After my Lumia 830 had it's encounter with the sidewalk past week and got a smashed screen, I decided to leave the Windows Phone user community

I went for a relatively cheap Samsung Galaxy A3, which is my first encounter with Droid. Looking at the Droid apps out there... I honestly think my UWP had the nicest interface, so it might not be impossible that Ticz returns Android-style

Obviously, this means that the Ticz-UWP development has stopped, although I had great pleasure building it and getting feedback and implement fixes ! The code is still available on Github at for anyone who wants to take the project any further. The app will remain in the Windows Store as well.
Thank you all for using Ticz !

Hi !
I homebrewed another app for Windows/Windows Phone/Windows IoT to control your Domoticz, called Ticz. The primary goal was to create a WP app, as I couldn't find a suitable app for my needs, and the secondary goal was to see how it will behave on a RPi2 + Windows IoT.
For both PC/Phone/Tablet the app works quite well. On RPi with IoT, some controls are still missing for better navigation. I'm also waiting for the delivery of a 7" touch screen to connect the RPi to before I can test any further and provide packages that can be sideloaded to the Pi
Since the initial version, quite some changes, fixes and improvements have already been implemented and according to myself it's a rather nice and mature app - especially given the fact I don't program for a living...

I recently upgraded my Domoticz from 2.4x to 3.5x and was validating any changes within Domoticz that might impact Ticz, and I think most of it is fixed.
Key features (apart from the basics) :
- Most devices seem to be supported, but of course there will be some that I've never seen/heard from

- For most devices for which Domoticz provides Charts/Graphs, Ticz provides the same, usings SyncFusion's excellent Charts
- Security Panel support, including nice/annoying SFX
- Auto Refresh
- Rooms can be customized, so that the view fits your needs. Please look at the documentation for more info
You can find Ticz in the Windows Store : ... blggh5g4b1
The source code is hosted on Github :
Please raise issues through Github :
I try to keep documentation also on Github, please read it before asking questions

When raising issues, please provide as much details as possible, like Device JSON output, when it happens, what happens etc.
Any feedback is more than welcome !