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Re: Events system feedback thread

Posted: Monday 15 July 2013 11:23
by CopyCatz
Ugh yeah I would like to have events in english only at this point, since it is already complex enough in one language, sorry.

Re: Events system feedback thread

Posted: Monday 15 July 2013 12:39
by puck2013

blinds do not work with open/close.

it works with on/off.
But with on/off, switch the relay every minute.
Has no one this problem?


Re: Events system feedback thread

Posted: Monday 15 July 2013 14:29
by Orangina_L
Thanks Copycats for your answer.

It is not a big broblem, we just have to know ;)

Idea about my second problem, why doesn't work ?

Re: Events system feedback thread

Posted: Monday 15 July 2013 14:43
by macaidwin
When I make use this event:
It is working, but the event triggers every minute, so every minute the switch is set On. (as long as the hum. is above the set levels) This is working, but all these event triggers are not necessary.

So I thought to do this:
Only trigger event when the switch is Not On. But the log still shows the event triggers every minute. Am I doing something wrong?

Re: Events system feedback thread

Posted: Monday 15 July 2013 14:50
by CopyCatz
Did you try with "Off" instead of !="On"?

Re: Events system feedback thread

Posted: Monday 15 July 2013 14:53
by macaidwin
CopyCatz wrote:Did you try with "Off" instead of !="On"?
Yes, I did. I tried also !=1 with the same result.
In another test event it is working to check if switch = On or Off

Re: Events system feedback thread

Posted: Monday 15 July 2013 15:23
by capman
I have found something that works for my blinds now. When outside temperature is higher then inside , my blinds go down.

Re: Events system feedback thread

Posted: Monday 15 July 2013 15:26
by capman
macaidwin wrote:
CopyCatz wrote:Did you try with "Off" instead of !="On"?
Yes, I did. I tried also !=1 with the same result.
In another test event it is working to check if switch = On or Off
Maybe you try "open" instead of "off".

Re: Events system feedback thread

Posted: Monday 15 July 2013 16:09
by macaidwin
capman wrote:
macaidwin wrote:
CopyCatz wrote:Did you try with "Off" instead of !="On"?
Yes, I did. I tried also !=1 with the same result.
In another test event it is working to check if switch = On or Off
Maybe you try "open" instead of "off".
I do not get other results when using !="open" or ="closed" or other combinations.

Re: Events system feedback thread

Posted: Monday 15 July 2013 18:57
by commodore white
i struggled to save even a simple rule until i realised motion detectors dont return true/false values, just on and off. The upshot is you cant do:

if detector then set light on for 1 minute

instead, you have to write:

if detector = on then set light on for 1 minute

since its the equality test that the returns a boolean needed for the if statement.

Nevertheless, I've managed to save my first rule! Well done, guys.


Re: Events system feedback thread

Posted: Monday 15 July 2013 20:33
by Jochen
CopyCatz killed my blockly-events :)

I have some Blockly-Rules that look like this:

Code: Select all

    if(Time >= 20:00) 
        // do something
    // Do something
Since the last Version this codes are corrupted.
It is not possible to add the second IF-THEN element to the THEN-part of the first IF element.

Why you disable this? It was running very well.

Re: Events system feedback thread

Posted: Monday 15 July 2013 21:29
by CopyCatz
Implemented disabling of blockly events in the web interface.

Re: Events system feedback thread

Posted: Monday 15 July 2013 21:32
by luckysession
Another two feature request for events...

first: time before or after Sunrise and sunset option
second: if MAC or IP is ONLINE or OFFLINE

And last but not least: very GOOD Job guys, THANK you!

Greating from Germany

Re: Events system feedback thread

Posted: Monday 15 July 2013 21:34
by CopyCatz
Jochen wrote:CopyCatz killed my blockly-events :)
Why you disable this? It was running very well.
Blockly creates a block of xml containing the statements. I have to parse all those statements and separate into 2 blocks: the conditions and the actions. Those are saved in the Domoticz database, so that Domoticz can evaluate the condition line and then execute the actions. If we would allow multiple if .. then's, then we would need multiple condition + action pairs per event, making it way more difficult. As said before, we want to keep the blockly interface simple for people who don't program for a living. If you want complexity, use scripts.

Re: Events system feedback thread

Posted: Monday 15 July 2013 21:35
by CopyCatz
luckysession wrote:
second: if MAC or IP is ONLINE or OFFLINE
Not gonna happen. Figure out a nice lua script and share it with us.

Re: Events system feedback thread

Posted: Monday 15 July 2013 21:44
by luckysession
CopyCatz wrote:
luckysession wrote:
second: if MAC or IP is ONLINE or OFFLINE
Not gonna happen. Figure out a nice lua script and share it with us.
Thank you, for the moment i have found this... ... MAC_EN.htm

On my own its to late in the afternoon to create a script in lua, if its possible.

btw, good night!

Re: Events system feedback thread

Posted: Monday 15 July 2013 22:06
by pierre4fun
Hello CopyCatz,

OK: simplier is better but in case of If...then conditions, is it possible to use also the "else" possibility ?
I guess it would be helpfull even for simple tasks.

PS: Nice piece of work anyway :shock:


Re: Events system feedback thread

Posted: Monday 15 July 2013 22:09
by CopyCatz
With an else you already have a set of 3.. I might implement that later on, first get the basics working.

Oh a HEADS UP: when you get to the version with the enable/disable event option, all events will be disabled by default, you have to switch them on after upgrading.

Re: Events system feedback thread

Posted: Monday 15 July 2013 22:41
by commodore white
there might be merit in standardising on values such that comparisons can be done consistenly and without language difficulties, so, for instance:

TRUE == lights are on (i.e. not off) == doors or curtains are open == locks are engaged == motion is detected == heating on

FALSE == off == doors closed == locks disengaged == no motion detected

... so, to test if curtains are open, code ...

IF curtains THEN ...

instead of ...

IF curtains = "OPEN" THEN ... (or whatever the local language equivalent is)


Re: Events system feedback thread

Posted: Monday 15 July 2013 23:05
by willie-p
Dear All,

I know that there are a lot of request to get more from blockly but I do like the simplicity of the program.
Perhaps it's because I'm not a programmer, technical guy, for me this is a good spending hobby and learning scripting is a little bit to much at the moment.

If you guys want to know something about Basel III, CRV IV, I can tell you all about it.

For short, lets keep it s.m.a.r.t. and simple ;-)
