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Send camera snapshot with LUA

Posted: Wednesday 16 March 2016 17:49
by joeygermeraad
Hey guys,

I was looking for a way to gather a snapshot with a lua command.
I see that there is a command within the blockly interface to send a snapshot by email (which works fine btw, but email is a little slow..). So i'm curious if i'm overlooking some possibility withing the commandarray to retreive the snapshot. Because it feels a bit strange that its possible within the blockly but not available within LUA :P.

Re: Send camera snapshot with LUA

Posted: Wednesday 16 March 2016 19:28
by gizmocuz
If things are possible with blockly, go for blockly, it is faster then calling lua scripts

Re: Send camera snapshot with LUA

Posted: Tuesday 21 June 2016 12:49
by Nautilus
gizmocuz wrote:If things are possible with blockly, go for blockly, it is faster then calling lua scripts
Any idea how significant the performance difference is between blocky and lua? Always thought they'd be about as fast and have preferred lua because it's easier to make quick changes etc...

Re: Send camera snapshot with LUA

Posted: Sunday 23 April 2017 22:42
by cyclops1982
Just wanted to let people know that this /is/ possible:

commandArray['SendCamera:1'] = 'House on FIRE!! AFTER 1'

The nr 1 is actually the 'id' of the camera, so NOT the name. The "House on FIRE!!" is the subject of the notification/email that you get and the 'AFTER 1' is just the time after which the snapshot is taken.