Code: Select all
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/* Xiaomi Humidity Sensor Temp Pressure Lara*/
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blocks[287]['title'] = 'Luchtdr. Badkamer';
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/*P1 Smartmeter Elektr */
/* KWh verbruik actueel */
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/*Kosten Energie*/
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/* Verlichtingen, Dimmers en Verlichting schakelaars*/
/* Xiaomi Gateway Kleuren */
blocks[1] = {}
blocks[1]['width'] = 6;
/* Xiaomi Ringtone Selector */
blocks[3] = {}
blocks[3]['width'] = 6;
/* Alle Lampen AAN*/
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blocks[233]['title'] = 'Alle Lampen AAN';
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blocks[233]['width'] = 4;
/* Alle Lampen UIT*/
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blocks[234]['title'] = 'Alle Lampen UIT';
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blocks[234]['width'] = 4;
/* Keukenraam lampen*/
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blocks[177]['title'] = 'Keuken Raam Lampen';
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blocks[177]['width'] = 4;
/* Aanrecht lampen*/
blocks[172] = {}
blocks[172]['title'] = 'Aanrecht Lampen';
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blocks[172]['width'] = 4;
/* Kidstafel LED*/
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blocks[208]['title'] = 'Kidstafel LED';
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blocks[208]['width'] = 4;
/* TV lampen LED Strip midden op kast*/
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blocks[178]['title'] = 'LED Strip TV Kast';
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blocks[178]['width'] = 4;
/* TV lampen LED Links */
blocks[239] = {}
blocks[239]['title'] = 'LED TV Links';
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blocks[239]['width'] = 4;
/* TV lampen LED Links */
blocks[240] = {}
blocks[240]['title'] = 'LED TV Rechts';
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blocks[240]['width'] = 4;
/* Kamerraam lampen*/
blocks[174] = {}
blocks[174]['title'] = 'Kamerraam Lampen';
/*blocks[174]['image'] = '/icons/PhilipsLED48_On.png';*/
blocks[174]['width'] = 4;
/* Bank lampen*/
blocks[236] = {}
blocks[236]['title'] = 'Bank Lamp';
/*blocks[236]['image'] = '/icons/YeeLight48_On.png';*/
blocks[236]['width'] = 4;
/* Eettafel lampen*/
blocks[175] = {}
blocks[175]['title'] = 'Eettafel Lampen';
/*blocks[175]['image'] = '/icons/PhilipsLED48_On.png';*/
blocks[175]['width'] = 4;
/* Wand lampen*/
blocks[182] = {}
blocks[182]['title'] = 'Wandlampen';
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blocks[182]['width'] = 4;
/* Kastlamp*/
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blocks[235]['title'] = 'Kastlamp';
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/* Kleurenbuis*/
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blocks[185]['title'] = 'Kleurenbuis';
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/* Tuin lampen*/
blocks[190] = {}
blocks[190]['title'] = 'Tuin Lampen';
blocks[190]['width'] = 4;
/* Deur en raam Sensoren */
/* Xiaomi Raam Sensor */
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/* Xiaomi Raam Sensor */
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blocks[224]['title'] = 'Slaapkamer';
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blocks[224]['image'] = '/icons/WindowPaars.png';
/* Xiaomi Deursensor */
blocks[99] = {}
blocks[99]['title'] = 'Voordeur';
blocks[99]['width'] = 6;
/* Xiaomi Raam Sensor */
blocks[100] = {}
blocks[100]['title'] = 'Keukenraam'
blocks[100]['width'] = 6;
blocks[100]['image'] = '/icons/WindowLBlauw.png';
/* Xiaomi Deur Sensor */
blocks[154] = {}
blocks[154]['title'] = 'Bijkeukendeur'
blocks[154]['width'] = 6;
/* Xiaomi Zoe kamer Sensor */
blocks[283] = {}
blocks[283]['title'] = "Zoë's Kamer"
blocks[283]['width'] = 6;
blocks[283]['image'] = '/icons/WindowRose.png';
/* Xiaomi Garage deur Sensor */
blocks[282] = {}
blocks[282]['title'] = 'Garage Deur'
blocks[282]['width'] = 6;
/* Overige Schakelaars/*
/* Xiaomi Boiler Schakelaar */
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blocks[152]['title'] = 'Boiler Aan/Uit'
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blocks[152]['width'] = 12;
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blocks[150]['title'] = 'Mechanische Afzuiging Huis Ventilator'
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/* Gebr. Ruimte HDD */
blocks[276] = {}
blocks[276]['title'] = 'Temp. CPU'
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/* CPU temp */
blocks[277] = {}
blocks[277]['title'] = 'Temp. HDD'
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/* Temp meterkast */
blocks[279] = {}
blocks[279]['title'] = 'Temp. Domotica-PC Ruimte'
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/* Hum Meterkast */
blocks[280] = {}
blocks[280]['title'] = 'Luchtv. Domotica-PC Ruimte'
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columns[10]['blocks'] = []
columns[10]['width'] = 1;
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columns[11]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_7',276,277,279,280,buttons.homeS,buttons.domoticz,buttons.energieS]
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columns[12]['blocks'] = [buttons.home,buttons.energie]
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columns[31]['blocks'] = columns[9]['blocks']
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var screens = {}
screens['default'] = {}
screens['default']['maxwidth'] = 1920;
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screens['default'][1] = {}
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screens['default2'][1]['background'] = 'bg27a.jpg';
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screens['default2'][4] = {}
screens['default2'][4]['background'] = 'bg27a.jpg';
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/* Screen Tablet/Phone*/
screens['phone'] = {}
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