Fiddling with ESP8266 (type Wemos D1) with OLED-shield (SS1306, showing 6 lines of 8 characters).
Earlier in this thread some discussion, but trying the examples was not successful.
Looking at the examples mentioned above and at my own 'inventory' of lua-scripts, I compiled the following script for experimentation with upload of info from Domoticz to the OLED of the ESP8266 running ESPEasy R146M.
This 'test-script' has 3 comparable sections, dealing with Temp, Humidity, PV-Production and Consumption, each with related UploadURL(s).
After test you
might split this 'test-script' into 4 small, separate, dedicated scripts (for each of the lines 3, 4, 5 and 6 on the OLED), or you must do something clever with the commandArray to run more than 1 UploadURL from this script:
hint appreciated.
Probably the script could be considerably shrinked, but
during experimentation some 'simple, stepwise setup with abundant comment&check lines' aids in debugging.
Code: Select all
-- Lua-script for info-upload to ESP8266 with OLED SS1306
-- (c)2017 Toulon7559 rev. 01 [but you are free to adapt the script for personal use]
-- Line 04 = Definition of function(s) and Setting of references
function round(num, dec)
if num == 0 then
return 0
local mult = 10^(dec or 0)
return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult
baseurl = ""
-- Line 16 = Call Meteo-info from Domoticz-database
Binnen_Temp_RV_Baro = 'WS7000_Temp_RV_Baro'
sTemp, sRV, sComfort, sBaro = otherdevices_svalues[Binnen_Temp_RV_Baro]:match("([^;]+);([^;]+);([^;]+);([^;]+)")
sTemp = round(tonumber(sTemp),1);
print ('Temp = '.. sTemp)
sRV = round(tonumber(sRV),1);
print ('RV = '.. sRV)
sComfort = tonumber(sComfort);
print ('Comfort = '.. sComfort)
sBaro = tonumber(sBaro);
print ('Baro = '.. sBaro)
UploadURL0A = baseurl .. ",3,1,T=".. sTemp .."C"
UploadURL0B = baseurl .. ",4,1,V=".. sRV .."%"
print (UploadURL0A)
print (UploadURL0B)
-- Line 33 = Call Production-info from Domoticz-database
Production = 'PVO_Generation_A7'
sPwr1, sEnergy1 = otherdevices_svalues[Production]:match("([^;]+);([^;]+)")
sPwr1 = round(tonumber(sPwr1),0);
print ('Pwr1 = '.. sPwr1)
sEnergy1 = round(tonumber(sEnergy1),0);
print ('Energy1 = '.. sEnergy1)
UploadURL1 = baseurl .. ",5,1,PV=".. sPwr1 .."W"
print (UploadURL1)
-- Line 44 = Call Consumption-info from Domoticz-database
Consumption = 'PVO_Consumption_A7'
sPwr2, sEnergy2 = otherdevices_svalues[Consumption]:match("([^;]+);([^;]+)")
sPwr2 = round(tonumber(sPwr2),0);
print ('Pwr2 = '.. sPwr2)
sEnergy2 = round(tonumber(sEnergy2),0);
print ('Energy2 = '.. sEnergy2)
UploadURL2 = baseurl .. ",6,1,In=".. sPwr2 .."W"
print (UploadURL2)
-- Line 55 = Perform upload
commandArray = {}
commandArray['OpenURL']= UploadURL0A
-- commandArray['OpenURL']= UploadURL0B
-- commandArray['OpenURL']= UploadURL1
-- commandArray['OpenURL']= UploadURL2
return commandArray
This script fills the lines of the OLED at choice for lines 3, 4, 5 and 6, but further improvement is certainly possible, as described below.
Experience with this script is that no spaces are allowed in the UploadURLs in the segments between ""
If you insert a space in such segment, then (starting with the space) no further info is displayed.
This in contrary to running such a line from the inputline of a browser: then a space is accepted.
Adding leading zeroes is a solution also providing a fixed length filling of the OLED-line.
Could be realised (e.g. for PV-production) by addition of following simple "if-then"-code-lines.
Code: Select all
if sPwr1 > 999 then
UploadURL1 = baseurl .. ",5,1,PV=".. sPwr1 .."W"
else UploadURL1 = baseurl .. ",5,1,PV=0".. sPwr1 .."W"
if sPwr1 <100 then
UploadURL1 = baseurl .. ",5,1,PV=00".. sPwr1 .."W"
if sPwr1 <10 then
UploadURL1 = baseurl .. ",5,1,PV=000".. sPwr1 .."W"
Also slight problem for
nil-value-input for PV (as happening at night): with this script you get an error-report related to 'empty' variable num.
Subtle difference with a
0-value-input, which is happily accepted.
According to the printoutputs the script is OK, see below a log-extract from Domoticz
Code: Select all
2017-02-22 19:55:00.438 LUA: Temp = 20.8
2017-02-22 19:55:00.438 LUA: RV = 48
2017-02-22 19:55:00.438 LUA: Comfort = 1
2017-02-22 19:55:00.438 LUA: Baro = 1000
2017-02-22 19:55:00.438 LUA:,3,1,T=20.8C
2017-02-22 19:55:00.438 LUA:,4,1,V=48%
2017-02-22 19:55:00.438 LUA: Pwr1 = 0
2017-02-22 19:55:00.438 LUA: Energy1 = 14812156
2017-02-22 19:55:00.438 LUA:,5,1,PV=0W
2017-02-22 19:55:00.438 LUA: Pwr2 = 432
2017-02-22 19:55:00.439 LUA: Energy2 = 37099768
2017-02-22 19:55:00.439 LUA:,6,1,In=432W
2017-02-22 19:55:00.439 EventSystem: Fetching url...
2017-02-22 19:55:00.439 EventSystem: Script event triggered: /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/script_time_ESP8266F_upload01.lua
The info from the UploadURL appears at the OLED,
but nevertheless you get an error report in the log
Code: Select all
2017-02-22 19:55:00.751 Error: Error opening url:,3,1,T=20.8C
Puzzles remain ............