Fibaro Motion Sensor
+ On setting up Fibaro Motion - I get 4 devices - sensor, general, lux, temp.
+ I don't get the "General" information from the Fibaro motion consistently
+ I have tried enabling polling - it doesn't help
+ Tried several wakeup interval periods - and it still doesn't help!
any ideas?
Fibaro Window/Door Sensor
In the case of the Door/Window, 'General' information comes regularly as per the 'wake up' interval. But the value that comes with it, isn't representative of the actual status of the door?
i.e. if the current status of the door is closed(i.e. say indicated as '0'). Value that comes via the 'General' message is '255'. Absurd isn't it?
Many thanks!
'G' - Fibaro Motion & Door
Moderator: leecollings
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