Trigger tasker from domoticz

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Trigger tasker from domoticz

Post by olleman »


I'm trying to build a simple alarm system with a motion detector and a magnetic switch at my front door. I'm going to use the sec panel in domoticz and have an older smartphone constantly on at the door. I want to be reminded to disarm the alarm when I get home so via tasker in android I've found a way to start playing a sound and then stop it.

When I get home and the alarm is active the smartphone starts to "buzz" and as soon as I disarm the sound stops. All this can be done from tasker but the question is how to trigger these profiles in tasker. I've found that pushbullet has a nice plugin for tasker that let's me do this but then I will get notifications to my other devices as well and I don't want that.

So if anyone have a suggestion on how I can trigger a profile in tasker via some kind of function in domoticz I'm all ears.

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Re: Trigger tasker from domoticz

Post by DutchHans »

Hi, i think autoremote, a plugin for Tasker, can do the trick for you...
Hope this helps.
Cheers, Hans
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Re: Trigger tasker from domoticz

Post by wssmith »

I use Pushover notifications to run Tasker tasks on other devices. Pushover on Android includes Tasker integration which allows you to send to a specific device.
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Re: Trigger tasker from domoticz

Post by MrGee »

You could also use IFTTT > maker channel
Incidentally this also integrates with autoremote

An alternative would be to assign a static ip to your "door" phone and start playing with python/php scripts
doing this makes sure that everything is contained locally (e.g. on your own network) all other options require internet access.

Autoremote also has a "local" functionality but i've never used it
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Re: Trigger tasker from domoticz

Post by olleman »

Thanks for all suggestions. I had a quick look at autoremote yesterday and it seems to be aqble to do exactly what I want without being to difficult to learn. PHP scrips etc is a bit out of my league...

About autoremote: It seems that domoticz have issues with these long https url's when used in events. Any ideas on how to use it in domoticz to send the "trigger" to tasker?

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Re: Trigger tasker from domoticz

Post by MrGee »

just thought i'd chime in, create a new script in domoticz/scripts/*
on a Raspberry my preferred language would be bash :
curl " ... e=<MESSAGE>"


Thats it, you can then call the script when needed
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Re: Trigger tasker from domoticz

Post by Raspberry Piet »

MrGee wrote:just thought i'd chime in, create a new script in domoticz/scripts/*
on a Raspberry my preferred language would be bash :
curl " ... e=<MESSAGE>"


Thats it, you can then call the script when needed
Yes, i make use of same kind of AutoRemote bash script (to trigger Tasker and Eventghost) works very well.
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Re: Trigger tasker from domoticz

Post by galadril »

old topic, but im looking into Tasker integrations with a plugin app ... 37&t=32696
Solar panels of Ginlong, Omnik-Solar, Transenergy or Solarman?? Try my Android app: ... ongmonitor
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