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Re: Pass2PHP

Posted: Wednesday 23 May 2018 9:10
by Egregius
Lol, seems I have superfast disks :lol:

Re: Pass2PHP

Posted: Wednesday 23 May 2018 20:55
by sincze
A well, because we now can :D read the usage of a Unifi AP-AC-LR :D
Unifi_SNMP_1.JPG (43.7 KiB) Viewed 2860 times

Re: Pass2PHP

Posted: Tuesday 19 June 2018 22:21
by gimic
Is it normal that when no events ocure that the _cron60.php is not executed every 60 seconds? or am i missing something?


Re: Pass2PHP

Posted: Tuesday 19 June 2018 23:36
by Egregius
If you don't trigger the script by cron yes. If you have lot's of devices it gets triggered automatically.
I shall post my cron script tomorrow, or it could be on github.

Re: Pass2PHP

Posted: Wednesday 20 June 2018 13:27
by gimic
ok, tnx there is a file on git but i don't think that that is the file i need.

Re: Pass2PHP

Posted: Wednesday 20 June 2018 14:56
by Egregius
That's the one ;) ... re/

You can adjust the sleeps in it and remove lines as needed.
Add it to cron with sudo crontab -e
* * * * * /path/to/script/

The script will also check if domoticz is still online and reboot if needed.

Re: Pass2PHP

Posted: Wednesday 20 June 2018 19:58
by gimic
Works, needed also jq package installed ;-)

Re: Pass2PHP

Posted: Wednesday 20 June 2018 20:20
by Egregius
Enjoy pass2php ;)

Re: Pass2PHP

Posted: Thursday 21 June 2018 22:37
by gimic
Do you have an example or an idea how i can create a button with following function
First time pressed: change status of blinds to ON
Second time pressed: change status of blinds to Stop
Third time pressed: change status of blinds to Off
Fourth time pressed: change status of blinds to Stop
Fifth time pressed: change status of blinds to On
how can i remember in php the blinds two steps in history so i know if it is stopped i need to do On or Off the next time it is activated?

Re: Pass2PHP

Posted: Friday 22 June 2018 15:51
by Egregius
You want ON - STOP - OFF - STOP - ON - STOP - OFF - ...?
No matter what the current status of the blinds is?
And it's a button that acts independently from the blinds? I mean, without script the blinds don't respond to the button?

Re: Pass2PHP

Posted: Friday 22 June 2018 16:57
by gimic
yes ON - STOP - OFF - STOP - ON - STOP - OFF - ...?
the stop would only be needed the time it takes to get the blinds up or down, but maybe that i can figure out myself, the main problem is how do i know when i have status Stop, the next push will be On or Off?

The last question i don't understand.

Re: Pass2PHP

Posted: Friday 22 June 2018 17:48
by Egregius
I think I would do something like this:

Code: Select all

		//do stop action
		//do off action
		//do stop action
		//do on action
Use a cache where you set the last action, write that cache after each action with another value. I used onstop and offstop so you know wich stop action it was.

Re: Pass2PHP

Posted: Saturday 23 June 2018 21:19
by gimic
Tnx, since i don't know php (yet) i did not know the function to store variables the last in memory. i'l try it next week!

Re: Pass2PHP

Posted: Sunday 29 July 2018 9:45
by poudenes
Hi all, I use the latest beta of domoticz 4. Consider to use pass2php but don't know if this will still make difference in speed. Can someone tell me?

Verzonden vanaf mijn iPhone met Tapatalk Pro

Re: Pass2PHP

Posted: Sunday 29 July 2018 9:59
by sincze
poudenes wrote: Sunday 29 July 2018 9:45 Hi all, I use the latest beta of domoticz 4. Consider to use pass2php but don't know if this will still make difference in speed. Can someone tell me?

Verzonden vanaf mijn iPhone met Tapatalk Pro
I believe by default script/event handling is still the same in Domoticz 4.
So speed updates and more complicated calculations can only be made with DzVents and Pass2PHP.

Re: Pass2PHP

Posted: Sunday 29 July 2018 11:14
by poudenes
sincze wrote: Sunday 29 July 2018 9:59
poudenes wrote: Sunday 29 July 2018 9:45 Hi all, I use the latest beta of domoticz 4. Consider to use pass2php but don't know if this will still make difference in speed. Can someone tell me?

Verzonden vanaf mijn iPhone met Tapatalk Pro
I believe by default script/event handling is still the same in Domoticz 4.
So speed updates and more complicated calculations can only be made with DzVents and Pass2PHP.
I give it a try :) Always good to try new things to make it better.
1 question. I cannot find ee5_base64.lua in /domoticz/var/scripts/lua/

Re: Pass2PHP

Posted: Sunday 29 July 2018 14:44
by Egregius
You don’t need base64 anymore to use pass2php.

Re: Pass2PHP

Posted: Saturday 11 August 2018 12:42
by commentator
tried Pass2PHP yesterday
and now the apache error log is filled with

Code: Select all

[Sat Aug 11 00:01:25.002212 2018] [:error] [pid 7648] [client] PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected 'time' (T_STRING), expecting ',' or ')' in /var/www/html/secure/pass2php.php on line 45
on this line I see

Code: Select all

which is strange because on al other itmes there is a , between cronxx and time. Ot isn't that the problem?

Re: Pass2PHP

Posted: Saturday 11 August 2018 19:26
by sincze
what happens if you just add the , in between? I indeed would think that is the issue.

Re: Pass2PHP

Posted: Sunday 12 August 2018 10:00
by Egregius
I forgot about this reply. Indeed, there needs to be a, in it.
