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Support for temperhum

Posted: Sunday 01 May 2016 11:30
by DomoSeb
I have already been looking around, but could not yet find the answer myself. I was wondering if Domoticz support or can be made to support the temperhum USB sticks: ... um-sensor/

Currently I have a Aeotec Multisensor and at the moment I am able to make a horizontal throw with it against a wall. This thing just don't work.
Since I have the option to route a USB wire to the reception point this would be my preference.
However I need to know before I buy if it works with domoticz.

Re: Support for temperhum

Posted: Sunday 01 May 2016 11:55
by gizmocuz
Maybe best to just use ?

Re: Support for temperhum

Posted: Tuesday 03 May 2016 14:14
by DomoSeb
Thanks, currently looking into it.