I've just released phpMyDomo, a cool web interface for Domoticz and other home automation software.
phpMyDomo is an open-source php Web Application aimed to provide a clean, robust, customizable, fast and intuitive interface to many Home Automation software, including Domoticz.
With todays chinese phones and tablets starting as low as $50, it becomes a cheap and powerfull way to build remotes to control anything smartly in your house. phpMyDomo wants to be the ultimate WebApp that works as well on these devices, as on any computer browser. phpMyDomo don't aim to replace the cool domotic's software you're currently using, but rather to add a convenient web interface to it, especially on small devices like tablets and phones
Currently supported software include Domoticz, Domotiga, OpenHab and Domogik.
This is a Work In Progress : At this time only Switches and Sensors are fully supported in Domoticz. Dimmers should come soon.
- Allow to Switch on/off any supported devices or scenes, from the Dashboard page
- Switch on/off and change level of Dimmers
- View all sensors at once, or per user defined groups
- View all cameras on a single page
- Send Notifications in various way (emails, XBMC, Nabaztag, Growl, xPl, Prowl, NMA, etc...)
- Responsive design : Display fine on any Android/IOS tablet, phone and any modern (HTML5) web browser
- Multiple Skins, build your own easily
- Multiples languages supported: (en | nl | de | fr)
- Any Home Automation Software supported via Api Plugins
- Easily customizable
- Fast loading
- Minimal server requirements : a php-enabled web server
- Object oriented, MVC design : easily build your own custom pages, in minutes...
- Free and Open Source
- Highest WAF (Wife Acceptation Factor) possible

I'm looking for developers to help coding it, as well as users,to install, test and report...
If enough people seems interested, I will do my best to make it evolve . If not I will just develop it for my own needs only. So please answer the quick poll of this topic.
If you're interested, please go to phpMyDomo web site to download it, or to view some screenshots.
And give me your feedback here.
Best regards,