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Re: Show your Dashticz v2.0 and how-to's!

Posted: Friday 05 May 2017 12:07
by poudenes
robgeerts wrote:
poudenes wrote:My own creation to implement "NS Vertrektijden" Have created a .PHP on my VPS and created a API Account at NS (Free, and you can do 50.000 request a day) Maybe when people wants it it can be build into Dashticz and Rob creates a nice block editable script for it?

If you can create a public url (with apikey as parameter), I can create a block for this..
i can't make a public url with api key in it. api key is password as well to access the server

I use this code to get the information from NS and put it in a file so i can access it (my coding is not the best... but at least it work for me now) :lol:

Code: Select all

$url = "";
$username = "REGISTERED EMAIL";
$password = "API PASSWORD";
$file = "vertrek3.xml";

$ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "$username:$password");
$output = curl_exec($ch);
$info = curl_getinfo($ch);
?station=asdz (asdz is the shortname of Amsterdam Zuid) asd=Amsterdam Centraal, ass Amsterdam Sloterdijk etc.

So username, password, station are variable that can be add by user when the registered a API account at NS.NL

here there XML what you get from NS:

Code: Select all

<VertrekVertragingTekst>+9 min</VertrekVertragingTekst>
<EindBestemming>Schiphol Airport</EindBestemming>
<VertrekSpoor wijziging="false">3</VertrekSpoor>
<VertrekVertragingTekst>+6 min</VertrekVertragingTekst>
<EindBestemming>Den Haag Centraal</EindBestemming>
<RouteTekst>Schiphol Airport, Leiden C.</RouteTekst>
<VertrekSpoor wijziging="false">4</VertrekSpoor>
<RouteTekst>Duivendrecht, Weesp, Naarden-B</RouteTekst>
<VertrekSpoor wijziging="false">2</VertrekSpoor>
<EindBestemming>Schiphol Airport</EindBestemming>
<VertrekSpoor wijziging="false">3</VertrekSpoor>
<RouteTekst>Bijlmer ArenA, Utrecht C, Eindhoven</RouteTekst>
<VertrekSpoor wijziging="false">2</VertrekSpoor>
<VertrekVertragingTekst>+2 min</VertrekVertragingTekst>
<EindBestemming>Lelystad Centrum</EindBestemming>
<RouteTekst>Almere C., Almere Buiten</RouteTekst>
<VertrekSpoor wijziging="false">1</VertrekSpoor>
<RouteTekst>Schiphol Airport</RouteTekst>
<VertrekSpoor wijziging="false">3</VertrekSpoor>
<EindBestemming>Almere Oostvaarders</EindBestemming>
<RouteTekst>Duivendrecht, Weesp, Almere C.</RouteTekst>
<VertrekSpoor wijziging="false">2</VertrekSpoor>
<EindBestemming>Rotterdam Centraal</EindBestemming>
<RouteTekst>Schiphol Airport, Leiden C., Den Haag L v NOI</RouteTekst>
<VertrekSpoor wijziging="false">4</VertrekSpoor>
<EindBestemming>Schiphol Airport</EindBestemming>
<VertrekSpoor wijziging="false">3</VertrekSpoor>
<RouteTekst>Bijlmer ArenA, Utrecht C, Driebergen-Zeist</RouteTekst>
<VertrekSpoor wijziging="false">2</VertrekSpoor>
<RouteTekst>Schiphol Airport</RouteTekst>
<VertrekSpoor wijziging="false">4</VertrekSpoor>
<VertrekVertragingTekst>+2 min</VertrekVertragingTekst>
<RouteTekst>Almere C., Lelystad C., Zwolle</RouteTekst>
<VertrekSpoor wijziging="false">1</VertrekSpoor>
<RouteTekst>Hilversum, Amersfoort, Apeldoorn</RouteTekst>
<VertrekSpoor wijziging="false">2</VertrekSpoor>
<EindBestemming>Schiphol Airport</EindBestemming>
<VertrekSpoor wijziging="false">3</VertrekSpoor>
<VertrekVertragingTekst>+5 min</VertrekVertragingTekst>
<EindBestemming>Den Haag Centraal</EindBestemming>
<RouteTekst>Schiphol Airport, Leiden C.</RouteTekst>
<VertrekSpoor wijziging="false">4</VertrekSpoor>
<RouteTekst>Duivendrecht, Weesp, Naarden-B</RouteTekst>
<VertrekSpoor wijziging="false">2</VertrekSpoor>
<EindBestemming>Schiphol Airport</EindBestemming>
<VertrekSpoor wijziging="false">3</VertrekSpoor>
<RouteTekst>Bijlmer ArenA, Utrecht C, Eindhoven</RouteTekst>
<VertrekSpoor wijziging="false">2</VertrekSpoor>
<EindBestemming>Lelystad Centrum</EindBestemming>
<RouteTekst>Almere C., Almere Buiten</RouteTekst>
<VertrekSpoor wijziging="false">1</VertrekSpoor>
<RouteTekst>Schiphol Airport</RouteTekst>
<VertrekSpoor wijziging="false">3</VertrekSpoor>
<EindBestemming>Almere Oostvaarders</EindBestemming>
<RouteTekst>Duivendrecht, Weesp, Almere C.</RouteTekst>
<VertrekSpoor wijziging="false">2</VertrekSpoor>
<EindBestemming>Rotterdam Centraal</EindBestemming>
<RouteTekst>Schiphol Airport, Leiden C., Den Haag L v NOI</RouteTekst>
<VertrekSpoor wijziging="false">4</VertrekSpoor>
<EindBestemming>Schiphol Airport</EindBestemming>
<VertrekSpoor wijziging="false">3</VertrekSpoor>
<RouteTekst>Bijlmer ArenA, Utrecht C, Driebergen-Zeist</RouteTekst>
<VertrekSpoor wijziging="false">2</VertrekSpoor>
<RouteTekst>Almere C., Lelystad C., Zwolle</RouteTekst>
<VertrekSpoor wijziging="false">1</VertrekSpoor>
<RouteTekst>Schiphol Airport</RouteTekst>
<VertrekSpoor wijziging="false">4</VertrekSpoor>
<EindBestemming>Amersfoort Schothorst</EindBestemming>
<RouteTekst>Hilversum, Amersfoort</RouteTekst>
<VertrekSpoor wijziging="false">2</VertrekSpoor>

Re: Show your Dashticz v2.0 and how-to's!

Posted: Friday 05 May 2017 12:11
by robgeerts
I know but everybody must use his own key ;)

Re: Show your Dashticz v2.0 and how-to's!

Posted: Friday 05 May 2017 12:28
by poudenes
robgeerts wrote:I know but everybody must use his own key ;)
:D Tried everything to do a request on URL base:

http://USERNAME-EMAIL:API-KEY@webservic ... ation=asdz

that isn't work...

Re: Show your Dashticz v2.0 and how-to's!

Posted: Friday 05 May 2017 12:32
by robgeerts
No, I mean a public link tou your script, like: ;)

Re: Show your Dashticz v2.0 and how-to's!

Posted: Friday 05 May 2017 12:36
by poudenes
robgeerts wrote:No, I mean a public link tou your script, like: ;)
Ohhh now i get it. you mean a public key where people can give their own API keys and on my vps it will create a xml file.
Otherwise PM me :)

Re: Show your Dashticz v2.0 and how-to's!

Posted: Friday 05 May 2017 13:02
by robgeerts
Yes, thats what I mean ;)

Re: Show your Dashticz v2.0 and how-to's!

Posted: Friday 05 May 2017 13:08
by HansieNL
@poudenes Maybe it's possible to use my Feature Request on the train page... ... 24#p132951

Re: Show your Dashticz v2.0 and how-to's!

Posted: Friday 05 May 2017 14:09
by mAiden88
Css Fail.. :D

Need some tweaking before i post my Dash, but this fail i want to share. haha.

Re: Show your Dashticz v2.0 and how-to's!

Posted: Friday 05 May 2017 14:23
by htilburgs
Nice attempt....;-)
If you like the + and - button from the thermostaat less visible, then you can use this code (I've used this for the Roller Shutter), if they use the same framesettings (.input-groupBtn.input-chevron .btn-number)

Code: Select all

/* Transparent Background for arrow Blinds - Big Screen */
.input-groupBtn.input-chevron .btn-number {
    padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px;
    background-color: transparent;

/* Transparent Background for arrow Blinds - Small Screen */
@media only screen and (max-width: 1400px) {
	.input-groupBtn.input-chevron .btn-number {
		padding: 7px 10px 7px 10px;
		background-color: transparent;

Re: Show your Dashticz v2.0 and how-to's!

Posted: Friday 05 May 2017 19:37
by lukev
Here are my two pages, all credits for the code go to the original programmers ;-)


Next thing to do, is get streaming video from my webcams. In domoticz it works, just as in my previous dashboard. But still not in this one :o

Re: Show your Dashticz v2.0 and how-to's!

Posted: Friday 05 May 2017 19:44
by mvveelen
lukev wrote:Here are my two pages, all credits for the code go to the original programmers ;-)


Next thing to do, is get streaming video from my webcams. In domoticz it works, just is in my previous dashboard. But still not in this one :o
I see you have the charging / % charged in your dashboard. How exactly did you get this (I know the topic, but there are a lot of pages to read....), AND doesn't it drain your iPhone when you repeatedly poll the status or whereabouts of the iPhone?

Re: Show your Dashticz v2.0 and how-to's!

Posted: Friday 05 May 2017 19:59
by lukev
mvveelen wrote:
I see you have the charging / % charged in your dashboard. How exactly did you get this (I know the topic, but there are a lot of pages to read....), AND doesn't it drain your iPhone when you repeatedly poll the status or whereabouts of the iPhone?
This is my working LUA-script. You have to make 3 dummy devices, 2 text and 1 percentage: "iPhone Battery PERSON1", "Postion PERSON1" and "PowerState PERSON1".
I poll every 10 minutes, it seems to drain the battery a little faster, but nothing spectacular.

Code: Select all

-- Script to check the location of multiple iPhones every X minutes,
-- test if they are "home" and represent this using virtual switches

commandArray = {}
-- polling interval in minutes (1-59), setting this too low may drain the phones' batteries
interval = 10
local m ='%M')
if (m % interval == 0) then

  json = (loadfile "/volume1/@appstore/domoticz/var/scripts/lua/JSON.lua")()

  -- Array of users to be checked
  users = {
            PERSON1 = {username = "itunes username" ; password = "itunes password" ; devicename = "itunes devicename"};
            PERSON2 = {username = "itunes username" ; password = "itunes password" ; devicename = "itunes devicename"}
 -- The latitude and longitude of your house (use Google Maps or similar to find this)
  homelongitude = xxxxx
  homelatitude = xxxxxxx
  -- Radius (in km) which will be used to determine if a device is at home
  radius = 0.3

  function address(longitude, latitude)
    command = "curl -s" .. latitude .. "," .. longitude .. "&sensor=false"
    local handle = io.popen(command)
    local result = handle:read("*a")
    output = json:decode(result)
    return output.results[1].formatted_address

  for user,credentials in pairs(users) do
    getlocation = "curl -s -X POST -L -u '" .. credentials.username .. ":" .. credentials.password .. "' -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -H 'X-Apple-Find-Api-Ver: 2.0' -H 'X-Apple-Authscheme: UserIdGuest' -H 'X-Apple-Realm-Support: 1.0' -H 'User-agent: Find iPhone/1.3 MeKit (iPad: iPhone OS/4.2.1)' -H 'X-Client-Name: iPad' -H 'X-Client-UUID: d98c8ae0db3311e687b92890643032df' -H 'Accept-Language: en-us' -H 'Connection: keep-alive'" .. credentials.username .."/initClient"
    local handle = io.popen(getlocation)
    local result = handle:read("*a")

    output = json:decode(result)
    for key,value in pairs(output.content) do
      if == credentials.devicename then
        lon = value.location.longitude
        lat = value.location.latitude
        bat = value.batteryLevel * 100 / 1
        powerstateval = value.batteryStatus
        table.insert(commandArray,{['UpdateDevice'] = otherdevices_idx['iPhone Battery ' .. user] .. '|0|' .. bat})
        table.insert(commandArray,{['UpdateDevice'] = otherdevices_idx['PowerState ' .. user] .. '|0|' .. powerstateval})
        distance = math.sqrt(((lon - homelongitude) * 111.320 * math.cos(math.rad(lat)))^2 + ((lat - homelatitude) * 110.547)^2)  -- approximation
        position = address(lon,lat)
        position_text = string.gsub(position, ', Netherlands', '') .. ' (' .. (math.floor(distance*10+0.5)/10) .. ' km)'
        prev_distance_str = string.match(otherdevices['Position ' .. user], '%(.*%)') or '(1000 km)'
      prev_distance = tonumber(string.sub(prev_distance_str, 2,-5))
        -- update text device, but only if postion has changed more than defined in "radius" to reduce log size
        if math.abs(prev_distance - distance) > radius then 
          table.insert(commandArray,{['UpdateDevice'] = otherdevices_idx['Position ' .. user] .. '|0|' .. position_text})
        print('iPhone ' .. user .. ': ' .. math.floor(distance*100+0.5)/100 .. ' km from home, ' .. bat .. '% battery remaining. PowerState: '.. powerstateval ..' ')
        if distance < radius  then
          if otherdevices['iPhone ' .. user] == 'Off' then
            commandArray['iPhone ' .. user] = 'On'
           -- table.insert(commandArray, {['SendNotification'] = 'Presence update#' .. user .. ' came home'})
          if otherdevices['iPhone ' .. user] == 'On' then
            commandArray['iPhone ' .. user] = 'Off'
           -- table.insert(commandArray, {['SendNotification'] = 'Presence update#' .. user .. ' left home'})


return commandArray
I have disabled the notification, don't need it:

Code: Select all

-- table.insert(commandArray, {['SendNotification'] = 'Presence update#' .. user .. ' came home'})
           -- table.insert(commandArray, {['SendNotification'] = 'Presence update#' .. user .. ' left home'})
Don't forget to point out the correct location of json.lua! I use a synology, so this url isn't working on a rpi!

Code: Select all

  json = (loadfile "/volume1/@appstore/domoticz/var/scripts/lua/JSON.lua")()

Re: Show your Dashticz v2.0 and how-to's!

Posted: Saturday 06 May 2017 12:17
by poudenes
HansieNL wrote:@poudenes Maybe it's possible to use my Feature Request on the train page... ... 24#p132951
If someone can change the PHP created file to a full Javascript / json, maybe Rob can implement it full into Dashticz.
Only thing that will be variables are the #username $password and $afk ($afk to select your train station where you want to departure times)

Its also possible to request "verstoringen en werkzaamheden" but thats for future request :)
I can't write Javascript / json:(

Re: Show your Dashticz v2.0 and how-to's!

Posted: Sunday 07 May 2017 14:57
by blacksn0w
Finally managed to integrate the API of our local public transport provider into dashticz. So at the morning i dont have to look at the smartphone to get the current situation (updates every 15 seconds).

Re: Show your Dashticz v2.0 and how-to's!

Posted: Sunday 07 May 2017 17:02
by Blueone
Put the tablet to the wall this weekend :D . I'm using a zenpad 8.0 with a xvida qi charger and some adjusted xvida mounts. Working quite good actually :). It is using magnets and I can remove it very easily.
IMG_1866 - Copy.JPG
IMG_1866 - Copy.JPG (95.5 KiB) Viewed 6295 times
IMG_1865 - Copy.JPG
IMG_1865 - Copy.JPG (149.7 KiB) Viewed 6295 times
IMG_1867 - Copy.JPG
IMG_1867 - Copy.JPG (74.2 KiB) Viewed 6295 times

Re: Show your Dashticz v2.0 and how-to's!

Posted: Sunday 07 May 2017 17:23
by blacksn0w
Blueone wrote:Put the tabled to the wall this weekend :D . I'm using a zenpad 8.0 with a xvida qi charger and some adjusted xvida mounts. Working quite good actually :). It is using magnets and I can remove it very easily.
Great work! Do you have some links for the parts you've used?

Re: Show your Dashticz v2.0 and how-to's!

Posted: Sunday 07 May 2017 22:53
by poudenes
Blueone wrote:Put the tablet to the wall this weekend :D . I'm using a zenpad 8.0 with a xvida qi charger and some adjusted xvida mounts. Working quite good actually :). It is using magnets and I can remove it very easily.

IMG_1866 - Copy.JPG
IMG_1865 - Copy.JPG
IMG_1867 - Copy.JPG
Wow... how does it charge?

Re: Show your Dashticz v2.0 and how-to's!

Posted: Sunday 07 May 2017 22:58
by robgeerts
Blueone wrote:I... with a xvida qi charger

Re: Show your Dashticz v2.0 and how-to's!

Posted: Monday 08 May 2017 10:03
by mkscity
blacksn0w wrote:Finally managed to integrate the API of our local public transport provider into dashticz. So at the morning i dont have to look at the smartphone to get the current situation (updates every 15 seconds).
which script you used for your "Müll" tab?

Re: Show your Dashticz v2.0 and how-to's!

Posted: Monday 08 May 2017 15:56
by blacksn0w
mkscity wrote:
blacksn0w wrote:Finally managed to integrate the API of our local public transport provider into dashticz. So at the morning i dont have to look at the smartphone to get the current situation (updates every 15 seconds).
which script you used for your "Müll" tab?
My garbage company offers the possibility to create a custom calender (.ics) for my street.
I've downloaded the file and copied it into my custom folder, then i used the calendar plugin from dashticz.
Just have a short look here, at the bottom there are the areas which are using the same system: