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Re: New Dashboard Design v2, custom positioning and multiple screens

Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 10:43
by robgeerts
Dingetje2004 wrote:I would alsolike to have it refreshed without refreshing the whole page every seconded.
Will fix this asap!

heggink wrote: Couple of items:
1) all of my percentage (memory, CPU, sensors) show as on/off. See json output below.
2) Same for 'distance' devices
3) barometer and humidity show 2 decimals (see eralier picture) and barometer uses % instead of hPa (below as well)
Should be fixed in latest version!

heggink wrote: Many thanks again. Couple of beers coming up.

Re: New Dashboard Design v2, custom positioning and multiple screens

Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 11:09
by SwordFish
@robgeerts you are unstoppable.
Can you add the code for "Geen regen verwacht binnen 15 minuten" see code.
One question, how do i add the charts in the config?

Code: Select all

   "ActTime" : 1491641881,
   "ServerTime" : "2017-04-08 10:58:01",
   "Sunrise" : "06:59",
   "Sunset" : "20:23",
   "result" : [
         "AddjMulti" : 1.0,
         "AddjMulti2" : 1.0,
         "AddjValue" : 0.0,
         "AddjValue2" : 0.0,
         "BatteryLevel" : 255,
         "CustomImage" : 0,
         "Data" : "Geen regen verwacht binnen 15 minuten.",
         "Description" : "",
         "Favorite" : 0,
         "HardwareID" : 19,
         "HardwareName" : "Rain expected",
         "HardwareType" : "Dummy (Does nothing, use for virtual switches only)",
         "HardwareTypeVal" : 15,
         "HaveTimeout" : false,
         "ID" : "00082052",
         "LastUpdate" : "2017-04-08 10:58:00",
         "Name" : "Buienradar",
         "Notifications" : "false",
         "PlanID" : "4",
         "PlanIDs" : [ 4 ],
         "Protected" : false,
         "ShowNotifications" : false,
         "SignalLevel" : "-",
         "SubType" : "Text",
         "Timers" : "false",
         "Type" : "General",
         "TypeImg" : "text",
         "Unit" : 1,
         "Used" : 1,
         "XOffset" : "0",
         "YOffset" : "0",
         "idx" : "53"
   "status" : "OK",
   "title" : "Devices"

Re: New Dashboard Design v2, custom positioning and multiple screens

Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 11:32
by mAiden88

Thanks for all you're great work..


Never mind.. I get it! ;)

Re: New Dashboard Design v2, custom positioning and multiple screens

Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 12:22
by SwordFish
Some screenshots. Not ready yet.

Re: New Dashboard Design v2, custom positioning and multiple screens

Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 12:40
by crashingdutchman
the popups for and radio show really short and automatically close? What could be wrong?

Re: New Dashboard Design v2, custom positioning and multiple screens

Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 12:52
by madrian

I want to contribute to your project, but I am not very familiar with Gitlab.

I cloned your repository in Fork Git client and I created a new pull request for Hungarian language file. Please check if you see this commit, on your public Gitlab page I can't see it. :?

Re: New Dashboard Design v2, custom positioning and multiple screens

Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 13:28
by mAiden88

Multi RSS feeds are not possible ??

Ex: & ?

Re: New Dashboard Design v2, custom positioning and multiple screens

Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 13:39
by SwordFish
hpapagaj wrote:Hi,

I want to contribute to your project, but I am not very familiar with Gitlab.

I cloned your repository in Fork Git client and I created a new pull request for Hungarian language file. Please check if you see this commit, on your public Gitlab page I can't see it. :?
You have the latest version?
Than you have to use the new config example to create youre new config file.
Its using blocks now or auto positioning(see the config_example)

Re: New Dashboard Design v2, custom positioning and multiple screens

Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 14:10
by Clemen
Blinds arrow buttons are reversed

The blinds are down, but i have to click to "down" arrow to open them, and the "up" arrow to close them.
Screen Shot 2017-04-08 at 14.08.52.png
Screen Shot 2017-04-08 at 14.08.52.png (20.32 KiB) Viewed 1740 times

Re: New Dashboard Design v2, custom positioning and multiple screens

Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 14:15
by Bob123bob
I have an issue when I want to only display energy now in Watt. I use the idx_1 (e.g. '147_1') but I have a empty box follow by today and total. idx_2 for today and idx_3 for total are working fine. When I use 147 without sub value, I can see the 3 boxes working fine.
Can you help me to display only energy now ?
dashboard.png (322.92 KiB) Viewed 1739 times
Clemen wrote:Blinds arrow buttons are reversed

The blinds are down, but i have to click to "down" arrow to open them, and the "up" arrow to close them.
I also have this issue because I use inverted blind percentage

Re: New Dashboard Design v2, custom positioning and multiple screens

Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 14:22
by Clemen
Clemen wrote:Blinds arrow buttons are reversed

The blinds are down, but i have to click to "down" arrow to open them, and the "up" arrow to close them.
I also have this issue because I use inverted blind percentage[/quote]

I am using blinds inverted to.

Its funny because in the code only blinds inverted af supported

Code: Select all

else if(device['SwitchType']=='Venetian Blinds EU' || device['SwitchType']=='Blinds Inverted'){
								html+='<div class="col-xs-4 col-icon">';
									if(device['Status']=='Closed') html+='<img src="img/blinds_closed.png" class="off icon" />';
									else html+='<img src="img/blinds_open.png" class="on icon" />';
So everyone must have "wrong arrow keys"

I think the right code block should be

Code: Select all

else if(device['SwitchType']=='Venetian Blinds EU' || device['SwitchType']=='Blinds'){
								html+='<div class="col-xs-4 col-icon">';
									if(device['Status']=='Closed') html+='<img src="img/blinds_closed.png" class="off icon" />';
									else html+='<img src="img/blinds_open.png" class="on icon" />';
								html+='<div class="col-xs-8 col-data">';
									html+='<strong class="title">'+device['Name']+'</strong><br />';
									//if(device['Status']=='Closed') html+='<span class="state">'+lang.state_closed+'</span>';
									//else html+='<span class="state">'+lang.state_open+'</span>';
									html+='<div style="font-size:10px !important;">';
										html+='<a href="javascript:switchBlinds('+device['idx']+',\'Off\');"><em class="fa fa-arrow-up fa-small"></em></a> ';
										html+='<a href="javascript:switchBlinds('+device['idx']+',\'Stop\');"><em class="fa fa-stop-circle fa-small"></em></a> ';
										html+='<a href="javascript:switchBlinds('+device['idx']+',\'On\');"><em class="fa fa-arrow-down fa-small"></em></a>';
							else if(device['SwitchType']=='Venetian Blinds EU Inverted' || device['SwitchType']=='Blinds Inverted'){
								html+='<div class="col-xs-4 col-icon">';
									if(device['Status']=='Closed') html+='<img src="img/blinds_closed.png" class="off icon" />';
									else html+='<img src="img/blinds_open.png" class="on icon" />';
								html+='<div class="col-xs-8 col-data">';
									html+='<strong class="title">'+device['Name']+'</strong><br />';
									//if(device['Status']=='Closed') html+='<span class="state">'+lang.state_closed+'</span>';
									//else html+='<span class="state">'+lang.state_open+'</span>';
									html+='<div style="font-size:10px !important;">';
										html+='<a href="javascript:switchBlinds('+device['idx']+',\'On\');"><em class="fa fa-arrow-up fa-small"></em></a> ';
										html+='<a href="javascript:switchBlinds('+device['idx']+',\'Stop\');"><em class="fa fa-stop-circle fa-small"></em></a> ';
										html+='<a href="javascript:switchBlinds('+device['idx']+',\'Off\');"><em class="fa fa-arrow-down fa-small"></em></a>';

Re: New Dashboard Design

Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 14:53
by whiteduck
I've tested with some of your device.
Do you want something like:
This is the result in the latest version wich I will publish later today.
Yep looks perfect - sorry away since you made the change so need to test it on Tuesday! Thanks again!

Re: New Dashboard Design v2, custom positioning and multiple screens

Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 15:04
by whiteduck
Oh and did you mention charts... YES PLEASE!

Re: New Dashboard Design v2, custom positioning and multiple screens

Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 15:32
by htilburgs
Hi Rob, finaly some time to experiment with the dashboard, in one word: NICE !!
You're gone get drunk of all the beer, but one of these days we have to have a beer at De Zwaan.... ;)

I'm using Fibaro Roller Shutter to control my blinds, but in the Dashboard it is shown as a lamp.
Do I something wrong of is it nog recognized?

Code: Select all

         "AddjMulti" : 1.0,
         "AddjMulti2" : 1.0,
         "AddjValue" : 0.0,
         "AddjValue2" : 0.0,
         "BatteryLevel" : 255,
         "CustomImage" : 0,
         "Data" : "Open",
         "Description" : "",
         "Favorite" : 1,
         "HardwareID" : 2,
         "HardwareName" : "Aeon Labs Z-Stick GEN5",
         "HardwareType" : "OpenZWave USB",
         "HardwareTypeVal" : 21,
         "HaveDimmer" : true,
         "HaveGroupCmd" : true,
         "HaveTimeout" : false,
         "ID" : "00000201",
         "Image" : "Light",
         "IsSubDevice" : false,
         "LastUpdate" : "2017-04-08 14:35:27",
         "Level" : 0,
         "LevelInt" : 0,
         "MaxDimLevel" : 100,
         "Name" : "Rolluik Woonkamer",
         "Notifications" : "false",
         "PlanID" : "2",
         "PlanIDs" : [ 2 ],
         "Protected" : false,
         "ShowNotifications" : true,
         "SignalLevel" : "-",
         "Status" : "Open",
         "StrParam1" : "",
         "StrParam2" : "",
         "SubType" : "Switch",
         "SwitchType" : "Blinds Percentage",
         "SwitchTypeVal" : 13,
         "Timers" : "false",
         "Type" : "Light/Switch",
         "TypeImg" : "blinds",
         "Unit" : 1,
         "Used" : 1,
         "UsedByCamera" : false,
         "XOffset" : "741",
         "YOffset" : "287",
         "idx" : "6"

Re: New Dashboard Design v2, with custom positioning

Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 15:52
by maluko
robgeerts wrote:
Dropshot wrote:This dashboard looks amazing!

I've downloaded and extracted the zip to a subfolder in domoticz and changed CONFIG. Question: should it run instantly, or am I missing something, since I don't see a new dashboard?
If you downloaded it to a subfolder, you have to call it like this:
So, first your regular domoticz-path, then subfolder, then index.html
can´t get work...

i unzip and downloaded to /home/pi/domoticz/master

next change the /domoticz/master/config.js like this:

Code: Select all

var _HOST_DOMOTICZ		  	= '';
so i think that only have to go on browser here:

Code: Select all
but cant open!!

need help.


Re: New Dashboard Design v2, with custom positioning

Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 15:57
by htilburgs
maluko wrote:
robgeerts wrote:
Dropshot wrote:This dashboard looks amazing!

I've downloaded and extracted the zip to a subfolder in domoticz and changed CONFIG. Question: should it run instantly, or am I missing something, since I don't see a new dashboard?
If you downloaded it to a subfolder, you have to call it like this:
So, first your regular domoticz-path, then subfolder, then index.html
can´t get work...

i unzip and downloaded to /home/pi/domoticz/master

next change the /domoticz/master/config.js like this:

Code: Select all

var _HOST_DOMOTICZ		  	= '';
so i think that only have to go on browser here:

Code: Select all
but cant open!!

need help.

You have to put it in the /home/pi/domiticz/www/<subfolder>

Then you can call it with<subfolder>/index.html

Re: New Dashboard Design v2, with custom positioning

Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 15:58
by koowee
maluko wrote:
robgeerts wrote:
Dropshot wrote:This dashboard looks amazing!

I've downloaded and extracted the zip to a subfolder in domoticz and changed CONFIG. Question: should it run instantly, or am I missing something, since I don't see a new dashboard?
If you downloaded it to a subfolder, you have to call it like this:
So, first your regular domoticz-path, then subfolder, then index.html
can´t get work...

i unzip and downloaded to /home/pi/domoticz/master

next change the /domoticz/master/config.js like this:

Code: Select all

var _HOST_DOMOTICZ		  	= '';
so i think that only have to go on browser here:

Code: Select all
but cant open!!

need help.

I think that you need to move this master-folder under www-folder > /home/pi/domoticz/www/master

Then this address should work

EDIT: I was too slow :)

Re: New Dashboard Design v2, with custom positioning

Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 16:02
by maluko
htilburgs wrote: You have to put it in the /home/pi/domiticz/www/<subfolder>

Then you can call it with<subfolder>/index.html
Thanks, its working now

i think that the wiki isnt not easy to understand, maybe this can help other to put on.

Re: New Dashboard Design v2, custom positioning and multiple screens

Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 16:26
by robgeerts
I've been gone for a few hours and the forum gets overloaded ;) will fix some things tonight!

Re: New Dashboard Design v2, custom positioning and multiple screens

Posted: Saturday 08 April 2017 16:28
by Clemen
What about making the background image related to a light switch?

Then it would be posible to have different backgrounds at night, daytime and when the alarm are active and not active