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Re: Controlling Toon [HACKED] from Domoticz
Posted: Sunday 13 August 2017 17:12
by qwerk
I bought my Toon second hand
I am missing the sensor cables. I only have a p1 cable but no smart p1 meter
does any one know where to buy them?
Re: Controlling Toon [HACKED] from Domoticz
Posted: Monday 28 August 2017 10:03
by EdwinK
qwerk wrote: ↑Sunday 13 August 2017 17:12
I bought my Toon second hand
I am missing the sensor cables. I only have a p1 cable but no smart p1 meter
does any one know where to buy them?
Contact your energy transporter (Stedin. Alliander) and check with them if you can get a smart meter. Maybe you are already in the planning to get one.
Re: Controlling Toon [HACKED] from Domoticz
Posted: Monday 28 August 2017 16:58
by qwerk
Thank you for pointing out this option
I am not on the schedule yet, so it will take at least two years.
Or I have to pay € 75.--.
So I rather buy the cables/sensors
Re: Controlling Toon [HACKED] from Domoticz
Posted: Thursday 31 August 2017 19:12
by arie123
i have the sensors for you
ik heb ze wel de sensors voor toon
kan iemand mij in het nederlands uitleggen hoe ik de geroote Toon aansluit op domoticz
Re: Controlling Toon [HACKED] from Domoticz
Posted: Saturday 02 September 2017 22:21
by arie123
is there a way to use the Toon P1 electric and gas usage to my domoticz
Re: Controlling Toon [HACKED] from Domoticz
Posted: Saturday 16 September 2017 17:03
by walberg
How do you make these sensors (toon temperature, toon scenes etc) and where do you put the script code?
Re: Controlling Toon [HACKED] from Domoticz
Posted: Saturday 16 September 2017 18:18
by walberg
EdwinK wrote: ↑Monday 28 August 2017 10:03
qwerk wrote: ↑Sunday 13 August 2017 17:12
I bought my Toon second hand
I am missing the sensor cables. I only have a p1 cable but no smart p1 meter
does any one know where to buy them?
Look at search for Eneco Toon, Pulse Electronics. I have bought them there for ca 18 euro inc postage a few days ago
Re: Controlling Toon [HACKED] from Domoticz
Posted: Monday 18 September 2017 11:22
by walberg
Maes wrote: ↑Tuesday 05 April 2016 21:23
- selector.png (226.57 KiB) Viewed 3437 times
Tried to make a virtual switch (toon scenes) but where do i put the Script, also there is a undefined level?
- Try to make a virtual sensor
- Schermafbeelding 2017-09-18 om 12.24.01.jpg (174.02 KiB) Viewed 3430 times
Re: Controlling Toon [HACKED] from Domoticz
Posted: Tuesday 19 September 2017 14:32
by walberg
How do you call this script?
Where do you put this script?
How do you start this script?
Re: Controlling Toon [HACKED] from Domoticz
Posted: Tuesday 19 September 2017 15:02
by EdwinK
Read this page, it is all there.
*forgot to add the link*
Re: Controlling Toon [HACKED] from Domoticz
Posted: Tuesday 19 September 2017 15:36
by walberg
EdwinK wrote: ↑Tuesday 19 September 2017 15:02
Read this page, it is all there.
Nope, i have started to read from 1st message from Maes, start with creating variables (7 rows) start to create the first device Toon Thermostaat > dummy Sensor type selector switch Toon scenes, switch type selector fill in levels and the switch on the screen works, but of course nothing happened.
Read the other 47 messages but none gives names of the scripts and where to put them (? more options events but there is already a lua script of 51 rows).
Re: Controlling Toon [HACKED] from Domoticz
Posted: Tuesday 19 September 2017 16:20
by EdwinK
Forgot to add the link to the wiki page.
Re: Controlling Toon [HACKED] from Domoticz
Posted: Tuesday 19 September 2017 16:37
by walberg
Yes but even this wiki don't tell me where to put the script (and the script is different from the scripts from Maes)
There is already a script on Setup > More Options > Events see picture. So how to put the new scripts in it?
- existing script in Domoticz
- Schermafbeelding 2017-09-19 om 16.27.43.jpg (262.82 KiB) Viewed 3389 times
Re: Controlling Toon [HACKED] from Domoticz
Posted: Tuesday 19 September 2017 17:01
by EdwinK
That is just an example. Remove it and paste the script from the wiki in it.
Re: Controlling Toon [HACKED] from Domoticz
Posted: Wednesday 20 September 2017 11:44
by walberg
Nothing changed. Toon scripts and Toon auto program should dial functions with http.... directly in Toon but too bad nothing happens.
Sensors like Toon Temperature and utils like toon thermostat should use script, but i can not call any script from these dummies.
- Schermafbeelding 2017-09-20 om 11.34.04.jpg (27.9 KiB) Viewed 3355 times
- Schermafbeelding 2017-09-20 om 11.33.55.jpg (142.91 KiB) Viewed 3355 times
Re: Controlling Toon [HACKED] from Domoticz
Posted: Wednesday 20 September 2017 14:54
by walberg
I have domoticz on Synology. I had saved my script as ToonGetInfo, Too bad i can not find it back on:
root@walsyno:/volume1/@appstore/domoticz/var/scripts/lua# dir
total 68
drwxr-xr-x 2 domoticz root 4096 Nov 10 2016 .
drwxr-xr-x 7 domoticz root 4096 Nov 10 2016 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 domoticz root 50533 Nov 10 2016 JSON.lua
-rw-r--r-- 1 domoticz root 1870 Nov 10 2016 script_device_demo.lua
-rw-r--r-- 1 domoticz root 1932 Nov 10 2016 script_time_demo.lua
Also i found the log of domoticz:
2017-09-20 14:23:00.014 Error: EventSystem: in ToonGetInfo: [string "-- Time script runs every minute, intended to..."]:18: cannot open C:\Program Files (x86)\Domoticz\scripts\lua\json.lua: No such file or directory
of course as i have no drive letters. This is a script for Windows So first i changed some rows until there is no error
ToonIP = uservariables['']
DomoticzIP = uservariables['']
json = assert(loadfile "/volume1/@appstore/domoticz/var/scripts/lua/json.lua")
change json.lua to JSON.lua also on row 24
And every time start over synology. Is there a way to restart only domoticz?
There is just one error left for this script:
2017-09-20 15:09:00.648 Error: EventSystem: in ToonGetInfo: [string "-- Time script runs every minute, intended to..."]:24: attempt to index global 'JSON' (a nil value)
Re: Controlling Toon [HACKED] from Domoticz
Posted: Wednesday 20 September 2017 16:02
by walberg
walberg wrote: ↑Wednesday 20 September 2017 14:54
I have domoticz on Synology. I had saved my script as ToonGetInfo, Too bad i can not find it back on:
root@walsyno:/volume1/@appstore/domoticz/var/scripts/lua# dir
total 68
drwxr-xr-x 2 domoticz root 4096 Nov 10 2016 .
drwxr-xr-x 7 domoticz root 4096 Nov 10 2016 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 domoticz root 50533 Nov 10 2016 JSON.lua
-rw-r--r-- 1 domoticz root 1870 Nov 10 2016 script_device_demo.lua
-rw-r--r-- 1 domoticz root 1932 Nov 10 2016 script_time_demo.lua
Also i found the log of domoticz:
2017-09-20 14:23:00.014 Error: EventSystem: in ToonGetInfo: [string "-- Time script runs every minute, intended to..."]:18: cannot open C:\Program Files (x86)\Domoticz\scripts\lua\json.lua: No such file or directory
of course as i have no drive letters. This is a script for Windows So first i changed some rows until there is no error
json = assert(loadfile "/volume1/@appstore/domoticz/var/scripts/lua/json.lua")
change json.lua to JSON.lua also on row 24
Re: Controlling Toon [HACKED] from Domoticz
Posted: Wednesday 20 September 2017 16:05
by walberg
Now i got a temperature on Toon temperature also no error But when i go to Toon Scenes and change the setting from home (thats the setting on de day normal so now) to by example away or sleep, it change after a few seconds to home.
Also on the ToonThermostaat script
Error: EventSystem: in ToonThermostaat: [string "-- Script used for Toon Thermostaat utility d..."]:8: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
And when i push on the flame at dummy Toon Thermostat, i got 2 arrows but after a few seconds after changing setpoint the setpoint is back on the original temperature.
So finally only the temperature sensor is really working the event switches and the thermostat ar reset after a few seconds.
Re: Controlling Toon [HACKED] from Domoticz
Posted: Thursday 21 September 2017 14:22
by walberg
walberg wrote: ↑Wednesday 20 September 2017 16:05
Now i got a temperature on Toon temperature also no error But when i go to Toon Scenes and change the setting from home (thats the setting on de day normal so now) to by example away or sleep, it change after a few seconds to home.
Also on the ToonThermostaat script
Error: EventSystem: in ToonThermostaat: [string "-- Script used for Toon Thermostaat utility d..."]:8: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
And when i push on the flame at dummy Toon Thermostat, i got 2 arrows but after a few seconds after changing setpoint the setpoint is back on the original temperature.
So finally only the temperature sensor is really working the event switches and the thermostat ar reset after a few seconds.
- Schermafbeelding 2017-09-21 om 14.20.34.jpg (85.05 KiB) Viewed 3321 times
- Schermafbeelding 2017-09-21 om 14.15.38.jpg (27.59 KiB) Viewed 3321 times
- Schermafbeelding 2017-09-21 om 14.15.29.jpg (32.66 KiB) Viewed 3321 times
Re: Controlling Toon [HACKED] from Domoticz
Posted: Saturday 23 September 2017 18:42
by walberg
I have installed this too, but when i change the temperature on Toon Thermostaat the temperature stays the same. Also when i change one of the events, after a few seconds the setting is reset the the original state Only Toon Temperature is working but of course it is a one way from Toon to Domoticz.
All the other reads Toon but from Domoticz you can not change anything.