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Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Posted: Saturday 13 February 2016 21:47
by gcoupe
This app is shaping up very nicely. Thanks for all your effort.

It's picking up my Z-Wave devices (Fibaro FGWPE Wall plugs, Fibaro FGS211 Switch, Fibaro RGBW Controller, Everspring SP103 Motion Sensor, and ZWave.Me ZME_064381 switch) plus my virtual devices.

It doesn't seem to know about my Smart Meter, which is connected via the P1 Smart Meter USB interface of Domoticz. And although the Weather Underground Wind/UV/Rain sensors are showing up in the Dashboard, the Weather Underground Temperature sensor is not, nor is it listed in the Temperatures section.

I like the way it uses versions of the Domoticz icons in the UI.

One oddity, in Domoticz, if I click on the Motion Sensor icon in the Dashboard, it shows me the events in a graph. In the app, clicking on the sensor will turn it on or off - i.e. it behaves like a switch, instead of a sensor. I can imagine that you haven't got an event graph function in the app (as yet?), but I think you should disable the on/off function of the sensor - it shouldn't be a controllable device, like a switch...

Thanks again.

Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Posted: Sunday 14 February 2016 9:51
Sneezydevil wrote:The “House” one works nice in a lot of situations, but it doesn’t roll of the tongue when using “Hey Cortana”. Maybe “ask the house” would work better in those cases. (You would get: Hey Cortana, Ask the house to switch of)
Agreed. When using Hey Cortana it's better to use "ask the house". I used it without (so by holding the search button).

I'm going to retry the scenes to see if I can make it work.

Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Posted: Sunday 14 February 2016 14:52
by RoadXY
Nice work!

Found some really minor issues:
In Settings, View Settings:
Everytime you enable or disable an item, the list/app/settings is refreshed so you'd have to scroll back down again.

What's the purpose of Devices?

What does: "Use minimal overlays when in full screen mode" do?

Maybe you can implement (some day) that if you click an device/weather/scene etc you get more info.

Other than that: great work!

Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Posted: Sunday 14 February 2016 15:36
by Sneezydevil
gcoupe wrote: One oddity, in Domoticz, if I click on the Motion Sensor icon in the Dashboard, it shows me the events in a graph. In the app, clicking on the sensor will turn it on or off - i.e. it behaves like a switch, instead of a sensor. I can imagine that you haven't got an event graph function in the app (as yet?), but I think you should disable the on/off function of the sensor - it shouldn't be a controllable device, like a switch...

Thanks again.
I don't have a motion sensor yet so I did not now how it reacts, will fix that!

And you are rightnog graphs yet.

Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Posted: Sunday 14 February 2016 15:44
by Sneezydevil
RoadXY wrote:Nice work!

Found some really minor issues:
In Settings, View Settings:
Everytime you enable or disable an item, the list/app/settings is refreshed so you'd have to scroll back down again.

What's the purpose of Devices?

What does: "Use minimal overlays when in full screen mode" do?

Maybe you can implement (some day) that if you click an device/weather/scene etc you get more info.

Other than that: great work!
I am aware of the oddity of enable / disable devices, before you had to reboot the entire App which was even worse. I should be able to adjust just the menu on the fly, but I wasn't able to get it working yet.

Devices is partly legacy, I say partly since it still has the purpose of making devices available to Cortana. When I started out it was just that screen and some settings. All the rest came later. Once I think of a more ellegant way of making devices available to Cortana I can get rid of it. Making changes to Cortana seems quite CPU intensive thats why I don't do it when on the Dashboard for example.

Graphs, logs and other information are on the todo list.

Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Posted: Sunday 14 February 2016 19:28
by RoadXY
Great progress thus far!

Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Posted: Monday 15 February 2016 8:04
by WebStar
Sneezydevil wrote:Hello WebStar

What Z-Wave devices are you currently missing?

And yes I am planning to have everything on GitHub at some point (Aslong as you guys promise not to make fun of my code :lol: I'm not really a c# developer).
It's about the FIBARO System FGD212 Dimmer 2, the device is showing in the Devices tab, when I check 'show on dash' they are displayed but only don't show up in the Switches tab.

And we only can learn from each other, it's been very nice that you put all the effort and time in it :D

Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Posted: Monday 15 February 2016 8:20
by Sneezydevil
Oh whoops you are right, I forgot to update a list.

Will fix it in the near future.

Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Posted: Tuesday 16 February 2016 12:22
by gcoupe
The control for the Fibaro RGBW device seems to be working as a simple dimmer at the moment. That is, there's no possibility to set the hue. Also, the control is behaving differently to what I would expect, even for a simple dimmer. I am expecting to tap on the icon of the bulb to turn the device on or off, while the slider below the icon sets the level for when the device is on.

Don't take this as criticism, it may very well be that the control is not yet completely coded, or that you haven't got this device in order to be able to code to it.

Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Posted: Tuesday 16 February 2016 15:22
by Sneezydevil
Don't worry all feedback is welcome :D.

And you are correct, the code for hue doesn't exist yet and I don't have a device that supports it either atm.

However you made me curious to how the dimmer works atm. Normal dimmers turn off or on when tapping the icon and the slider is for brightness. If you use the slider to adjust the brightness a normal dimmer will turn on if its turned off.

I was stuck on a bit off code that was UWP related but I think I found a fix for that now, so I can start working on the next release.

Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Posted: Tuesday 16 February 2016 15:33
by gcoupe
I think that because this is a RGBW device, it's behaving differently from a simple dimmer. Tapping on the icon apparently does nothing, but the slider does adjust the brightness level. In the web interface of the Domoticz Dashboard, tapping on the icon brings up the hue control, and also on this control are separate on/off buttons. Having on/off buttons separate from the hue and brightness slider means that the light can be switched on and off using the last settings of hue and brightness.

Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Posted: Tuesday 16 February 2016 16:38
by Sneezydevil
Yes you are right, it doesn't toggle on/off because its RGB(W), so what I need is a panel for the hue with on/off switches.

If only I could figure out how to retrieve the hue with json, then adding this might be quite easy.

Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Posted: Wednesday 17 February 2016 12:13
by lazara007

First of all, thanks for your hard work :-)

Is it possible to install you application to a Win10 IOT system, whics is running on a separate Raspberry PI2?
See this:

Controlling Domoticz from a dedicated Rpi2 (win10) with Cortana would be nice.


Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Posted: Wednesday 17 February 2016 13:20
by Sneezydevil
From what I understand from the IoT documentation, is that you can upload AppX packages to Windows 10 IoT, and it should work aslong as all the api's you are using are available.

I have not tested this yet, so I am not sure if all api's I use are supported.

I am currently working on a pretty big update on the xaml side of the App which will allow me to have a better looking app on some phones and devices. Once I finish this and added some switches I can have a look at IoT.

Or if somebody wants to try, I can probably upload the arm appx package to github.


I looked through the list of supported api's and I think most are there, might run into trouble with geofencing, but I guess the Pi will not be moving anyway :D.

Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Posted: Sunday 21 February 2016 23:18
by Jack
Hi all, I am trying to get it work on my windows 10 mobile phone, neherlands, but i am not lucky.
Is there a tutorial how to set up the app?
I tried a lot of settings but still get the message that my firewall is not ok.
I am sure that it has to work because when i use the same settings in an other app it works.
Can someone help me?



Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Posted: Wednesday 24 February 2016 15:44
by WebStar
Jack wrote:Hi all, I am trying to get it work on my windows 10 mobile phone, neherlands, but i am not lucky.
Is there a tutorial how to set up the app?
I tried a lot of settings but still get the message that my firewall is not ok.
I am sure that it has to work because when i use the same settings in an other app it works.
Can someone help me?


When you go the the host/ip and port you configured in the browser of the phone, can you access Domoticz than?
(go to http://HOST:PORT)

In settings fill in the following information:

LAN Settings
The connection information on you local LAN (Wifi)

Host: the hostname or ip of your Domoticz installation (ex.
Port: the port where Domoticz is running under (default: 8080)
Port (SSL): if you are using a secure connection, the port of this connection)

Check Use SSL if you're using a secure connection
Check Use Credentials if you need to enter credentials on you lan

WAN Settings
The connection information from outside your network (you need to configure port forwarding on your router)

Host: the hostname or ip of your Domoticz installation / your home IP (ex.
Port: the port you setup as forward port from outside to Domoticz (default: 8080)
Port (SSL): if you are using a secure connection, the port of this connection)

Check Use SSL if you're using a secure connection
Check Use Credentials if you need to enter credentials on you lan

Username / Password: fill if you checked 'Use credentials'

If all the settings are filled, click Test Connection and hopefully you get the message "Connection OK."

Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Posted: Wednesday 24 February 2016 16:05
by Sneezydevil
Oh completely missed the question, thanks for that very complete answer WebStar.

@Jack what type of authentication do you have enabled?

Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Posted: Saturday 05 March 2016 9:09
by Jack
Sorry for my late reaction.....
A was very busy for my work so no time for hobby.
I will check all things and answer this weekend.

Thanks for the help.



Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Posted: Saturday 05 March 2016 9:44
by Jack
Hi again....
I could not wait so checked direct..;-)
I think I had a few problems after installing win10 on my cellphone.
A lot off things are not working, after a hard reset most went ok.
I reinstalled the app and filled in as mentiond and now it is working.
Thanks a lot!

One question, I can not see my electricity counter.
Is this a setting or is this not added yet?

If I can help with develop the app... or testing something.. let me know.



Re: Domoticz App for Windows 10 UWP

Posted: Thursday 31 March 2016 17:25
by niki_lauda
Works nice very beautiful app, slick design.
What I have on my wishlist is geofencing, Thats the only thing I miss in Windows Phone and not in IOS and Android.