homebridge-edomoticz Plugin

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Re: homebridge-edomoticz Plugin

Post by tchristian »


as I'm quite new to the edomoticz plugin - most things work except the communication from homebridge / edomoticz to domoticz.

Domoticz is build 12184, edomoticz 2.1.34.

I find every device in homebridge. The status changes when switched via domoticz.
Turning on a device in homebridge changes the status but no reaction in Domoticz or at the device.
[2020-6-26 8:16:26 AM] [Garagenlicht] Power state for 'Garagenlicht' is false
[2020-6-26 8:16:26 AM] [Garagenlicht] Garagenlicht - Activity Set : true
[2020-6-26 8:16:26 AM] [Gartenlicht] Power state for 'Gartenlicht' is false
[2020-6-26 8:16:26 AM] [Gartenlicht] Gartenlicht - Activity Set : true
The devices work correctly with the "Homebridge Mqtt Switch Tasmota" Plugin, but not with edomoticz.
Any ideas?

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Re: homebridge-edomoticz Plugin

Post by luizroberto »


I am in love with Homebridge, after some unfortunate experiences with other products...

However I am lost in one specific situation:

- I have two plugins in Domoticz for Tasmota MQTT and Shelly MQTT connection to Domoticz
- I have all my devices in Homebridge Accessories page
- I can switch on and off via Alexa all the devices quickly
- I can switch on and off each device via Domoticz
- Switching devices via HB usually does not update the device status on the Accessories page (I know this is the exact reason why HB wants to receive MQTT messages). Also sometimes the actions via Alexa or Domoticz Lights panel does not reflect on HB Accessories, you need to refresh the page first
- I have the error indication on Homebridge that my MQTT server was not reached : "There was an error while getting the MQTT Hardware Device from Domoticz"
- The homebridge config points to my MQTT server and user and password are validated

I get the HB error because I cannot create the required MQTT server Hardware entry in Domoticz (and later the dummy device). If I do that, HB stops complaining, but I lose the Shelly and Tasmota connection.

The topic "domoticz/out" does not occur in my setup. The shelly MQTT plugin issues "shellies/...." as the topic and Tasmota plugin issues "tele/...".

I do not want to manually add each device on a topics list and also have to change the message topics in each device.

Is there a way to avoid this problem ?

Best regards,

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Re: homebridge-edomoticz Plugin

Post by Jordindc »

Hi all,

I've been using domoticz and its integration with homekit through homebridge-edomoticz for more than two years with no major issue. I have several devices using different protocols (Z-wave, zigbee, RFCom, ...), and now I'm testing some Shelly wifi devices using Shelly-MQTT plugin. They are perfectly populated in domoticz, but I'm experiencing some issues with roller (Shelly 2.5) status. The roller status is exactly the same in domoticz and in Shelly app (and in real), but in Home app appears in the opposite status it has in domoticz. The intermediate positions (percentage) are rightly shown, but the Open or Closed status are shown wrongly (Closed or Open, respectively).

Any idea how I can fix this?

I'm using domoticz under Debian and homebridge-edomoticz, everything in their last versions

Thanks in advance,

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Re: homebridge-edomoticz Plugin

Post by sion »

Hi, been using homebridge with domoticz for ages and it’s great.

Setting the devices in domoticz that I want to show up in homebridge is easy. I was just wondering if there is a way to get this to work in reverse? So that domoticz can access switches created by other homebridge plugins.

With the effective closure of ifttt ( I’m not paying £9.99 per month!!) I’m looking for a simple way to arm and disarm my blink camera system with domoticz.

I know homebridge has a blink camera plugin, so it looks relatively straightforward to get the functionality in HomeKit / homebridge, but I would like to access the arm/ disarm switches inside domoticz.

I know I could create some dummy switches inside domoticz, then make them available to homebridge, then set a HomeKit automation so that when domoticz-arm-switch is on, turn on HomeKit-arm-switch ... but was hoping for a cleaner way of doing it.


I was
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Re: homebridge-edomoticz Plugin

Post by JonyBCN »

sion wrote: Wednesday 16 September 2020 23:53 Hi, been using homebridge with domoticz for ages and it’s great.

Setting the devices in domoticz that I want to show up in homebridge is easy. I was just wondering if there is a way to get this to work in reverse? So that domoticz can access switches created by other homebridge plugins.

With the effective closure of ifttt ( I’m not paying £9.99 per month!!) I’m looking for a simple way to arm and disarm my blink camera system with domoticz.

I know homebridge has a blink camera plugin, so it looks relatively straightforward to get the functionality in HomeKit / homebridge, but I would like to access the arm/ disarm switches inside domoticz.

I know I could create some dummy switches inside domoticz, then make them available to homebridge, then set a HomeKit automation so that when domoticz-arm-switch is on, turn on HomeKit-arm-switch ... but was hoping for a cleaner way of doing it.


I was
I think that should be done by the domoticz itself, rather than a plugin that "pulls" information from it.
Homebridge should be included in the Hardware tab, either native or via a python plugin.
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Re: homebridge-edomoticz Plugin

Post by sion »

Thanks for the reply.
Sorry, are you saying I should already be able to add homebridge as hardware, or through python, or that it would be a nice idea if you could?

I can’t seem to see a way to do it.

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running domoticz 3.4834 on rpi2, with
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Re: homebridge-edomoticz Plugin

Post by JonyBCN »

I say that eDomoticz does not have the possibility of writing hardware on the system. To add devices to Domoticz we should do it from the hardware tab. You can't do it right now.
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Re: homebridge-edomoticz Plugin

Post by sion »

JonyBCN wrote:I say that eDomoticz does not have the possibility of writing hardware on the system. To add devices to Domoticz we should do it from the hardware tab. You can't do it right now.
Yes. That would be fantastic.
There seem to be so many plugins for homebridge, like Ring and blink, and it would then make adding these to domoticz a breeze!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
running domoticz 3.4834 on rpi2, with
Hue bridge / bulbs.
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Ha bridge / echo Alexa.
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Re: homebridge-edomoticz Plugin

Post by harrykausl »

I have several Z-Wave window contacts which are all seen via homebridge in homekit. If a contact is opend I use prowl to message this to my ios-Device. It would be nice, if it would be possible to use the homekit-messaging of this device. Would this be possible?
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Re: homebridge-edomoticz Plugin

Post by krizzz »

harrykausl wrote:I have several Z-Wave window contacts which are all seen via homebridge in homekit. If a contact is opend I use prowl to message this to my ios-Device. It would be nice, if it would be possible to use the homekit-messaging of this device. Would this be possible?
Of course! Look in homekit, lookup the settings for your sensor. Then under the button “Status and messages” (i think it’s called this because I am translating this to english because on my phone it is Dutch) you can turn on “messages on this iPhone”. I turned off all my prowl messaging :)

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Re: homebridge-edomoticz Plugin

Post by harrykausl »

I tried this, but it doesn't work. I see the open window in home, but I don't get a message.
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Re: homebridge-edomoticz Plugin

Post by krizzz »

harrykausl wrote:I tried this, but it doesn't work. I see the open window in home, but I don't get a message.
Below the things I was talking about there are some settings about the time of the message and who it gets displayed for. Maybe there is something wrong there? I promise you it works here!

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Re: homebridge-edomoticz Plugin

Post by harrykausl »

I'll have a look on it, thanks.
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Re: homebridge-edomoticz Plugin

Post by LoFr »

Jordindc wrote: Thursday 23 July 2020 13:59 Hi all,

I've been using domoticz and its integration with homekit through homebridge-edomoticz for more than two years with no major issue. I have several devices using different protocols (Z-wave, zigbee, RFCom, ...), and now I'm testing some Shelly wifi devices using Shelly-MQTT plugin. They are perfectly populated in domoticz, but I'm experiencing some issues with roller (Shelly 2.5) status. The roller status is exactly the same in domoticz and in Shelly app (and in real), but in Home app appears in the opposite status it has in domoticz. The intermediate positions (percentage) are rightly shown, but the Open or Closed status are shown wrongly (Closed or Open, respectively).

Any idea how I can fix this?

I'm using domoticz under Debian and homebridge-edomoticz, everything in their last versions

Thanks in advance,

Hello Jordindc

I have the same issue with Zwave fgrm222 roller shutter domoticz devices that works well in domoticz but are reverted into HomeKit

I use domoticz + mosquitto + homebridge (all updated to the last version) on a rpi 3b
Domoticz is running for several years with these roller shutters without any issue til this one

Did you find any way to diagnose or solve this issue ?

Thx a lot for your reply

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Re: homebridge-edomoticz Plugin

Post by astrapowerrr »

Hi there,

Some how I just can’t get my rgbw fibaro module correct In Homebridge.
From domoticz it works fine and I can choose my colors.
When imported by edomoticz it becomes a switch?
How to fix this or is it impossible?
When looking at info from apple homekit at that same switch it says MODEL: color switch.

Can someone help or direct me to some point?

Greets marco
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Re: homebridge-edomoticz Plugin

Post by Stonek »

tchristian wrote: Friday 26 June 2020 8:19 Hi,

as I'm quite new to the edomoticz plugin - most things work except the communication from homebridge / edomoticz to domoticz.

Domoticz is build 12184, edomoticz 2.1.34.

I find every device in homebridge. The status changes when switched via domoticz.
Turning on a device in homebridge changes the status but no reaction in Domoticz or at the device.
[2020-6-26 8:16:26 AM] [Garagenlicht] Power state for 'Garagenlicht' is false
[2020-6-26 8:16:26 AM] [Garagenlicht] Garagenlicht - Activity Set : true
[2020-6-26 8:16:26 AM] [Gartenlicht] Power state for 'Gartenlicht' is false
[2020-6-26 8:16:26 AM] [Gartenlicht] Gartenlicht - Activity Set : true
The devices work correctly with the "Homebridge Mqtt Switch Tasmota" Plugin, but not with edomoticz.
Any ideas?

I have same problem. Someone solve problem with edomoticz?
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Re: homebridge-edomoticz Plugin

Post by Pupz »

Homebridge-edomoticz Plugin is great for adding your Domoticz devices as accessories to Homebridge and via this bridge to Apple Homekit and Google Home. But (as far as I can see) it is a one-way bridge. What if e.g. I want to add some Homekit devices to my Domoticz environment? A device added to Homekit automatically shows up in Homebridge but there it ends. So my question is: is there an existing way (or plugin) to pass these devices to Domoticz or are there any plans to add this functionality?
Last edited by Pupz on Saturday 13 February 2021 13:22, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: homebridge-edomoticz Plugin

Post by Calzor Suzay »

I have a problem with two Sonoff plugs running Tasmota 9.2.

They appear in Domoticz I can turn them on/off through domoticz, I can also turn them on/off at the button on the plug and Domoticz can see the status change.
I've added them to a room and they appear in Homebridge fine, the status also follows through.

The problem I have is if I activate it either by the homebridge accessories page or homekit the devices update in homebridge and show the required status in Domoticz but don't actually turn on/off.

If I press on/off in Domoticz
2021-02-01 20:51:23.635 Status: User: Admin (IP: initiated a switch command (248/Sonoff_plug-142/On)
2021-02-01 20:51:25.565 (Dummy_Hardware) Lighting 1 (Sonoff_plug-142)
2021-02-01 20:51:25.549 Status: User: Admin (IP: initiated a switch command (248/Sonoff_plug-142/Off)
The status updates in Domoticz, Homebridge and you can see it in homekit iOS along with the device actually turning on/off

If I press on/off on the actual device
2021-02-01 20:53:00.437 MQTT: Topic: domoticz/in, Message: {"idx":248,"nvalue":1,"svalue":"","Battery":100,"RSSI":8}
2021-02-01 20:53:09.486 MQTT: Topic: domoticz/in, Message: {"idx":248,"nvalue":0,"svalue":"","Battery":100,"RSSI":8}
The status updates in Domoticz, Homebridge and you can see it in homekit iOS along with the device actually turning on/off

If I press on/off in Homebridge
2021-02-01 20:55:00.360 MQTT: Topic: domoticz/in, Message: {"command":"switchlight","idx":248,"switchcmd":"On"}
2021-02-01 20:55:00.369 (Dummy_Hardware) Lighting 1 (Sonoff_plug-142)
2021-02-01 20:55:06.837 MQTT: Topic: domoticz/in, Message: {"command":"switchlight","idx":248,"switchcmd":"Off"}
2021-02-01 20:55:06.850 (Dummy_Hardware) Lighting 1 (Sonoff_plug-142)
The status updates in Domoticz, Homebridge and you can see it in homekit iOS but the actual device doesn't turn on/off

Any ideas?
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Re: homebridge-edomoticz Plugin

Post by felix63 »

Pupz wrote: Monday 11 January 2021 23:18 Homebridge-edomoticz Plugin is great for adding your Domoticz devices as accessories to Homebridge and via this bridge to Apple Homekit and Google Home. But (as far as I can see) it is a one-way bridge. What if e.g. I want to add some Homekit devices to my Domoticz environment? A device added to Homekit automatically shows up in Homebridge but there it ends. So my question is: is there an existing way (or plugin) to pass these devices to Domoticz or are there any plans to add this functionality?
It is very very simple. Just create a virtual device. It you add it to the devices you share via Homebridge-edomoticz. In Apple Homekit you can switch the virtual device. The status in Domoticz is update almost instantanuosly. So it is not a one-way bridge!
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Re: homebridge-edomoticz Plugin

Post by Pupz »

felix63 wrote: Monday 01 February 2021 22:12
Pupz wrote: Monday 11 January 2021 23:18 Homebridge-edomoticz Plugin is great for adding your Domoticz devices as accessories to Homebridge and via this bridge to Apple Homekit and Google Home. But (as far as I can see) it is a one-way bridge. What if e.g. I want to add some Homekit devices to my Domoticz environment? A device added to Homekit automatically shows up in Homebridge but there it ends. So my question is: is there an existing way (or plugin) to pass these devices to Domoticz or are there any plans to add this functionality?
It is very very simple. Just create a virtual device. It you add it to the devices you share via Homebridge-edomoticz. In Apple Homekit you can switch the virtual device. The status in Domoticz is update almost instantanuosly. So it is not a one-way bridge!
Thank you for the hint. However, I am still missing the point. OK, I made a dummy switch and it shows up in Homebridge (and Apple Home). But how do I tell Homebridge that it is supposed to be that specific device I added to Homekit before?
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