Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

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Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Post by Aadr »

Hello Sneezydevil,
here some feedback:

I use Domoticz often to monitor the utilities. Is it possoble to show the actual usage on the tile of the electricity (counter) and the daily amount on gas and water usage instead of the total usage.

In the dashboard I have a gas-tile and a waterusage-tile witch are not in the Utility-tab.

With the weather-tiles, I cannot see any airpressure. The wind-tile seams a bit overcrowded with windspeed and gust. And there are two values in the rainmeter.

I cannot help you any futher than this, because for my usage everything works fine.
I have no mobile device to help you with Cortana.
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Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Post by Doler »

Sneezydevil wrote:
Doler wrote:It looks like the new upload solved the dimmer problem. One detail left: when starting the app the dimmer level will be set one level lower. But the good thing is that it stays there unless you keep starting the app again. This could become a problem, being it a minor one.
Thanks, Mark
Yeah fixing the reversed wakeup light "feature" was my main goal. However it is weird that starting the app over and over would make it go down again.

I would expect the following:

After startup level = 40
After 10 seconds level = 39
After next startup level = 40

Will have to do some testing with some different dimmers to get this just right.

I was wondering something else, is the level correct?

// Updated GitHub to include the VCD files. ... Automation

This this should give you a better idea of what Cortana expects
Dimmer tests:
What I stated last night proved to be partly wrong today. The part that says that starting the app over and over will lower the dim level just doesn't happen today. So I'm uncertain what I saw yesterday :? . Today I repeated some tests:

Dimmer level 60%, set by Domoticz (Lua).
Open MHA: Dimmer level set to 59% (by Admin, according to Domoticz log)
Close/Open MHA repeatedly: Dimmer level doesn't change.

Leave MHA opened.
Dimmer level 45%, set by Domoticz (Lua).
-->Dimmer level set to 44% (by Admin)
Close/Open MHA repeatedly: Dimmer level doesn't change.

Close MHA
Dimmer level 50%, manually.
Open MHA: Dimmer level set to 49% (by Admin)
Close/Open MHA repeatedly: Dimmer level doesn't change.

Open MHA
Dimmer level 60%, manually
-->Dimmer level set to 59% (by Admin)
Close/Open MHA repeatedly: Dimmer level doesn't change.

Hope this helps.
I didn't have time to play with Cortana, the environment was just too disturbing today. Maybe tomorrow.

Thanks, Mark

Edit: Your question 'Is the level correct?' Yes, like you can see above it's most of the time set by a Lua script. Both Domoticz (UI and log) as well as Zwave are reporting the correct level.
Mark: Domoticz Beta on Raspberry Pi 4 running Debian Bookworm - Z-Stick 7 - RFXCom - P1 - MySensors - SolarEdge - Dahua - Philips Hue - Docker - Zigbee2mqtt (plugin) - Zwave-js-ui - dzVents - Nodered
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Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Post by Sneezydevil »


Thx for the very complete testing, certainly helps.


I will look into it, I currently have no such sensors, I will try and replicate some.
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Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Post by y1ann1s »

Great app,
I have 2 zwave dimmer devices that don't show up in the device list
any ideas?
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Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Post by Sneezydevil »

y1ann1s wrote:Hey
Great app,
I have 2 zwave dimmer devices that don't show up in the device list
any ideas?
Its likely that they are Lighting 4 or 5 or a switchtype I have not yet added.

If you let me know the details of the dimmers I will try and add them to the next release.
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Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Post by y1ann1s »

Wow great thanks
well one of them is the Fibaro RGBW shown as type Lighting Limitless/Applamp RGBW
and the other one is a fibaro dimmer shown as Light/Switch Switch

Let me know what more info you need

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Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Post by Sneezydevil »

Hmm we will have to troubleshoot a little, since thats pretty much the same as for example a hue light.

Maybe you can get me the status of the devices?

Replace the IP and IDX in the url below, when you open it in your browser, it should show the status of the dimmer you entered the IDX for.

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Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Post by y1ann1s »

"ActTime" : 1454922578,
"ServerTime" : "2016-02-08 11:09:38",
"Sunrise" : "07:24",
"Sunset" : "17:53",
"result" : [
"AddjMulti" : 1.0,
"AddjMulti2" : 1.0,
"AddjValue" : 0.0,
"AddjValue2" : 0.0,
"BatteryLevel" : 255,
"CustomImage" : 0,
"Data" : "Off, Level: 100 %",
"Description" : "",
"Favorite" : 1,
"HardwareID" : 10,
"HardwareName" : "Zstick",
"HardwareType" : "OpenZWave USB",
"HardwareTypeVal" : 21,
"HaveDimmer" : true,
"HaveGroupCmd" : false,
"HaveTimeout" : false,
"ID" : "00000364",
"Image" : "Light",
"IsSubDevice" : false,
"LastUpdate" : "2016-02-08 09:37:57",
"Level" : 100,
"LevelInt" : 100,
"MaxDimLevel" : 100,
"Name" : "Fibaro RGBW",
"Notifications" : "false",
"PlanID" : "2",
"PlanIDs" : [ 2 ],
"Protected" : false,
"ShowNotifications" : true,
"SignalLevel" : "-",
"Status" : "Off",
"StrParam1" : "",
"StrParam2" : "",
"SubType" : "RGBW",
"SwitchType" : "Dimmer",
"SwitchTypeVal" : 7,
"Timers" : "false",
"Type" : "Lighting Limitless/Applamp",
"TypeImg" : "dimmer",
"Unit" : 1,
"Used" : 1,
"UsedByCamera" : false,
"XOffset" : "167",
"YOffset" : "148",
"idx" : "63"
"status" : "OK",
"title" : "Devices"
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Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Post by y1ann1s »

and the simple dimmer

ActTime: 1454922772,
ServerTime: "2016-02-08 11:12:52",
Sunrise: "07:24",
Sunset: "17:53",
result: [
AddjMulti: 1,
AddjMulti2: 1,
AddjValue: 0,
AddjValue2: 0,
BatteryLevel: 255,
CustomImage: 0,
Data: "Off",
Description: "",
Favorite: 1,
HardwareID: 10,
HardwareName: "Zstick",
HardwareType: "OpenZWave USB",
HardwareTypeVal: 21,
HaveDimmer: true,
HaveGroupCmd: true,
HaveTimeout: false,
ID: "00000401",
Image: "Light",
IsSubDevice: false,
LastUpdate: "2016-02-08 08:28:56",
Level: 34,
LevelInt: 34,
MaxDimLevel: 100,
Name: "Bedroom dimmer",
Notifications: "false",
PlanID: "5",
PlanIDs: [
Protected: false,
ShowNotifications: true,
SignalLevel: "-",
Status: "Off",
StrParam1: "",
StrParam2: "",
SubType: "Switch",
SwitchType: "Dimmer",
SwitchTypeVal: 7,
Timers: "false",
Type: "Light/Switch",
TypeImg: "dimmer",
Unit: 1,
Used: 1,
UsedByCamera: false,
XOffset: "562",
YOffset: "106",
idx: "69"
status: "OK",
title: "Devices"
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Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Post by Sneezydevil »

Ah I see the problem, you have no spaces in the type. Should be an easy fix on my side.
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Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Post by y1ann1s »

Perfect Thanks
I use both the desktop an mobile versions.
Do you think you could differentiate the switch types. eg I have many contact switches representing doors and windows, motion detectors that show as switches et.
Great Work by the way!!! let me know if I can help in any way
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Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Post by Sneezydevil »

Yes that is the plan anyway, just hadn't had the time.
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Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Post by Sneezydevil »

Microsoft is currently reporting some problems with their store, so I can't really predict when the following changes will make it to you guys:

Changes in version

- Protected switches should now work on all relevant pages.
- Added some hardware (like zwave dimmers).
- Added some icons (like motion sensors).
We're currently experiencing some issues that are causing publishing delays. It may take several days before new app or IAP submission are visible in the Store. We're working on resolving this, and will remove this alert once the problem has been fixed.
For people that use motion and door sensors can you please check open is open and closed is closed and not the other way around? I was not able to test this.

And ty for the nice ratings, there is still quite a bit of work left :).

Hopefully Microsoft fixes their problems with the store by this weekend.
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Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Post by y1ann1s »

Motion sensors are fine!
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Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Post by Doler »

Can confirm the working of the motion sensors. Got an error in debug:
Capture.JPG (77.85 KiB) Viewed 6158 times
Don't know what it means but speech is still working though. Cortana and I are getting more and more acquainted ;) so commands are getting a follow up now. Thanks for a good job.
Mark: Domoticz Beta on Raspberry Pi 4 running Debian Bookworm - Z-Stick 7 - RFXCom - P1 - MySensors - SolarEdge - Dahua - Philips Hue - Docker - Zigbee2mqtt (plugin) - Zwave-js-ui - dzVents - Nodered
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Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Post by Sneezydevil »

Oh that was quicker then expected. In their message they were talking about days not hours :D.

Thx for the testing!

@Doler You can safely ignore that error for the moment, the VCD file is updated every time the app starts, but really only needs updating when I add commands.
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Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Post by EBOOZ »

Sneezydevil wrote:For people that use motion and door sensors can you please check open is open and closed is closed and not the other way around? I was not able to test this.
It's just the way you described. Open = open and Closed = closed.

This is the JSON output when the door is closed:

Code: Select all

   "ActTime" : 1455220886,
   "ServerTime" : "2016-02-11 21:01:26",
   "Sunrise" : "08:06",
   "Sunset" : "17:41",
   "result" : [
         "AddjMulti" : 1.0,
         "AddjMulti2" : 1.0,
         "AddjValue" : 0.0,
         "AddjValue2" : 0.0,
         "BatteryLevel" : 255,
         "CustomImage" : 0,
         "Data" : "Closed",
         "Description" : "",
         "Favorite" : 0,
         "HardwareID" : 2,
         "HardwareName" : "RFXtrx433E",
         "HardwareType" : "RFXCOM - RFXtrx433 USB 433.92MHz Transceiver",
         "HardwareTypeVal" : 1,
         "HaveDimmer" : true,
         "HaveGroupCmd" : true,
         "HaveTimeout" : false,
         "ID" : "0C1902A",
         "Image" : "Light",
         "InternalState" : "Closed",
         "IsSubDevice" : false,
         "LastUpdate" : "2016-02-11 20:16:29",
         "Level" : 0,
         "LevelInt" : 0,
         "MaxDimLevel" : 15,
         "Name" : "Voordeur",
         "Notifications" : "false",
         "PlanID" : "0",
         "PlanIDs" : [ 0 ],
         "Protected" : false,
         "ShowNotifications" : true,
         "SignalLevel" : 6,
         "Status" : "Closed",
         "StrParam1" : "",
         "StrParam2" : "",
         "SubType" : "AC",
         "SwitchType" : "Door Lock",
         "SwitchTypeVal" : 11,
         "Timers" : "false",
         "Type" : "Lighting 2",
         "TypeImg" : "door",
         "Unit" : 10,
         "Used" : 1,
         "UsedByCamera" : false,
         "XOffset" : "0",
         "YOffset" : "0",
         "idx" : "139"
   "status" : "OK",
   "title" : "Devices"
By the way, what do you think about talking to your house when using the alternate VCD? Like, "House, turn on lights downstairs" :mrgreen:

Other question: I thought I was smart by creating groups with english description, but I assume Cortana doesn't work with scenes/groups yet? :roll:
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Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Post by Sneezydevil »

EBOOZ wrote:
By the way, what do you think about talking to your house when using the alternate VCD? Like, "House, turn on lights downstairs" :mrgreen:
I thought about that, and I am not entirely sure what to do yet.

I am leaning toward adding a bunch of them to the GIT repository, as example and maybe 1 or 2 in the app, and then have people adjust them and just upload them in the settings menu.

I currently have “Domoticz” as default and “Its Me” as alternative, but I don’t know about other languages but “Its Me” does not really work in for example Dutch.

The “House” one works nice in a lot of situations, but it doesn’t roll of the tongue when using “Hey Cortana”. Maybe “ask the house” would work better in those cases. (You would get: Hey Cortana, Ask the house to switch of)
Since there are all these options I was thinking it might be nice if people could choose themselves.

EBOOZ wrote: Other question: I thought I was smart by creating groups with english description, but I assume Cortana doesn't work with scenes/groups yet? :roll:
She should understand Groups and Scenes, but I am not sure if it’s my Dutch accent or something else, but it doesn’t work as well as switches.

For groups I have to use my “Angry” voice :p

Maybe if I add “Activate” and we then use “Activate group x”, maybe it works better if the difference is bigger.

Below is the relevant bit of the VCD file:

Code: Select all

    <Command Name="switchOnScene">
      <Example> Switch on movie scene. </Example>
      <ListenFor> Scene {scene} on </ListenFor>
      <ListenFor> Switch on [the] {scene} scene </ListenFor>
      <ListenFor> Switch to [the] {scene} scene </ListenFor>
      <ListenFor> Switch on [the] scene {scene} </ListenFor>
      <ListenFor> Switch to [the] scene {scene} </ListenFor>
      <ListenFor> Turn on {scene} scene </ListenFor>
      <Feedback> Switching on {scene} scene. </Feedback>
      <Navigate />

    <Command Name="switchOnGroup">
      <Example> Switch on garden group. </Example>
      <ListenFor> Group {group} on </ListenFor>
      <ListenFor> Switch on [the] {group} group </ListenFor>
      <ListenFor> Turn on [the] {group} group </ListenFor>
      <ListenFor> Switch on [the] group {group} </ListenFor>
      <ListenFor> Turn on [the] group {group} </ListenFor>
      <Feedback> Switching on {group} group. </Feedback>
      <Navigate />

    <Command Name="switchOffGroup">
      <Example> Switch off garden group. </Example>
      <ListenFor> Group {group} off </ListenFor>
      <ListenFor> Switch off [the] {group} group </ListenFor>
      <ListenFor> Turn off [the] {group} group </ListenFor>
      <ListenFor> Switch off [the] group {group} </ListenFor>
      <ListenFor> Turn off [the] group {group} </ListenFor>
      <Feedback> Switching off {group} group. </Feedback>
      <Navigate />
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Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Post by WebStar »

Hello Sneezydevil,

I really like the work you doing, at the moment i'm missing the support for Z-Wave.
Are you going to share the code of the program on GitHub so we can also contribute some code?
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Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Post by Sneezydevil »

Hello WebStar

What Z-Wave devices are you currently missing?

And yes I am planning to have everything on GitHub at some point (Aslong as you guys promise not to make fun of my code :lol: I'm not really a c# developer).
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