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Re: Lua script for controlling humidity in the bathroom
Posted: Monday 13 June 2016 14:24
by dannybloe
toups wrote:dannybloe wrote:I will make a version in the coming days that will support multiple devices. It will be based on
dzVents though because that allows me to check previous readings more easily. And it is much easier to support multiple 'rooms/devices'.
could you pls confirm if dzVents could run directly on Windows ?
I'm sorry, I cannot. It uses some linux specifics. But hopefully it will soon.
Re: Lua script for controlling humidity in the bathroom
Posted: Thursday 07 July 2016 9:29
by jorns
dannybloe wrote:I will make a version in the coming days that will support multiple devices. It will be based on
dzVents though because that allows me to check previous readings more easily. And it is much easier to support multiple 'rooms/devices'.
Any progress on the new version?
Re: Lua script for controlling humidity in the bathroom
Posted: Thursday 07 July 2016 9:34
by dannybloe
Ah... you got me
Didn't have the time yet.. will do in the coming days. Sorry
Re: Lua script for controlling humidity in the bathroom
Posted: Sunday 04 September 2016 14:00
by JustME125
dannybloe wrote:Ah... you got me
Didn't have the time yet.. will do in the coming days. Sorry
Hi Danny,
Any luck on this one?
I am hoping to spend my holidays to transfer to dZVents and this would be a nice starting point.
I have seen some comments on using dZVents in the internal lua editor (the one in the browser) but can't seem to find it anymore, any clue?
Thanks for all the hard work on this one!
Re: Lua script for controlling humidity in the bathroom
Posted: Thursday 15 September 2016 8:13
by dannybloe
JustME125 wrote:dannybloe wrote:Ah... you got me
Didn't have the time yet.. will do in the coming days. Sorry
Hi Danny,
Any luck on this one?
I am hoping to spend my holidays to transfer to dZVents and this would be a nice starting point.
I have seen some comments on using dZVents in the internal lua editor (the one in the browser) but can't seem to find it anymore, any clue?
Thanks for all the hard work on this one!
Mmm.. summer and vacation drove me out of the house and away from the computer and my home systems. Sorry about that.
The internal editor doesn't work with dzVents unfortunately.
Re: RE: Re: Lua script for controlling humidity in the bathroom
Posted: Thursday 15 September 2016 8:27
by JustME125
dannybloe wrote:JustME125 wrote:dannybloe wrote:Ah... you got me
Didn't have the time yet.. will do in the coming days. Sorry
Hi Danny,
Any luck on this one?
I am hoping to spend my holidays to transfer to dZVents and this would be a nice starting point.
I have seen some comments on using dZVents in the internal lua editor (the one in the browser) but can't seem to find it anymore, any clue?
Thanks for all the hard work on this one!
Mmm.. summer and vacation drove me out of the house and away from the computer and my home systems. Sorry about that.
The internal editor doesn't work with dzVents unfortunately.
No problem, Invested some time in it last week and wrote it myself. Nice piece of work by the way
Verstuurd vanaf mijn HTC One_M8 met Tapatalk
Re: Lua script for controlling humidity in the bathroom
Posted: Monday 10 October 2016 14:33
by Lange1975
Hi Danny,
First of all thank you for your humidity control script.
But the script is behaving a bit strange. The user variable “humCounter” is refreshing every second and not every minute as you mention.
Also the fan stops within 5 minutes even when the humidity is still increasing.
Is there something that I might overlook?
Thank you in advance.
Re: Lua script for controlling humidity in the bathroom
Posted: Monday 10 October 2016 22:22
by Lange1975
It works perfect. But somehow after a couple of minutes it all stops. And I don't know why
franzelare wrote:I based my script on the script in the wiki, the difference is that I want 2 trip levels for humidity change, one for when someone takes a bath and one for the shower.
I have a 3 stage fanbox for my central exhaust system (always running on 1st stage) plus one additional build in pipe fan inside the chanel to the bathroom (because that used to stay moist with the normal fan or my kitchen exhaust flow was to low to get rid of all smells)
when someone takes a bath I only want to start the fanbox at stage 3, but when a shower also needs to trigger the additional fan.
this is where I ended up with, and is working fine for a few months now
Code: Select all
commandArray = {}
-- declare some constants
-- adjust to your specific situation
SAMPLE_INTERVAL = 5 -- time in minutes when a the script logic will happen
FAN_DELTA_TRIGGER = 3 -- rise in humidity needed for a bath that will trigger the fan
FAN_DELTA_TRIGGER2 = 6 -- rise in humidity needed for a shower that will trigger the fan
FAN_MAX_TIME = 20 -- maximum amount of sample cycles the fan can be on,
-- in case we never reach the target humidity
TARGET_OFFSET = 2 -- ventilator goes off if target+offset is reached
FAN_NAME = 'Ventilator 2' -- exact device name of the switch turning on/off the ventilator 2 (itho fan box stand 2)
FAN_NAME2 = 'Ventilator 3' -- exact device name of the switch turning on/off the ventilator 3 (itho fan box stand 3)
FAN_NAME3 = 'Ventilator 4' -- exact device name of the switch turning on/off the ventilator 4 (additional bathroom fan)
SENSOR_NAME = 'Badkamer' -- exact device name of the humidity sensor
TEST_MODE = false -- when true TEST_MODE_HUMVAR is used instead of the real sensor
TEST_MODE_HUMVAR = 'testHumidity' -- fake humidity value, give it a test value in domoticz/uservars
PRINT_MODE = false -- when true wil print output to log and send notifications
if PRINT_MODE == true then
print('Fan control')
-- get the global variables:
-- this script runs every minute, humCounter is used to create SAMPLE_INTERVAL periods
humCounter = tonumber(uservariables['humCounter'])
humidityTmin5 = tonumber(uservariables['humidityTmin5']) -- youngest reading
humidityTmin10 = tonumber(uservariables['humidityTmin10']) -- oldest reading
targetFanOffHumidity = tonumber(uservariables['targetFanOffHumidity']) -- target humidity
fanMaxTimer = tonumber(uservariables['fanMaxTimer'])
fanFollowsProgram = tonumber(uservariables['fanFollowsProgram']) -- marker indicating that the programm is runing for a bath
fan3FollowsProgram = tonumber(uservariables['fan3FollowsProgram']) -- marker indicating that the programm is runing for a shower
target = 0 -- will hold the target humidity when the program starts
-- get the current humidity value
if (TEST_MODE) then
current = tonumber(uservariables[TEST_MODE_HUMVAR])
current = otherdevices_humidity[SENSOR_NAME]
-- check if the sensor is on or has some weird reading
if (current == 0 or current == nil) then
print('current is 0 or nil. Skipping this reading')
return commandArray
if PRINT_MODE == true then
print('Current humidity:' .. current)
print('targetFanOffHumidity:' .. targetFanOffHumidity)
print('humidityTmin5: ' .. humidityTmin5)
print('humidityTmin10: ' .. humidityTmin10)
print('fanMaxTimer: ' .. fanMaxTimer)
print('humCounter:' .. humCounter)
print('fanFollowsProgram:' .. fanFollowsProgram)
print('fan3FollowsProgram:' .. fan3FollowsProgram)
-- increase cycle counter
humCounter = humCounter + 1
if (humCounter >= SAMPLE_INTERVAL) then
if (humidityTmin5 == 0) then
-- initialization, assume this is the first time
humidityTmin5 = current
humidityTmin10 = current
humCounter = 0 -- reset the cycle counter
-- pick the lowest history value to calculate the delta
-- this also makes sure that two relative small deltas in the past 2*interval minutes are treated as one larger rise
-- and therefore will still trigger the ventilator
-- I don't want to use a longer interval instead because I want the ventilator to start as soon as possible
-- (so rather after 5 minutes instead of after 15 minutes because the mirrors in the bathroom become kinda useless ;-)
delta = current - math.min(humidityTmin10, humidityTmin5)
if PRINT_MODE == true then
print('Delta: ' .. delta)
-- pick the lowest history value
target = math.min(humidityTmin10, humidityTmin5) + TARGET_OFFSET
-- shift the previous measurements
humidityTmin10 = humidityTmin5
-- and store the current
humidityTmin5 = current
if (otherdevices[FAN_NAME]=='Off' or (otherdevices[FAN_NAME]=='On' and fanFollowsProgram==0)) then
-- either the fan is off or it is on but the decrease program has not started
-- in that latter case we start the program anyway. This could happen if someone turns on the ventilator
-- manually because he/she is about to take a shower and doesn't like damp mirrors.
-- I don't do this because the ventilator removes heat from the bathroom and I want this to happen
-- as late as possible ;-)
if (fanFollowsProgram == 1 and otherdevices[FAN_NAME]=='Off') then
-- likely someone turned off the ventilator while the program was running
fanFollowsProgram = 0
-- see if we have to turn it on for the shower
if (delta >= FAN_DELTA_TRIGGER2) then
-- time to start the extra fan
commandArray[FAN_NAME] = 'On'
commandArray[FAN_NAME2] = 'On'
commandArray[FAN_NAME3] = 'On'
targetFanOffHumidity = target
fanFollowsProgram = 1
fan3FollowsProgram = 1
-- set the safety stop
fanMaxTimer = FAN_MAX_TIME
if PRINT_MODE == true then
print('Large rise in humidity. Turning on the exra vent. Delta: ' .. delta)
print('Target humidity for turning the ventilator: ' ..targetFanOffHumidity)
commandArray['SendNotification'] = 'Ventilator is on#The extra ventilator was activated at humidity level ' .. current .. '#0'
-- see if we have to turn it on for the bath
if (delta >= FAN_DELTA_TRIGGER) then
-- time to start the fan
commandArray[FAN_NAME] = 'On'
commandArray[FAN_NAME2] = 'On'
targetFanOffHumidity = target
fanFollowsProgram = 1
-- set the safety stop
fanMaxTimer = FAN_MAX_TIME
if PRINT_MODE == true then
print('Rise in humidity. Turning on the vents. Delta: ' .. delta)
print('Target humidity for turning the ventilator: ' ..targetFanOffHumidity)
commandArray['SendNotification'] = 'Ventilator is on#The ventilator was activated at humidity level ' .. current .. '#0'
if (fanMaxTimer > 0) then
-- possible that someone started the ventialator manually
fanMaxTimer = fanMaxTimer - 1
if (fanFollowsProgram == 1) then -- not manually started
if (delta >= FAN_DELTA_TRIGGER) then
-- ok, there is another FAN_DELTA_TRIGGER rise in humidity
-- when this happen we reset the fanMaxTimer to a new count down
-- because we have to ventilate a bit longer due to the extra humidity
if PRINT_MODE == true then
print('Another large increase detected, resetting max timer. Delta: ' .. delta)
fanMaxTimer = FAN_MAX_TIME
-- first see if it can be turned off
if (current <= targetFanOffHumidity or fanMaxTimer==0) then
commandArray[FAN_NAME] = 'Off'
commandArray[FAN_NAME2] = 'Off'
commandArray[FAN_NAME3] = 'Off'
msg = ''
if (fanMaxTimer == 0 and current > targetFanOffHumidity) then
msg = 'Target not reached but safety time-out is triggered.'
if PRINT_MODE == true then
msg = 'Target humidity reached'
if PRINT_MODE == true then
if PRINT_MODE == true then
print('Turning off the ventilator')
msg = msg .. '\nTurning off the ventilator'
targetFanOffHumidity = 0
fanMaxTimer = 0
fanFollowsProgram = 0
fan3FollowsProgram = 0
-- reset history in this case.. we start all over
-- Tmin10 is still in the 'ventilator=On'-zone
humidityTmin10 = humidityTmin5
if PRINT_MODE == true then
commandArray['SendNotification'] = 'Ventilator is off#' .. msg .. '#0'
-- we haven't reached the target yet
if PRINT_MODE == true then
print('Humidity delta: ' .. delta)
if PRINT_MODE == true then
print('New values >>>>>>>>>>>')
print('humidityTmin5: ' .. humidityTmin5)
print('humidityTmin10: ' .. humidityTmin10)
print('fanMaxTimer: ' .. fanMaxTimer)
print('humCounter:' .. humCounter)
print('fanFollowsProgram:' .. fanFollowsProgram)
print('fan3FollowsProgram:' .. fan3FollowsProgram)
print('------ target: ' .. targetFanOffHumidity)
-- save the globals
commandArray['Variable:humCounter'] = tostring(humCounter)
commandArray['Variable:humidityTmin10'] = tostring(humidityTmin10)
commandArray['Variable:humidityTmin5'] = tostring(humidityTmin5)
commandArray['Variable:targetFanOffHumidity'] = tostring(targetFanOffHumidity)
commandArray['Variable:fanMaxTimer'] = tostring(fanMaxTimer)
commandArray['Variable:fanFollowsProgram'] = tostring(fanFollowsProgram)
commandArray['Variable:fan3FollowsProgram'] = tostring(fan3FollowsProgram)
return commandArray
Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: Lua script for controlling humidity in the bathroom
Posted: Tuesday 11 October 2016 2:19
by JustME125
JustME125 wrote:dannybloe wrote:JustME125 wrote:
Hi Danny,
Any luck on this one?
I am hoping to spend my holidays to transfer to dZVents and this would be a nice starting point.
I have seen some comments on using dZVents in the internal lua editor (the one in the browser) but can't seem to find it anymore, any clue?
Thanks for all the hard work on this one!
Mmm.. summer and vacation drove me out of the house and away from the computer and my home systems. Sorry about that.
The internal editor doesn't work with dzVents unfortunately.
No problem, Invested some time in it last week and wrote it myself. Nice piece of work by the way
Verstuurd vanaf mijn HTC One_M8 met Tapatalk
This is my code, please note that it is modified because I have more programs on my ventilation system running so this is part of a bigger picture.
Code: Select all
This script checks the humidity level in the bathtroom to detect showering activity
When the humidify program is running, it sets the fanProgram variable to 1 (0 for manual and 2 for automatic mode)
This script runs every 5 minutes and compares it against the previous reading, when the delta is exceeds a threshold we can assume somebody is taking a shower
active = true,
on = {['timer'] = 'every 5 minutes'},
data = { humidity = { history = true, maxItems = 2 }, targetFanOffHumidity = { initial = 100}, previousVentilationStatus = {initial = 99} }, -- we now have the t-5 and t-10 values in the history
execute = function(domoticz)
-- devices
local sensor = domoticz.devices['Badkamer']
local fan = domoticz.devices['$Ventilation Control']
local ventilation = domoticz.devices['Ventilation']
-- variables
local humTmin5 = -- get the data with timestamp
local humTmin10 = -- get the data with timestamp
humTmin5 =
humTmin10 =
local currentHumidity
local delta
local target
local fanMode = domoticz.variables['fanMode']
-- constants
TEST_MODE = false
-- TEST mode
if(TEST_MODE) then
currentHumidity = TEST_MODE_HUMVAR
domoticz.log("Test mode active", domoticz.LOG_INFO)
currentHumidity = sensor.humidity
if(humTmin5 == 0 or humTmin5 == nil) then -- initialization, assume this is the first time
humTmin5 = currentHumidity
humTmin10 = currentHumidity
-- pick the lowest history value to calculate the delta
-- this also makes sure that two relative small deltas in the past 2*interval minutes are treated as one larger rise
-- and therefore will still trigger the ventilator
-- I don't want to use a longer interval instead because I want the ventilator to start as soon as possible
-- (so rather after 5 minutes instead of after 15 minutes because the mirrors in the bathroom become kinda useless ;-)
delta = currentHumidity - math.min(humTmin10,humTmin5)
-- pick the lowest history value
target = math.min(humTmin10, humTmin5) + TARGET_OFFSET
-- write the history, this pushes the current into history 1, which will become t-5 in the next run
-- and pushes the current history 1 to history 2 which will become t-10 in the next run
-- Now we have figured out the delta humidity so we can decide what to do
if(fan.state == 'Off' or (fan.state ~= 'Off' and fanMode.value == 0) or (fan.state ~= 'Off' and fanMode.value == 2)) then
-- Either the fan is off or the fan is on but the humidity program is not running (manual mode or automatic mode)
-- in the last two cases we start with the humidity program anyway
-- This could happen if someone turns on the ventilator
-- manually because he/she is about to take a shower and doesn't like damp mirrors.
-- I don't do this because the ventilator removes heat from the bathroom and I want this to happen
-- as late as possible ;-)
-- see if we need to turn on the fan
if(delta >= FAN_DELTA_TRIGGER) then
-- turn it on and set the fanMode = target = ventilation.state -- save the current control state before changing so we can give control back when ready
if (fanMode.value == 1) then
domoticz.log("Ventilator was already on but we start the de-humidifying program", domoticz.LOG_INFO)
domoticz.log("Rise in humidity. Turning on the fan. Delta: " .. delta, domoticz.LOG_INFO)
domoticz.log("Target humidity for turning the ventilator off: ", domoticz.LOG_INFO)
if (fanMode.value == 1) then -- not manually started
if(delta >= FAN_DELTA_TRIGGER) then
-- ok, another rise in humidity detected
-- when this happens we restart the whole program
-- so we have new 2 hours time frame
domoticz.log("Another large increase detected, resetting max timer. Delta: " .. delta, domoticz.LOG_INFO)
-- first check if we can turn off the fan
if(currentHumidity <= or fan.lastUpdate.minutesAgo > 120) then
-- we can, so we revert to the state before the program started
if( == 'Off') then
if( == 'Low') then
if( == 'Medium') then
if( == 'High') then
if( == 'Automatic') then
-- now we want to log what happened
if(fan.lastUpdate.minutesAgo > 120 and currentHumidity > then
domoticz.log("Target not reached but safety time-out is triggered", domoticz.LOG_INFO)
domoticz.log("Target humidity reached", domoticz.LOG_INFO)
domoticz.log("Reverting back to: " .. " mode", domoticz.LOG_INFO) = 0
-- reset history in this case.. we start all over
-- Tmin10 is still in the 'ventilator=On'-zone
humidityTmin10 = humidityTmin5
-- we haven't reached the target yet
domoticz.log("Humidity delta: " .."%", domoticz.LOG_INFO)
Verstuurd vanaf mijn HTC One_M8 met Tapatalk
Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: Lua script for controlling humidity in the bathroom
Posted: Tuesday 11 October 2016 8:14
by dannybloe
JustME125 wrote:JustME125 wrote:dannybloe wrote:
Mmm.. summer and vacation drove me out of the house and away from the computer and my home systems. Sorry about that.
The internal editor doesn't work with dzVents unfortunately.
No problem, Invested some time in it last week and wrote it myself. Nice piece of work by the way
Verstuurd vanaf mijn HTC One_M8 met Tapatalk
This is my code, please note that it is modified because I have more programs on my ventilation system running so this is part of a bigger picture.
Code: Select all
This script checks the humidity level in the bathtroom to detect showering activity
When the humidify program is running, it sets the fanProgram variable to 1 (0 for manual and 2 for automatic mode)
This script runs every 5 minutes and compares it against the previous reading, when the delta is exceeds a threshold we can assume somebody is taking a shower
active = true,
on = {['timer'] = 'every 5 minutes'},
data = { humidity = { history = true, maxItems = 2 }, targetFanOffHumidity = { initial = 100}, previousVentilationStatus = {initial = 99} }, -- we now have the t-5 and t-10 values in the history
execute = function(domoticz)
-- devices
local sensor = domoticz.devices['Badkamer']
local fan = domoticz.devices['$Ventilation Control']
local ventilation = domoticz.devices['Ventilation']
-- variables
local humTmin5 = -- get the data with timestamp
local humTmin10 = -- get the data with timestamp
humTmin5 =
humTmin10 =
local currentHumidity
local delta
local target
local fanMode = domoticz.variables['fanMode']
-- constants
TEST_MODE = false
-- TEST mode
if(TEST_MODE) then
currentHumidity = TEST_MODE_HUMVAR
domoticz.log("Test mode active", domoticz.LOG_INFO)
currentHumidity = sensor.humidity
if(humTmin5 == 0 or humTmin5 == nil) then -- initialization, assume this is the first time
humTmin5 = currentHumidity
humTmin10 = currentHumidity
-- pick the lowest history value to calculate the delta
-- this also makes sure that two relative small deltas in the past 2*interval minutes are treated as one larger rise
-- and therefore will still trigger the ventilator
-- I don't want to use a longer interval instead because I want the ventilator to start as soon as possible
-- (so rather after 5 minutes instead of after 15 minutes because the mirrors in the bathroom become kinda useless ;-)
delta = currentHumidity - math.min(humTmin10,humTmin5)
-- pick the lowest history value
target = math.min(humTmin10, humTmin5) + TARGET_OFFSET
-- write the history, this pushes the current into history 1, which will become t-5 in the next run
-- and pushes the current history 1 to history 2 which will become t-10 in the next run
-- Now we have figured out the delta humidity so we can decide what to do
if(fan.state == 'Off' or (fan.state ~= 'Off' and fanMode.value == 0) or (fan.state ~= 'Off' and fanMode.value == 2)) then
-- Either the fan is off or the fan is on but the humidity program is not running (manual mode or automatic mode)
-- in the last two cases we start with the humidity program anyway
-- This could happen if someone turns on the ventilator
-- manually because he/she is about to take a shower and doesn't like damp mirrors.
-- I don't do this because the ventilator removes heat from the bathroom and I want this to happen
-- as late as possible ;-)
-- see if we need to turn on the fan
if(delta >= FAN_DELTA_TRIGGER) then
-- turn it on and set the fanMode = target = ventilation.state -- save the current control state before changing so we can give control back when ready
if (fanMode.value == 1) then
domoticz.log("Ventilator was already on but we start the de-humidifying program", domoticz.LOG_INFO)
domoticz.log("Rise in humidity. Turning on the fan. Delta: " .. delta, domoticz.LOG_INFO)
domoticz.log("Target humidity for turning the ventilator off: ", domoticz.LOG_INFO)
if (fanMode.value == 1) then -- not manually started
if(delta >= FAN_DELTA_TRIGGER) then
-- ok, another rise in humidity detected
-- when this happens we restart the whole program
-- so we have new 2 hours time frame
domoticz.log("Another large increase detected, resetting max timer. Delta: " .. delta, domoticz.LOG_INFO)
-- first check if we can turn off the fan
if(currentHumidity <= or fan.lastUpdate.minutesAgo > 120) then
-- we can, so we revert to the state before the program started
if( == 'Off') then
if( == 'Low') then
if( == 'Medium') then
if( == 'High') then
if( == 'Automatic') then
-- now we want to log what happened
if(fan.lastUpdate.minutesAgo > 120 and currentHumidity > then
domoticz.log("Target not reached but safety time-out is triggered", domoticz.LOG_INFO)
domoticz.log("Target humidity reached", domoticz.LOG_INFO)
domoticz.log("Reverting back to: " .. " mode", domoticz.LOG_INFO) = 0
-- reset history in this case.. we start all over
-- Tmin10 is still in the 'ventilator=On'-zone
humidityTmin10 = humidityTmin5
-- we haven't reached the target yet
domoticz.log("Humidity delta: " .."%", domoticz.LOG_INFO)
Verstuurd vanaf mijn HTC One_M8 met Tapatalk
Unfortunately I don't have much time lately to look into this very thoroughly but I would be very surprised if the script is run every second as this is not how Domoticz works. Unless you renamed the script and made it an event-based script instead of a time-based script. Make sure the filename of the script if script_time_<name>.lua and not script_device_<name>.lua. In the later case it will be executed everytime some device triggers the eventsystem which can be every second.
Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: Lua script for controlling humidity in the bathroom
Posted: Tuesday 11 October 2016 8:18
by JustME125
dannybloe wrote:JustME125 wrote:JustME125 wrote:
No problem, Invested some time in it last week and wrote it myself. Nice piece of work by the way
Verstuurd vanaf mijn HTC One_M8 met Tapatalk
This is my code, please note that it is modified because I have more programs on my ventilation system running so this is part of a bigger picture.
Code: Select all
This script checks the humidity level in the bathtroom to detect showering activity
When the humidify program is running, it sets the fanProgram variable to 1 (0 for manual and 2 for automatic mode)
This script runs every 5 minutes and compares it against the previous reading, when the delta is exceeds a threshold we can assume somebody is taking a shower
active = true,
on = {['timer'] = 'every 5 minutes'},
data = { humidity = { history = true, maxItems = 2 }, targetFanOffHumidity = { initial = 100}, previousVentilationStatus = {initial = 99} }, -- we now have the t-5 and t-10 values in the history
execute = function(domoticz)
-- devices
local sensor = domoticz.devices['Badkamer']
local fan = domoticz.devices['$Ventilation Control']
local ventilation = domoticz.devices['Ventilation']
-- variables
local humTmin5 = -- get the data with timestamp
local humTmin10 = -- get the data with timestamp
humTmin5 =
humTmin10 =
local currentHumidity
local delta
local target
local fanMode = domoticz.variables['fanMode']
-- constants
TEST_MODE = false
-- TEST mode
if(TEST_MODE) then
currentHumidity = TEST_MODE_HUMVAR
domoticz.log("Test mode active", domoticz.LOG_INFO)
currentHumidity = sensor.humidity
if(humTmin5 == 0 or humTmin5 == nil) then -- initialization, assume this is the first time
humTmin5 = currentHumidity
humTmin10 = currentHumidity
-- pick the lowest history value to calculate the delta
-- this also makes sure that two relative small deltas in the past 2*interval minutes are treated as one larger rise
-- and therefore will still trigger the ventilator
-- I don't want to use a longer interval instead because I want the ventilator to start as soon as possible
-- (so rather after 5 minutes instead of after 15 minutes because the mirrors in the bathroom become kinda useless ;-)
delta = currentHumidity - math.min(humTmin10,humTmin5)
-- pick the lowest history value
target = math.min(humTmin10, humTmin5) + TARGET_OFFSET
-- write the history, this pushes the current into history 1, which will become t-5 in the next run
-- and pushes the current history 1 to history 2 which will become t-10 in the next run
-- Now we have figured out the delta humidity so we can decide what to do
if(fan.state == 'Off' or (fan.state ~= 'Off' and fanMode.value == 0) or (fan.state ~= 'Off' and fanMode.value == 2)) then
-- Either the fan is off or the fan is on but the humidity program is not running (manual mode or automatic mode)
-- in the last two cases we start with the humidity program anyway
-- This could happen if someone turns on the ventilator
-- manually because he/she is about to take a shower and doesn't like damp mirrors.
-- I don't do this because the ventilator removes heat from the bathroom and I want this to happen
-- as late as possible ;-)
-- see if we need to turn on the fan
if(delta >= FAN_DELTA_TRIGGER) then
-- turn it on and set the fanMode = target = ventilation.state -- save the current control state before changing so we can give control back when ready
if (fanMode.value == 1) then
domoticz.log("Ventilator was already on but we start the de-humidifying program", domoticz.LOG_INFO)
domoticz.log("Rise in humidity. Turning on the fan. Delta: " .. delta, domoticz.LOG_INFO)
domoticz.log("Target humidity for turning the ventilator off: ", domoticz.LOG_INFO)
if (fanMode.value == 1) then -- not manually started
if(delta >= FAN_DELTA_TRIGGER) then
-- ok, another rise in humidity detected
-- when this happens we restart the whole program
-- so we have new 2 hours time frame
domoticz.log("Another large increase detected, resetting max timer. Delta: " .. delta, domoticz.LOG_INFO)
-- first check if we can turn off the fan
if(currentHumidity <= or fan.lastUpdate.minutesAgo > 120) then
-- we can, so we revert to the state before the program started
if( == 'Off') then
if( == 'Low') then
if( == 'Medium') then
if( == 'High') then
if( == 'Automatic') then
-- now we want to log what happened
if(fan.lastUpdate.minutesAgo > 120 and currentHumidity > then
domoticz.log("Target not reached but safety time-out is triggered", domoticz.LOG_INFO)
domoticz.log("Target humidity reached", domoticz.LOG_INFO)
domoticz.log("Reverting back to: " .. " mode", domoticz.LOG_INFO) = 0
-- reset history in this case.. we start all over
-- Tmin10 is still in the 'ventilator=On'-zone
humidityTmin10 = humidityTmin5
-- we haven't reached the target yet
domoticz.log("Humidity delta: " .."%", domoticz.LOG_INFO)
Verstuurd vanaf mijn HTC One_M8 met Tapatalk
Unfortunately I don't have much time lately to look into this very thoroughly but I would be very surprised if the script is run every second as this is not how Domoticz works. Unless you renamed the script and made it an event-based script instead of a time-based script. Make sure the filename of the script if script_time_<name>.lua and not script_device_<name>.lua. In the later case it will be executed everytime some device triggers the eventsystem which can be every second.
Mine is running every 5 minutes, no issue with it at all. I think you would want to comment on the other question
. This was just FYI post.
Verstuurd vanaf mijn HTC One_M8 met Tapatalk
Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: Lua script for controlling humidity in the bathroom
Posted: Tuesday 11 October 2016 8:20
by dannybloe
JustME125 wrote:dannybloe wrote:JustME125 wrote:
This is my code, please note that it is modified because I have more programs on my ventilation system running so this is part of a bigger picture.
Code: Select all
This script checks the humidity level in the bathtroom to detect showering activity
When the humidify program is running, it sets the fanProgram variable to 1 (0 for manual and 2 for automatic mode)
This script runs every 5 minutes and compares it against the previous reading, when the delta is exceeds a threshold we can assume somebody is taking a shower
active = true,
on = {['timer'] = 'every 5 minutes'},
data = { humidity = { history = true, maxItems = 2 }, targetFanOffHumidity = { initial = 100}, previousVentilationStatus = {initial = 99} }, -- we now have the t-5 and t-10 values in the history
execute = function(domoticz)
-- devices
local sensor = domoticz.devices['Badkamer']
local fan = domoticz.devices['$Ventilation Control']
local ventilation = domoticz.devices['Ventilation']
-- variables
local humTmin5 = -- get the data with timestamp
local humTmin10 = -- get the data with timestamp
humTmin5 =
humTmin10 =
local currentHumidity
local delta
local target
local fanMode = domoticz.variables['fanMode']
-- constants
TEST_MODE = false
-- TEST mode
if(TEST_MODE) then
currentHumidity = TEST_MODE_HUMVAR
domoticz.log("Test mode active", domoticz.LOG_INFO)
currentHumidity = sensor.humidity
if(humTmin5 == 0 or humTmin5 == nil) then -- initialization, assume this is the first time
humTmin5 = currentHumidity
humTmin10 = currentHumidity
-- pick the lowest history value to calculate the delta
-- this also makes sure that two relative small deltas in the past 2*interval minutes are treated as one larger rise
-- and therefore will still trigger the ventilator
-- I don't want to use a longer interval instead because I want the ventilator to start as soon as possible
-- (so rather after 5 minutes instead of after 15 minutes because the mirrors in the bathroom become kinda useless ;-)
delta = currentHumidity - math.min(humTmin10,humTmin5)
-- pick the lowest history value
target = math.min(humTmin10, humTmin5) + TARGET_OFFSET
-- write the history, this pushes the current into history 1, which will become t-5 in the next run
-- and pushes the current history 1 to history 2 which will become t-10 in the next run
-- Now we have figured out the delta humidity so we can decide what to do
if(fan.state == 'Off' or (fan.state ~= 'Off' and fanMode.value == 0) or (fan.state ~= 'Off' and fanMode.value == 2)) then
-- Either the fan is off or the fan is on but the humidity program is not running (manual mode or automatic mode)
-- in the last two cases we start with the humidity program anyway
-- This could happen if someone turns on the ventilator
-- manually because he/she is about to take a shower and doesn't like damp mirrors.
-- I don't do this because the ventilator removes heat from the bathroom and I want this to happen
-- as late as possible ;-)
-- see if we need to turn on the fan
if(delta >= FAN_DELTA_TRIGGER) then
-- turn it on and set the fanMode = target = ventilation.state -- save the current control state before changing so we can give control back when ready
if (fanMode.value == 1) then
domoticz.log("Ventilator was already on but we start the de-humidifying program", domoticz.LOG_INFO)
domoticz.log("Rise in humidity. Turning on the fan. Delta: " .. delta, domoticz.LOG_INFO)
domoticz.log("Target humidity for turning the ventilator off: ", domoticz.LOG_INFO)
if (fanMode.value == 1) then -- not manually started
if(delta >= FAN_DELTA_TRIGGER) then
-- ok, another rise in humidity detected
-- when this happens we restart the whole program
-- so we have new 2 hours time frame
domoticz.log("Another large increase detected, resetting max timer. Delta: " .. delta, domoticz.LOG_INFO)
-- first check if we can turn off the fan
if(currentHumidity <= or fan.lastUpdate.minutesAgo > 120) then
-- we can, so we revert to the state before the program started
if( == 'Off') then
if( == 'Low') then
if( == 'Medium') then
if( == 'High') then
if( == 'Automatic') then
-- now we want to log what happened
if(fan.lastUpdate.minutesAgo > 120 and currentHumidity > then
domoticz.log("Target not reached but safety time-out is triggered", domoticz.LOG_INFO)
domoticz.log("Target humidity reached", domoticz.LOG_INFO)
domoticz.log("Reverting back to: " .. " mode", domoticz.LOG_INFO) = 0
-- reset history in this case.. we start all over
-- Tmin10 is still in the 'ventilator=On'-zone
humidityTmin10 = humidityTmin5
-- we haven't reached the target yet
domoticz.log("Humidity delta: " .."%", domoticz.LOG_INFO)
Verstuurd vanaf mijn HTC One_M8 met Tapatalk
Unfortunately I don't have much time lately to look into this very thoroughly but I would be very surprised if the script is run every second as this is not how Domoticz works. Unless you renamed the script and made it an event-based script instead of a time-based script. Make sure the filename of the script if script_time_<name>.lua and not script_device_<name>.lua. In the later case it will be executed everytime some device triggers the eventsystem which can be every second.
Mine is running every 5 minutes, no issue with it at all. I think you would want to comment on the other question
. This was just FYI post.
Verstuurd vanaf mijn HTC One_M8 met Tapatalk
Ah, crap, you're right
Re: Lua script for controlling humidity in the bathroom
Posted: Tuesday 11 October 2016 8:21
by dannybloe
Lange1975 wrote:Hi Danny,
First of all thank you for your humidity control script.
But the script is behaving a bit strange. The user variable “humCounter” is refreshing every second and not every minute as you mention.
Also the fan stops within 5 minutes even when the humidity is still increasing.
Is there something that I might overlook?
Thank you in advance.
Unfortunately I don't have much time lately to look into this very thoroughly but I would be very surprised if the script is run every second as this is not how Domoticz works. Unless you renamed the script and made it an event-based script instead of a time-based script. Make sure the filename of the script if script_time_<name>.lua and not script_device_<name>.lua. In the later case it will be executed every time some device triggers the event-system which can be every second.
Re: Lua script for controlling humidity in the bathroom
Posted: Wednesday 12 October 2016 5:59
by Lange1975
Danny I Found the problem. It was exact as you described below. It was event-based and NOT time-based.
Thank you for your help.
A minor other question. Do you have experience with Nest Protect V2?
I’m curious to know if Domoticz is able to see/read the CO and CO2 values that the Nest sensors can pick up. If so then there is the option to use the Nest sensors to trigger the fan if the CO2 levels are getting high.
dannybloe wrote:Lange1975 wrote:Hi Danny,
First of all thank you for your humidity control script.
But the script is behaving a bit strange. The user variable “humCounter” is refreshing every second and not every minute as you mention.
Also the fan stops within 5 minutes even when the humidity is still increasing.
Is there something that I might overlook?
Thank you in advance.
Unfortunately I don't have much time lately to look into this very thoroughly but I would be very surprised if the script is run every second as this is not how Domoticz works. Unless you renamed the script and made it an event-based script instead of a time-based script. Make sure the filename of the script if script_time_<name>.lua and not script_device_<name>.lua. In the later case it will be executed every time some device triggers the event-system which can be every second.
Re: Lua script for controlling humidity in the bathroom
Posted: Wednesday 12 October 2016 7:37
by dannybloe
Lange1975 wrote:Danny I Found the problem. It was exact as you described below. It was event-based and NOT time-based.
Thank you for your help.
A minor other question. Do you have experience with Nest Protect V2?
I’m curious to know if Domoticz is able to see/read the CO and CO2 values that the Nest sensors can pick up. If so then there is the option to use the Nest sensors to trigger the fan if the CO2 levels are getting high.
Good to hear. I was suspecting that. But no, I don't have any nests at home except my home itself
Re: Lua script for controlling humidity in the bathroom
Posted: Thursday 13 October 2016 12:40
by franzelare
Lange1975 wrote:Danny I Found the problem. It was exact as you described below. It was event-based and NOT time-based.
Thank you for your help.
A minor other question. Do you have experience with Nest Protect V2?
I’m curious to know if Domoticz is able to see/read the CO and CO2 values that the Nest sensors can pick up. If so then there is the option to use the Nest sensors to trigger the fan if the CO2 levels are getting high.
dannybloe wrote:Lange1975 wrote:Hi Danny,
First of all thank you for your humidity control script.
But the script is behaving a bit strange. The user variable “humCounter” is refreshing every second and not every minute as you mention.
Also the fan stops within 5 minutes even when the humidity is still increasing.
Is there something that I might overlook?
Thank you in advance.
Unfortunately I don't have much time lately to look into this very thoroughly but I would be very surprised if the script is run every second as this is not how Domoticz works. Unless you renamed the script and made it an event-based script instead of a time-based script. Make sure the filename of the script if script_time_<name>.lua and not script_device_<name>.lua. In the later case it will be executed every time some device triggers the event-system which can be every second.
not with nest but working to get NH3 sensing also installed since I have a toilet in the bathroom and want to do some smell control in case needed...
will post that when it is finished, that will be mysensor based for the NH3 and using 2 sensor nodes and some tube fans to control the flow from the toilets/bathroom/kitchen
Re: RE: Re: Lua script for controlling humidity in the bathroom
Posted: Thursday 13 October 2016 16:07
by Lange1975
franzelare wrote:Lange1975 wrote:Danny I Found the problem. It was exact as you described below. It was event-based and NOT time-based.
Thank you for your help.
A minor other question. Do you have experience with Nest Protect V2?
I’m curious to know if Domoticz is able to see/read the CO and CO2 values that the Nest sensors can pick up. If so then there is the option to use the Nest sensors to trigger the fan if the CO2 levels are getting high.
dannybloe wrote:
Unfortunately I don't have much time lately to look into this very thoroughly but I would be very surprised if the script is run every second as this is not how Domoticz works. Unless you renamed the script and made it an event-based script instead of a time-based script. Make sure the filename of the script if script_time_<name>.lua and not script_device_<name>.lua. In the later case it will be executed every time some device triggers the event-system which can be every second.
not with nest but working to get NH3 sensing also installed since I have a toilet in the bathroom and want to do some smell control in case needed...
will post that when it is finished, that will be mysensor based for the NH3 and using 2 sensor nodes and some tube fans to control the flow from the toilets/bathroom/kitchen
What's a Nh3 season?
Verstuurd vanaf mijn SM-G935F met Tapatalk
Re: RE: Re: Lua script for controlling humidity in the bathroom
Posted: Thursday 13 October 2016 22:45
by franzelare
Lange1975 wrote:What's a Nh3 season?
sorry, methane, was working on an NH3 related issue for my work at the same time
using an MQ-4 sensor
Re: Lua script for controlling humidity in the bathroom
Posted: Sunday 16 October 2016 16:28
by renerene
The temperature part of sensor is more sensitive than the humidity part. I am thinking of re-writing the code and use the rise of temperature as trigger. Before I go into this: has anybody done this already?
(I don't like the current trigger mechanism. Allthough I narrowed the treshold, the fan start too late or not at all)
Re: Lua script for controlling humidity in the bathroom
Posted: Tuesday 06 June 2017 20:49
by harolds
renerene wrote:The temperature part of sensor is more sensitive than the humidity part. I am thinking of re-writing the code and use the rise of temperature as trigger. Before I go into this: has anybody done this already?
(I don't like the current trigger mechanism. Allthough I narrowed the treshold, the fan start too late or not at all)
I had that thought myselfs too. Maybe you can start with my improved script? See here below.