Control Domoticz using Harmony Hub and HA Bridge

Client tools or tools that can connect with Domoticz. Tools for Windows, iOS, Android, Linux etc.

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Re: Control Domoticz using Harmony Hub and HA Bridge

Post by Thomasdc »

Code: Select all

pi@raspberrypi:~/habridge/data$ ls -l
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 801 Jan 27 21:34 device.db
-rw------- 1 pi   pi   924 Jan 29 20:12 habridge.config

content of config:

Code: Select all

Description=HA Bridge


ExecStart=/usr/bin/java -jar -Dconfig.file=/home/pi/habridge/data/habridge.config /home/pi/habridge/ha-bridge-.jar


Code: Select all

pi@raspberrypi:~/habridge$ ls -l
total 29828
-rw-r--r-- 1 pi   pi   7956528 Dec 19  2014 apache-maven-3.2.5-bin.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 pi   pi      4096 Jan 27 21:34 data
-rw-r--r-- 1 pi   pi   7632345 Jan 27 22:42 ha-bridge-4.1.0.jar.1
-rw-r--r-- 1 pi   pi   7296493 Nov 19 21:13 ha-bridge-ARCHIVE.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 pi   pi   7632345 Jan 27 22:42 ha-bridge.jar
-rwxrwxrwx 1 pi   pi      2226 Jan 29 19:54 habridge-log.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root     248 Jan 29 21:34 habridge.service
-rwxr--r-- 1 pi   pi       256 Jan 29 20:29


ow yeah, also tried following this once:
(after i had problems i was this)
We need to stop the habridge service (if running):
$ sudo systemctl stop habridge
Navigate to where you installed ha-bridge, (use your folder name if not “habridge”):
$ cd habridge
Then rename the existing ha-bridge.jar to something you’ll remember or understand:
$ mv ha-bridge.jar ha-bridge-ARCHIVE.jar
Download the release you wish to update to, (where {VERSION} is the version number):
$ wget ... RSION}.jar
Now rename the downloaded file, (where {VERSION} is the version number):
$ mv ha-bridge-{VERSION}.jar ha-bridge.jar
Lastly we need to restart the habridge service:
$ sudo systemctl start habridge
this is why its just "habridge" and not "habridg4.1.0"
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Re: RE: Re: Control Domoticz using Harmony Hub and HA Bridge

Post by jeroenvanpelt »

Hmm, permissions seem to be OK. My files are all owned by root:root though. Cannot imagine that would be the problem.

Any weird characters in habridge.config?

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Re: Control Domoticz using Harmony Hub and HA Bridge

Post by Thomasdc »

i removed the directory ( habridge) and reinstalled it.. now its working fine!

Thanks for the help!
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Re: RE: Re: Control Domoticz using Harmony Hub and HA Bridge

Post by jeroenvanpelt »

Thomasdc wrote:i removed the directory ( habridge) and reinstalled it.. now its working fine!

Thanks for the help!
Good to hear. That would have been my last resort to help :-)

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Re: Control Domoticz using Harmony Hub and HA Bridge

Post by Thomasdc »


My Habridge was working well but for some reasen it lost it devices
now i want to set them again

but i have KAKU dimmers ( level 0 -16 )
i remember i did something in the json linkg (in the habridge) like :

so the: {intensity.percent}/100*16 for remapping, i remembered it was working (doing some math in the json link) but i cant find anywhere how i should use it.. becauwe this is not working but i know its something like this :D
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Re: Control Domoticz using Harmony Hub and HA Bridge

Post by StanHD »

Hi, This is what I use:


This is for Lightwaverf dimmers and seems to work about right.
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Re: Control Domoticz using Harmony Hub and HA Bridge

Post by Thomasdc »

StanHD wrote:Hi, This is what I use:


This is for Lightwaverf dimmers and seems to work about right.

Thanks! that was it!
(i have to use ${intensity.math(X/100/16)} for KAKU ;) thanks a lot!
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Re: Control Domoticz using Harmony Hub and HA Bridge

Post by Mace »

I've got a problem with the following:

As the Harmony Hub and Domoticz aren't best friends anymore due to a software update of the Harmony, I've got a problem controlling my RFX Lights (they came with an infrared remote, which I learned to the Harmony). I've got a timer set to start the lights 1 hour before sunset and off when no detection is reported for 30 minutes after 2300. After the update, it doesn't work anymore, when I do it by hand (thru the remote) it works.

What I've done is to "Build" a button from the Harmony Devices Tab in HA-Bridge to be able to control the lights. When I test this in HA bridge, the response is great, works like a charm!

Now what I try to accomplish is to be able to use this new "Bridge Device" in Domoticz, but I don't see the "Device" in Domoticz....Am I missing something?
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Re: Control Domoticz using Harmony Hub and HA Bridge

Post by Evelen »


I have installed ha-bridge on a clean ubuntu server, and it is up and running with auto-start.
But when I add domoticz in Bridge Controll no Domoticz tab comes up, even if I click save.
This is how I installed it and set ut up:

Code: Select all

cd ~
mkdir habridge
cd habridge
sudo java -jar ha-bridge-5.2.0.jar
sudo reboot
Created habridge.service in /home/flemmingss/habridge with WinSCP wit following content:

Code: Select all

Description=HA Bridge

ExecStart=/usr/bin/java -jar -Dconfig.file=/home/flemmingss/habridge/data/habridge.config /home/flemmingss/habridge/ha-bridge-5.2.0.jar


Code: Select all

sudo systemctl enable /home/flemmingss/habridge/habridge.service
sudo reboot
any solution?

EDIT: Fixed by editing habridge.config:

From "upnpdevicedb":"data/device.db" To "upnpdevicedb":"/home/<user>/habridge/data/device.db"

From "upnpgroupdb":"data/group.db" To "upnpgroupdb":"/home/<user>/habridge/data/group.db"

From "configfile":"data/habridge.config" To "configfile":"/home/<user>/habridge/data/habridge.config"
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Re: Control Domoticz using Harmony Hub and HA Bridge

Post by rednas »

I have some troubles with getting this to work on the same Raspberry Pi as Domoticz. I followed this page to install it:
Everything works, but when I execute this:

Code: Select all

pi@raspberrypi:~/habridge $ tail -f habridge-log.txt
the last line shows:
2018-11-22 14:50:27,687 [Thread-0] ERROR com.bwssystems.HABridge.HABridge - Could not start ha-bridge webservice on port [80] due to: Address already in use
When I go to port 80 it shows the default apache 2 page which I guess I am not using.
I am not really into this on how to fix this. Can someone help me?
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Re: Control Domoticz using Harmony Hub and HA Bridge

Post by jeroenvanpelt »

@rednas: looks like you are running Apache (without needing it?). On a Raspberry Pi running Raspbian you can stop and disable this service, so that it won't interfere with your ha-bridge setup.

Check if it is running:
sudo systemctl status apache2

Stop Apache:
sudo systemctl stop apache2

Disable Apache:
sudo update-rc.d apache2 disable

The last command will prevent Apache from starting when booting.

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Re: Control Domoticz using Harmony Hub and HA Bridge

Post by Justintime »

I have successfully connected ha bridge with Domoticz and milight. Great plugin btw.
With a hue app I can control the colors.

But on my Harmony Elite remote there is no color wheel.
It does not work with Harmony or is it an incorrect setting?

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Re: Control Domoticz using Harmony Hub and HA Bridge

Post by firesfinx »


I have domoticz 2022.2 stable, HA-bridge and monit on my rpi4. After 2 weeks of trying, it has been confirmed I know almost nothing about linux ☹

Since HA-bridge occasionally stops, I would like to monitor it with Monit and so found this topic. With the original start-up script from the HA-bridge Github I do not know how to set this up. I tried the script from page 1 (by since » Sunday 26 June 2016 12:42) and got that script working when I start it manually. I however cannot get it to start automatically without Monit complaining it cannot find a service call ha-bridge. It also did not showed when it typed "sudo service --status--all"

I tried putting the script in the /etc/init.d/ folder and it showed up when I did "sudo service --status--all" but with an ? in front of it. I then did "sudo update-rc.d enable" and then got "update-rc.d: error: Default-Start contains no runlevels, aborting" as return.

I tried many other things but they only show I do not know what I am doing. I therefor hope there is someone who has HA-bridge monitored by Monit and would be so kind to guide me through this process how he or she got it working.

Many thanks in advance
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