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Re: New Dashboard Design v2, custom positioning and multiple screens
Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 10:43
by robgeerts
Dingetje2004 wrote:I would alsolike to have it refreshed without refreshing the whole page every seconded.
Will fix this asap!
heggink wrote:
Couple of items:
1) all of my percentage (memory, CPU, sensors) show as on/off. See json output below.
2) Same for 'distance' devices
3) barometer and humidity show 2 decimals (see eralier picture) and barometer uses % instead of hPa (below as well)
Should be fixed in latest version!
heggink wrote:
Many thanks again. Couple of beers coming up.
Re: New Dashboard Design v2, custom positioning and multiple screens
Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 11:09
by SwordFish
@robgeerts you are unstoppable.
Can you add the code for "Geen regen verwacht binnen 15 minuten" see code.
One question, how do i add the charts in the config?
Code: Select all
"ActTime" : 1491641881,
"ServerTime" : "2017-04-08 10:58:01",
"Sunrise" : "06:59",
"Sunset" : "20:23",
"result" : [
"AddjMulti" : 1.0,
"AddjMulti2" : 1.0,
"AddjValue" : 0.0,
"AddjValue2" : 0.0,
"BatteryLevel" : 255,
"CustomImage" : 0,
"Data" : "Geen regen verwacht binnen 15 minuten.",
"Description" : "",
"Favorite" : 0,
"HardwareID" : 19,
"HardwareName" : "Rain expected",
"HardwareType" : "Dummy (Does nothing, use for virtual switches only)",
"HardwareTypeVal" : 15,
"HaveTimeout" : false,
"ID" : "00082052",
"LastUpdate" : "2017-04-08 10:58:00",
"Name" : "Buienradar",
"Notifications" : "false",
"PlanID" : "4",
"PlanIDs" : [ 4 ],
"Protected" : false,
"ShowNotifications" : false,
"SignalLevel" : "-",
"SubType" : "Text",
"Timers" : "false",
"Type" : "General",
"TypeImg" : "text",
"Unit" : 1,
"Used" : 1,
"XOffset" : "0",
"YOffset" : "0",
"idx" : "53"
"status" : "OK",
"title" : "Devices"
Re: New Dashboard Design v2, custom positioning and multiple screens
Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 11:32
by mAiden88
Thanks for all you're great work..
Never mind.. I get it!
Re: New Dashboard Design v2, custom positioning and multiple screens
Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 12:22
by SwordFish
Some screenshots. Not ready yet.
Re: New Dashboard Design v2, custom positioning and multiple screens
Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 12:40
by crashingdutchman
the popups for and radio show really short and automatically close? What could be wrong?
Re: New Dashboard Design v2, custom positioning and multiple screens
Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 12:52
by madrian
I want to contribute to your project, but I am not very familiar with Gitlab.
I cloned your repository in Fork Git client and I created a new pull request for Hungarian language file. Please check if you see this commit, on your public Gitlab page I can't see it.
Re: New Dashboard Design v2, custom positioning and multiple screens
Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 13:28
by mAiden88
Multi RSS feeds are not possible ??
Ex: & ?
Re: New Dashboard Design v2, custom positioning and multiple screens
Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 13:39
by SwordFish
hpapagaj wrote:Hi,
I want to contribute to your project, but I am not very familiar with Gitlab.
I cloned your repository in Fork Git client and I created a new pull request for Hungarian language file. Please check if you see this commit, on your public Gitlab page I can't see it.
You have the latest version?
Than you have to use the new config example to create youre new config file.
Its using blocks now or auto positioning(see the config_example)
Re: New Dashboard Design v2, custom positioning and multiple screens
Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 14:10
by Clemen
Blinds arrow buttons are reversed
The blinds are down, but i have to click to "down" arrow to open them, and the "up" arrow to close them.
- Screen Shot 2017-04-08 at 14.08.52.png (20.32 KiB) Viewed 1740 times
Re: New Dashboard Design v2, custom positioning and multiple screens
Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 14:15
by Bob123bob
I have an issue when I want to only display energy now in Watt. I use the idx_1 (e.g. '147_1') but I have a empty box follow by today and total. idx_2 for today and idx_3 for total are working fine. When I use 147 without sub value, I can see the 3 boxes working fine.
Can you help me to display only energy now ?
- dashboard.png (322.92 KiB) Viewed 1739 times
Clemen wrote:Blinds arrow buttons are reversed
The blinds are down, but i have to click to "down" arrow to open them, and the "up" arrow to close them.
I also have this issue because I use inverted blind percentage
Re: New Dashboard Design v2, custom positioning and multiple screens
Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 14:22
by Clemen
Clemen wrote:Blinds arrow buttons are reversed
The blinds are down, but i have to click to "down" arrow to open them, and the "up" arrow to close them.
I also have this issue because I use inverted blind percentage[/quote]
I am using blinds inverted to.
Its funny because in the code only blinds inverted af supported
Code: Select all
else if(device['SwitchType']=='Venetian Blinds EU' || device['SwitchType']=='Blinds Inverted'){
html+='<div class="col-xs-4 col-icon">';
if(device['Status']=='Closed') html+='<img src="img/blinds_closed.png" class="off icon" />';
else html+='<img src="img/blinds_open.png" class="on icon" />';
So everyone must have "wrong arrow keys"
I think the right code block should be
Code: Select all
else if(device['SwitchType']=='Venetian Blinds EU' || device['SwitchType']=='Blinds'){
html+='<div class="col-xs-4 col-icon">';
if(device['Status']=='Closed') html+='<img src="img/blinds_closed.png" class="off icon" />';
else html+='<img src="img/blinds_open.png" class="on icon" />';
html+='<div class="col-xs-8 col-data">';
html+='<strong class="title">'+device['Name']+'</strong><br />';
//if(device['Status']=='Closed') html+='<span class="state">'+lang.state_closed+'</span>';
//else html+='<span class="state">'+lang.state_open+'</span>';
html+='<div style="font-size:10px !important;">';
html+='<a href="javascript:switchBlinds('+device['idx']+',\'Off\');"><em class="fa fa-arrow-up fa-small"></em></a> ';
html+='<a href="javascript:switchBlinds('+device['idx']+',\'Stop\');"><em class="fa fa-stop-circle fa-small"></em></a> ';
html+='<a href="javascript:switchBlinds('+device['idx']+',\'On\');"><em class="fa fa-arrow-down fa-small"></em></a>';
else if(device['SwitchType']=='Venetian Blinds EU Inverted' || device['SwitchType']=='Blinds Inverted'){
html+='<div class="col-xs-4 col-icon">';
if(device['Status']=='Closed') html+='<img src="img/blinds_closed.png" class="off icon" />';
else html+='<img src="img/blinds_open.png" class="on icon" />';
html+='<div class="col-xs-8 col-data">';
html+='<strong class="title">'+device['Name']+'</strong><br />';
//if(device['Status']=='Closed') html+='<span class="state">'+lang.state_closed+'</span>';
//else html+='<span class="state">'+lang.state_open+'</span>';
html+='<div style="font-size:10px !important;">';
html+='<a href="javascript:switchBlinds('+device['idx']+',\'On\');"><em class="fa fa-arrow-up fa-small"></em></a> ';
html+='<a href="javascript:switchBlinds('+device['idx']+',\'Stop\');"><em class="fa fa-stop-circle fa-small"></em></a> ';
html+='<a href="javascript:switchBlinds('+device['idx']+',\'Off\');"><em class="fa fa-arrow-down fa-small"></em></a>';
Re: New Dashboard Design
Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 14:53
by whiteduck
I've tested with some of your device.
Do you want something like:
This is the result in the latest version wich I will publish later today.
Yep looks perfect - sorry away since you made the change so need to test it on Tuesday! Thanks again!
Re: New Dashboard Design v2, custom positioning and multiple screens
Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 15:04
by whiteduck
Oh and did you mention charts... YES PLEASE!
Re: New Dashboard Design v2, custom positioning and multiple screens
Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 15:32
by htilburgs
Hi Rob, finaly some time to experiment with the dashboard, in one word: NICE !!
You're gone get drunk of all the beer, but one of these days we have to have a beer at De Zwaan....
I'm using Fibaro Roller Shutter to control my blinds, but in the Dashboard it is shown as a lamp.
Do I something wrong of is it nog recognized?
Code: Select all
"AddjMulti" : 1.0,
"AddjMulti2" : 1.0,
"AddjValue" : 0.0,
"AddjValue2" : 0.0,
"BatteryLevel" : 255,
"CustomImage" : 0,
"Data" : "Open",
"Description" : "",
"Favorite" : 1,
"HardwareID" : 2,
"HardwareName" : "Aeon Labs Z-Stick GEN5",
"HardwareType" : "OpenZWave USB",
"HardwareTypeVal" : 21,
"HaveDimmer" : true,
"HaveGroupCmd" : true,
"HaveTimeout" : false,
"ID" : "00000201",
"Image" : "Light",
"IsSubDevice" : false,
"LastUpdate" : "2017-04-08 14:35:27",
"Level" : 0,
"LevelInt" : 0,
"MaxDimLevel" : 100,
"Name" : "Rolluik Woonkamer",
"Notifications" : "false",
"PlanID" : "2",
"PlanIDs" : [ 2 ],
"Protected" : false,
"ShowNotifications" : true,
"SignalLevel" : "-",
"Status" : "Open",
"StrParam1" : "",
"StrParam2" : "",
"SubType" : "Switch",
"SwitchType" : "Blinds Percentage",
"SwitchTypeVal" : 13,
"Timers" : "false",
"Type" : "Light/Switch",
"TypeImg" : "blinds",
"Unit" : 1,
"Used" : 1,
"UsedByCamera" : false,
"XOffset" : "741",
"YOffset" : "287",
"idx" : "6"
Re: New Dashboard Design v2, with custom positioning
Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 15:52
by maluko
robgeerts wrote:Dropshot wrote:This dashboard looks amazing!
I've downloaded and extracted the zip to a subfolder in domoticz and changed CONFIG. Question: should it run instantly, or am I missing something, since I don't see a new dashboard?
If you downloaded it to a subfolder, you have to call it like this:
So, first your regular domoticz-path, then subfolder, then index.html
can´t get work...
i unzip and downloaded to /home/pi/domoticz/master
next change the /domoticz/master/config.js like this:
Code: Select all
var _HOST_DOMOTICZ = '';
so i think that only have to go on browser here:
Code: Select all
but cant open!!
need help.
Re: New Dashboard Design v2, with custom positioning
Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 15:57
by htilburgs
maluko wrote:robgeerts wrote:Dropshot wrote:This dashboard looks amazing!
I've downloaded and extracted the zip to a subfolder in domoticz and changed CONFIG. Question: should it run instantly, or am I missing something, since I don't see a new dashboard?
If you downloaded it to a subfolder, you have to call it like this:
So, first your regular domoticz-path, then subfolder, then index.html
can´t get work...
i unzip and downloaded to /home/pi/domoticz/master
next change the /domoticz/master/config.js like this:
Code: Select all
var _HOST_DOMOTICZ = '';
so i think that only have to go on browser here:
Code: Select all
but cant open!!
need help.
You have to put it in the /home/pi/domiticz/www/<subfolder>
Then you can call it with<subfolder>/index.html
Re: New Dashboard Design v2, with custom positioning
Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 15:58
by koowee
maluko wrote:robgeerts wrote:Dropshot wrote:This dashboard looks amazing!
I've downloaded and extracted the zip to a subfolder in domoticz and changed CONFIG. Question: should it run instantly, or am I missing something, since I don't see a new dashboard?
If you downloaded it to a subfolder, you have to call it like this:
So, first your regular domoticz-path, then subfolder, then index.html
can´t get work...
i unzip and downloaded to /home/pi/domoticz/master
next change the /domoticz/master/config.js like this:
Code: Select all
var _HOST_DOMOTICZ = '';
so i think that only have to go on browser here:
Code: Select all
but cant open!!
need help.
I think that you need to move this master-folder under www-folder > /home/pi/domoticz/
Then this address should work
EDIT: I was too slow
Re: New Dashboard Design v2, with custom positioning
Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 16:02
by maluko
Thanks, its working now
i think that the wiki isnt not easy to understand, maybe this can help other to put on.
Re: New Dashboard Design v2, custom positioning and multiple screens
Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 16:26
by robgeerts
I've been gone for a few hours and the forum gets overloaded
will fix some things tonight!
Re: New Dashboard Design v2, custom positioning and multiple screens
Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 16:28
by Clemen
What about making the background image related to a light switch?
Then it would be posible to have different backgrounds at night, daytime and when the alarm are active and not active