my Mac and transfer scripts to my server?

Does anyone know any guide for newbies or can easely tell how i should set it up to be able to get started?

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Re: Help to start to use Blockly

Post by woody4165 »

Blocky it's inside Domoticz and can be used only insed of it.
So no needs to install anything anywhere, just go to Setup->More Options->Events and create a new Blocky event.
You need also to choose when it should be called, based on event, time ot All (the default).
You will learn as you play with it and take a look at the wiki!
Cubietruck - Linux cubietruck 4.13.16 (Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie)) + Domoticz + RFLink, Xiaomi Gateway, Owl USB, Yeelight Color and B/W, ESP8266, Broadlink RM2, Netatmo Thermostat
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Re: Help to start to use Blockly

Post by TheBod »

The best way that I have learned is to google Domoticz blocky and then look at the images found. These can range from a simple 'turn on a light at x o'clock' to a full intruder alarm system with many inputs/outputs.

In essence blocky is a visual way of creating tasks based upon the If This, Then That approach.

Hope this helps and just have a play with a basic operation initially.
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