Page 173 of 184

Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Posted: Monday 03 September 2018 11:45
by EdwinK
Can't get the Logitech Media Server to show in Dashticz anymore. After reinstalling Domoticz the LMS got another idx, but when changing that in the blocks it doesn't show, just an empty place on Dasthicz.

Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Posted: Thursday 06 September 2018 22:40
by bierlaagh
hi all,
I can really use you're help.

I'm working on a new dashboard using Dashticz 1 homepage with a menu on is (the buttons refere to corresponding slides.
what I want to do is change the size of these buttons (the height to be exact), but whatever I do I don't get them to change.
Schermafbeelding 2018-09-06 om 22.27.35.jpg
Schermafbeelding 2018-09-06 om 22.27.35.jpg (87.16 KiB) Viewed 2489 times
Spoiler: show
var config = {}
config['domoticz_ip'] = 'http://192.168.x.x:xxx';
config['app_title'] = 'Dashticz-control';
config['domoticz_refresh'] = '5';
config['dashticz_refresh'] = '60';
config['default_news_url'] = '';
config['news_scroll_after'] = '7';
config['standby_after'] = 0;
config['auto_swipe_back_to'] = 1;
config['auto_swipe_back_after'] = '10';
config['auto_slide_pages'] = 0;
config['slide_effect'] = 'slide';
config['standard_graph'] = 'hours';
config['language'] = 'nl_NL';
config['timeformat'] = 'DD-MM-YY HH:mm';
config['calendarformat'] = 'dd DD.MM HH:mm';
config['calendarlanguage'] = 'nl_NL';
config['boss_stationclock'] = 'RedBoss';
config['gm_api'] = 0;
config['gm_zoomlevel'] = 0;
config['gm_latitude'] = 0;
config['gm_longitude'] = 0;
config['wu_api'] = 'xxxxxxxxxxx';
config['wu_city'] = 'Apeldoorn';
config['wu_name'] = 'Apeldoorn';
config['wu_country'] = 'NL';
config['idx_moonpicture'] = '15';
config['switch_horizon'] = 'http://192.168.x.x/domotica/dashticz/te ... orizon.php';
config['host_nzbget'] = 0;
config['spot_clientid'] = 0;
config['garbage_company'] = 'circulusberkel';
config['garbage_icalurl'] = 0;
config['garbage_zipcode'] = 'xxx';
config['garbage_street'] = 'xxxx';
config['garbage_housenumber'] = 'xxx';
config['garbage_maxitems'] = '2';
config['garbage_width'] = '12';
config['selector_instead_of_buttons'] = 0;
config['auto_positioning'] = 0;
config['use_favorites'] = 1;
config['last_update'] = 0;
config['hide_topbar'] = 1;
config['hide_seconds'] = 0;
config['hide_seconds_stationclock'] = 0;
config['use_fahrenheit'] = 0;
config['use_beaufort'] = 1;
config['translate_windspeed'] = 1;
config['static_weathericons'] = 0;
config['hide_mediaplayer'] = 0;
config['garbage_hideicon'] = 0;

//Ziggo horizon

//Trash options
var trashcan = {}
trashcan.afvalwijzer = { trashapp: 'mijnafvalwijzer', maxitems: 10, width:12, zipcode:'xxxxXX', housenumber:'xxx' }
trashcan.recyclemanager = { trashapp: 'recyclemanager', width:12, zipcode:'xxxXX', housenumber:'xxx' }

//info bus 9292ov
var publictransport = {}
publictransport.ovinfobus= { show_via: false, station: '', provider: '9292-bus', icon: 'bus', width:6, results: 10 }
publictransport.ovinfotrein= { show_via: false, station: '', provider: '9292-train', icon: 'train', width:6, results: 10}

//treinen vertrek informatie webcam Valtho
var frames = {}
frames.treinen = {refreshiframe:30000,height:800,frameurl:" ... ",width:10}
frames.valtho = {refreshiframe:30000,height:195,frameurl:"",width:5}
frames.weer = {refreshiframe:30000,height:700,frameurl:" ... ",width:10}

//TV gids
var tvguide = {}
tvguide.dutch = { key:'dutch', icon: 'fa-television', width:12, channels: [1,2,3,4,31,36,460,46,37,34,92,466], maxitems: 40 }

var calendars = {}
//calendars.f1 = { maxitems: 5, icalurl: ' ... -calendar/' }
calendars.f1 = {maxitems: 15, icon: '' , image: 'F1.png', icalurl:'webcal:// ... lendar.ics'} = {maxitems: 15, icon: 'fa-mars', image:'', icalurl:''}

//Stream players voor radio stations
{"track":1,"name":"Q-music","file":" ... ive_96.mp3"},
{"track":2,"name":"Radio 2","file":""},
{"track":3,"name":"Radio 538","file":""},

//Buttons hier maak je de knoppen met link aan OOK voor camera links
var buttons = {}
buttons.buienradar = {width:12, isimage:true, refreshimage:60000, image: ' ... =600&h=600', url: ' ... =600&h=400'}
buttons.calendar = {width:4, image: 'img/calendar.png', title: 'Kalender', url: ' ... r/ical.ics'} = {width:3, image: 'img/radio_on.png', title: 'Radio', url: ''}
buttons.nunl = {width:4, icon: 'fa-newspaper-o', title: '', url: ''}
buttons.nzbget = {width:4, icon: 'fa-download', title: 'NZBget', url: ''}
buttons.moon= {width:12, isimage:true, refreshimage:60000, image: 'moon'}
buttons.webcam1 = {width:6, isimage:true, refresh:2000, image: '', url: ' ... xx&pwd=xxx'}
buttons.webcam2 = {width:6, isimage:true, image: '', url: ''}
buttons.alarm = {key:'alarm', width:12, image: 'img/alarm2.png', title: 'Security Panel', url: 'secpanel.html'}
buttons.sonarr = {width:3, image: 'img/sonarr.png', title: 'Sonarr' ,slide:10 }
buttons.hoofdmenu = {width:12, image: 'img/hoofdmenu_mirror.png', title: 'Hoofdmenu ' ,slide:0 }
//buttons.huismodus = {width:4, image: 'img/home-icon.png', title: 'Huismodus' ,slide:1 }
buttons.trein = {width:4, image: 'img/trein.png', title: 'Trein',slide: 2}
buttons.verkeer = {width:4, image: 'img/verkeer.png', title: 'Verkeer' ,slide:3 }
buttons.verlichting = {width:4, image: 'img/Light-on_mirror.png', title: 'Verlichting',slide: 3}
buttons.temperatuur = {width:4, height:99,image: 'img/temp_mirror.png', title: 'Temperatuur' ,slide:5 } = {width:4, image: 'img/webcam.jpg', title: 'Webcam',slide: 4}
buttons.kalender = {width:4, image: 'img/calendar.jpg', title: 'Kalender' ,slide:7 }
buttons.tvgids = {width:4, image: '', title: 'TV Gids',slide: 8}
buttons.weer = {width:4, image: 'img/weer_mirror.png', title: 'Weer' ,slide:9 }

var blocks = {}
blocks['blocktitle_1'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_1']['key'] = 'blocktitle_1';
blocks['blocktitle_1']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_1']['title'] = 'Verlichting';
blocks['blocktitle_1']['width'] = 12;

blocks['blocktitle_2'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_2']['key'] = 'blocktitle_2';
blocks['blocktitle_2']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_2']['title'] = 'multimedia';

blocks['blocktitle_3'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_3']['key'] = 'blocktitle_3';
blocks['blocktitle_3']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_3']['title'] = 'overig';

blocks['blocktitle_4'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_4']['key'] = 'blocktitle_4';
blocks['blocktitle_4']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_4']['title'] = 'Weer en Temperatuur';

blocks['blocktitle_5'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_5']['key'] = 'blocktitle_5';
blocks['blocktitle_5']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_5']['title'] = 'Hoofdmenu';

blocks[69] = {}
blocks[69]['width'] = 4;
blocks[69]['title'] = 'UV'

blocks[594] = {}
blocks[594]['width'] = 4;
blocks[594]['title'] = 'Slaapkamer'
blocks[594]['icon'] = 'fa-bed';

blocks[595] = {}
blocks[595]['width'] = 4;
blocks[595]['title'] = 'Waterbed Mark'
blocks[595]['icon'] = 'fa-bed';

blocks[596] = {}
blocks[596]['width'] = 4;
blocks[596]['title'] = 'Waterbed Nicolette'
blocks[596]['icon'] = 'fa-bed';

blocks[713] = {}
blocks[713]['width'] = 4;
blocks[713]['title'] = 'Audio media'
blocks[713]['icon'] = 'fa-bed';

blocks[708] = {}
blocks[708]['width'] = 4;
blocks[708]['title'] = 'Waterbed'
blocks[708]['icon'] = 'fa-bed';

blocks[722] = {}
blocks[722]['width'] = 4;
blocks[722]['title'] = 'Waterbed'
blocks[722]['icon'] = 'fa-bed';

//lampen en schakelaars
blocks[4] = {}
blocks[4]['width'] = 4;
blocks[4]['title'] = 'Eettafel'

blocks[5] = {}
blocks[5]['width'] = 4;
blocks[5]['title'] = 'zonnescherm'

blocks[7] = {}
blocks[7]['width'] = 4;
blocks[7]['title'] = 'Salontafel'

blocks[8] = {}
blocks[8]['width'] = 4;
blocks[8]['title'] = 'Hoek bank'

blocks[9] = {}
blocks[9]['width'] = 4;
blocks[9]['title'] = 'Lamp Subwoofer'

//blocks[9] = {}
//blocks[9]['width'] = 4;
//blocks[9]['title'] = 'aquarium airflow'

blocks[111] = {}
blocks[111]['width'] = 4;
blocks[111]['title'] = 'aquarium'
//blocks[212]['icon'] = 'fa-television';

blocks[112] = {}
blocks[112]['width'] = 4;
blocks[112]['title'] = 'kerstboom'
blocks[112]['icon'] = 'fa-tree';

blocks[181] = {}
blocks[181]['width'] = 4;
blocks[181]['title'] = 'buitenlamp midden'

blocks[216] = {}
blocks[216]['width'] = 4;
blocks[216]['title'] = 'kerst wandkast'
blocks[216]['icon'] = 'fa-tree';

blocks[138] = {}
blocks[138]['width'] = 4;
blocks[138]['title'] = 'slaapkamer'

blocks[165] = {}
blocks[165]['width'] = 4;
blocks[165]['title'] = 'Lamp keuken'

blocks[313] = {}
blocks[313]['width'] = 4;
blocks[313]['title'] = 'wandkast'

blocks[315] = {}
blocks[315]['width'] = 4;
blocks[315]['title'] = 'led keuken'

blocks[321] = {}
blocks[321]['width'] = 4;
blocks[321]['title'] = 'kapstok'

blocks[323] = {}
blocks[323]['width'] = 4;
blocks[323]['title'] = 'aquarium verlichting'
blocks[323]['icon'] = 'fa-life-ring';

blocks[373] = {}
blocks[373]['width'] = 4;

blocks[554] = {}
blocks[554]['width'] = 4;

blocks[14] = {}
blocks[14]['width'] = 4;
blocks[14]['title'] = 'aquarium verlichting zolder'
blocks[14]['icon'] = 'fa-life-ring';

blocks[324] = {}
blocks[324]['width'] = 4;
blocks[324]['title'] = 'Led Zolder K'

blocks[549] = {}
blocks[549]['width'] = 3;
blocks[549]['title'] = 'zwembadpomp'

blocks[712] = {}
blocks[712]['width'] = 4;
blocks[712]['title'] = 'multimedia'
blocks[712]['icon'] = 'fa-power-off';

blocks[212] = {}
blocks[212]['width'] = 4;
blocks[212]['title'] = 'tv-beneden'
blocks[212]['icon'] = 'fa-television';

blocks[2] = {}
blocks[2]['width'] = 4;
blocks[2]['title'] = 'Onkyo'
blocks[2]['icon'] = 'fa-headphones';

blocks[17] = {}
blocks[17]['width'] = 4;
blocks[17]['title'] = 'tv-boven'
blocks[17]['icon'] = 'fa-television';

blocks[397] = {}
blocks[397]['width'] = 4;
blocks[397]['title'] = 'solar'
blocks[397]['icon'] = 'fa-windows';

blocks[399] = {}
blocks[399]['width'] = 4;
blocks[399]['title'] = 'WII U'
blocks[399]['icon'] = 'fa-gamepad';

blocks['s1'] = {}
blocks['s1']['type'] = 'Scene';
blocks['s1']['width'] = 12;
blocks['s1']['title'] = 'lampen beneden'
blocks['s1']['icon'] = 'fa-power-off';
blocks['s1']['hide_data'] = true;

blocks['s2'] = {}
blocks['s2']['type'] = 'Scene';
blocks['s2']['width'] = 12;
blocks['s2']['title'] = 'Slapen alles uit'
blocks['s2']['icon'] = 'fa-power-off';
blocks['s2']['hide_data'] = true;

var columns = {}

//Main scherm in alle screens toegevoegd
columns[1] ={}

//Buttons naar screens
columns[2] = {}
columns[2]['blocks'] = ['currentweather_big','blocktitle_5',buttons.verlichting, buttons.trein, buttons.verkeer, buttons.temperatuur,, buttons.kalender, buttons.tvgids, buttons.weer,]
columns[2]['width'] = 10;
columns[2]['blocks']['height'] = 250;

//Screen trein
columns[3] = {}
columns[3]['blocks'] = [frames.treinen]
columns[3]['width'] = 10;

//Screen weer
columns[4] = {}
columns[4]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_4','weather','687_1',659,69,531,191,397,'547_1','570_1','481_1',]
columns[4]['width'] = 10;

//Screen verlichting
columns[5] = {}
columns[5]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_1',4,8,313,7,315,165,321,689,14,9,16,679, ,554,373,216,112,19,181,'s8','s10','s11']
columns[5]['width'] = 10;

//Screen temperatuur
columns[6] = {}
columns[6]['blocks'] = [ 594,595,596,'713_1','713_2','708_1','708_2','722_1','722_2']
columns[6]['width'] = 10;

//Screen webcam
columns[7] = {}
columns[7]['blocks'] = [buttons.webcam1]
columns[7]['width'] = 10;

//Screen Calender
columns[8] = {}
columns[8]['blocks'] = [calendars.f1,]
columns[8]['width'] = 10;

//Quick knoppen
columns[9] = {}
columns[9]['blocks'] = [1,2,7,9,49,41,59,19,15,110,57,'64_1','65_1','66_1','60_1',publictransport.ovinfobus,publictransport.ovinfotrein]
columns[9]['width'] = 5;

columns[10] = {}
columns[10]['blocks'] = [tvguide.dutch,'news_tv'];
columns[10]['width'] = 10;

columns[11] = {}
columns[11]['blocks'] = [frames.weer];
columns[11]['width'] = 10;

columns[12] = {}
columns[12]['blocks'] = ['sonarr'];
columns[12]['width'] = 10;

var screens = {}
screens['default'] = {}
screens['default']['maxwidth'] = 1440;
screens['default']['maxheight'] = 900;

screens['default'][1] = {}
screens['default'][1]['background'] = 'E7P_3737.jpg';
screens['default'][1]['background_morning'] = 'bg_morning.jpg';
screens['default'][1]['background_noon'] = 'bg_noon.jpg';
screens['default'][1]['background_afternoon'] = 'bg_afternoon.jpg';
screens['default'][1]['background_night'] = 'E7P_3737.jpg';
screens['default'][1]['columns'] = [1,2]

screens['default'][2] = {}
screens['default'][2]['background'] = 'bg1.jpg';
screens['default'][2]['background_morning'] = 'bg_morning_winter.jpg';
screens['default'][2]['background_noon'] = 'bg_noon_winter.jpg';
screens['default'][2]['background_afternoon'] = 'bg_afternoon_winter.jpg';
screens['default'][2]['background_night'] = 'E7P_3737.jpg';
screens['default'][2]['columns'] = [1,4]

screens['default'][3] = {}
screens['default'][3]['background'] = 'bg1.jpg';
screens['default'][3]['background_morning'] = 'bg_morning.jpg';
screens['default'][3]['background_noon'] = 'bg_noon.jpg';
screens['default'][3]['background_afternoon'] = 'bg_afternoon.jpg';
screens['default'][3]['background_night'] = 'E7P_3737.jpg';
screens['default'][3]['columns'] = [1,5]

screens['default'][4] = {}
screens['default'][4]['background'] = 'bg1.jpg';
screens['default'][4]['background_morning'] = 'bg_morning_winter.jpg';
screens['default'][4]['background_noon'] = 'bg_noon_winter.jpg';
screens['default'][4]['background_afternoon'] = 'bg_afternoon_winter.jpg';
screens['default'][4]['background_night'] = 'bg_night_winter.jpg';
screens['default'][4]['columns'] = [1,7]

screens['default'][5] = {}
screens['default'][5]['background'] = 'bg1.jpg';
screens['default'][5]['background_morning'] = 'bg_morning_winter.jpg';
screens['default'][5]['background_noon'] = 'bg_noon_winter.jpg';
screens['default'][5]['background_afternoon'] = 'bg_afternoon_winter.jpg';
screens['default'][5]['background_night'] = 'E7P_3737.jpg';
screens['default'][5]['columns'] = [1,6]
I only want the ie buttons.weer to change height they wil be located on the frontpage

Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Posted: Friday 07 September 2018 0:36
by HansieNL
@bierlaagh :
First you have to look up what the elements are for the buttons (You can use developers tools Ctrl-Shift-I and select elements in Chrome). Then you have to add extra code to custom.css. There are some examples at the Wiki
I use one to auto resize for Buien Radar block.
/* Buien Radar */
.block_345 {
height: 100% !important;

Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Posted: Friday 07 September 2018 9:52
by bierlaagh
@HansieNL tanks for the reply.

i've looked at the wiki and seen the cunsom.css

but i still have a challenge (or maybe I don't understand it well enough) :?:

but when I look at inspect element (I use safari but the outcome should be the same)
is see no Blocks

inspect element:
Spoiler: show
<div class="col-xs-4 hover transbg buttons-UNKNOWN" data-id="buttons.UNKNOWN" onclick="toSlide(2)"><div class="col-xs-4 col-icon"><img class="buttonimg" src="img/Light-on_mirror.png"></div><div class="col-xs-8 col-data"><strong class="title">Verlichting</strong><br><span class="state"></span></div></div>
is it because of the way the page is build?

column 2 only show buttons with are defined in buttons.[buttonname]

config.js var buttons
Spoiler: show
var buttons = {}

buttons.hoofdmenu = {width:12, image: 'img/hoofdmenu_mirror.png', title: 'Hoofdmenu' ,slide:0 }
buttons.trein = {width:4, image: 'img/trein.png', title: 'Trein',slide: 2}
buttons.verkeer = {width:4, image: 'img/verkeer.png', title: 'Verkeer' ,slide:3 }
buttons.verlichting = {width:4, image: 'img/Light-on_mirror.png', title: 'Verlichting',slide: 3}
buttons.temperatuur = {width:4, height:99,image: 'img/temp_mirror.png', title: 'Temperatuur' ,slide:5 } = {width:4, image: 'img/webcam.jpg', title: 'Webcam',slide: 4}
buttons.kalender = {width:4, image: 'img/calendar.jpg', title: 'Kalender' ,slide:7 }
buttons.tvgids = {width:4, image: '', title: 'TV Gids',slide: 8}
buttons.weer = {width:4, image: 'img/weer_mirror.png', title: 'Weer' ,slide:2 }

Spoiler: show
//Buttons naar screens
columns[2] = {}
columns[2]['blocks'] = ['currentweather_big','blocktitle_5',buttons.verlichting, buttons.trein, buttons.verkeer, buttons.temperatuur,, buttons.kalender, buttons.tvgids, buttons.weer,]
columns[2]['width'] = 10;

Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Posted: Friday 07 September 2018 10:55
by Prutsium
When i want to show for example 2 webcams or 2 remote images what should i do in that case?
Did not see any tips in the Wiki.

Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Posted: Friday 07 September 2018 11:12
by bierlaagh
Prutsium wrote: Friday 07 September 2018 10:55 When i want to show for example 2 webcams or 2 remote images what should i do in that case?
Did not see any tips in the Wiki.
you could create a buttons.webcam1 and buttons.webcam2 and put those in your column
take a look at @Corbin example ... 40#p131610

Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Posted: Friday 07 September 2018 12:04
by Prutsium
bierlaagh wrote: Friday 07 September 2018 11:12
Prutsium wrote: Friday 07 September 2018 10:55 When i want to show for example 2 webcams or 2 remote images what should i do in that case?
Did not see any tips in the Wiki.
you could create a buttons.webcam1 and buttons.webcam2 and put those in your column
take a look at @Corbin example ... 40#p131610
Superb that did the trick!


Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Posted: Friday 07 September 2018 13:27
by HansieNL
@bierlaagh :
You can set the class of a button with the key. For example:
buttons.hoofdmenu = {key: 'hoofdmenu', width:12, image: 'img/hoofdmenu_mirror.png', title: 'Hoofdmenu' ,slide:0 }
and then you the UNKNOWN should have the value buttons-hoofdmenu.

Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Posted: Friday 07 September 2018 15:26
by bierlaagh
HansieNL wrote: Friday 07 September 2018 13:27 @bierlaagh :
You can set the class of a button with the key. For example:
buttons.hoofdmenu = {key: 'hoofdmenu', width:12, image: 'img/hoofdmenu_mirror.png', title: 'Hoofdmenu' ,slide:0 }
and then you the UNKNOWN should have the value buttons-hoofdmenu.
ok its now official....I still have a lot to learn.
when I create a key (ie weer)

like this:
Spoiler: show
buttons.weer = {key: 'weer', width:4, image: 'img/weer_mirror.png', title: 'Weer' ,slide:2 }
and I see inspect element:
Spoiler: show
<div class="col-xs-4 hover transbg menu buttons-weer" data-id="buttons.weer" onclick="toSlide(1)"></div>
what do I put in my custom.css ?
Spoiler: show
.block_weer {
height: 200% !important;

.weer {
height: 200% !important;
non of these work...

Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Posted: Friday 07 September 2018 18:30
by HansieNL
@bierlaagh : Me too still have a lot to learn ;-)
You have to use the class shown in the developers tools. That's in your case buttons-weer.
So try: .buttons-weer I think is a good place to start to learn HTML and CSS.

Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Posted: Friday 07 September 2018 18:51
by amauryverschooren
hello, i want to get a block with new updates from tweakers but can't get it to work. what am i doing wrong?

Code: Select all

var config = {}
config['language'] = 'nl_NL'; //or: en_US, de_DE, fr_FR, hu_HU, it_IT, pt_PT, sv_SE
config['domoticz_ip'] = '';
config['app_title'] = 'Dashboard';
config['domoticz_refresh'] = '0.1';
config['dashticz_refresh'] = '60';
config['standby_after'] = 0;
config[''] = 0;
config['auto_swipe_back_to'] = 1;
config['auto_swipe_back_after'] = '10';
config['auto_slide_pages'] = 0;
config['slide_effect'] = 'slide';
config['standard_graph'] = 'hours';
config['language'] = 'nl_NL';
config['timeformat'] = 'DD-MM-YY HH:mm';
config['calendarformat'] = 'dd DD.MM HH:mm';
config['calendarlanguage'] = 'nl_NL';
config['calendarurl'] = 0;
config['boss_stationclock'] = 'RedBoss';
config['gm_api'] = 'XXX';
config['gm_zoomlevel'] = '8';
config['gm_latitude'] = 'XXX';
config['gm_longitude'] = 'XXX';
config['wu_api'] = '40e147012dd3f272';
config['wu_city'] = 'Rapenberg';
config['wu_name'] = 'in Bazel';
config['wu_country'] = 'BE';
config['idx_moonpicture'] = 0;
config['switch_horizon'] = 0;
config['host_nzbget'] = 0;
config['spot_clientid'] = 'xxxxxx';
config['garbage_width'] = '6';
config['selector_instead_of_buttons'] = 0;
config['auto_positioning'] = 0;
config['use_favorites'] = 1;
config['last_update'] = 0;
config['hide_topbar'] = 0;
config['hide_seconds'] = 1;
config['hide_seconds_stationclock'] = 0;
config['use_fahrenheit'] = 0;
config['use_beaufort'] = 0;
config['translate_windspeed'] = 1;
config['static_weathericons'] = 0;
config['hide_mediaplayer'] = 0;
config['garbage_company'] = 'afhaalkalender';
config['garbage_icalurl'] = 0;
config['garbage_zipcode'] = 'xxxxx';
config['garbage_street'] = 'xxxxx';
config['garbage_housenumber'] = 'xxxx';
config['garbage_maxitems'] = '5';
config['garbage_width'] = '6';
config['garbage_hideicon'] = 0;
config['garbage_use_names'] = true;
config['garbage_use_colors'] = true;
config['garbage_icon_use_colors'] = true;
config['garbage_use_cors_prefix'] = true;
config['garbage'] = {
    gft: {kliko: 'green', code: '#375b23', name: 'GFT', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_green.png'},
    pmd: {kliko: 'orange', code: '#db5518', name: 'PMD', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_orange.png'},
    rest: {kliko: 'grey', code: '#5e5d5c', name: 'Restafval', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_grey.png'},
    papier: {kliko: 'blue', code: '#153477', name: 'Papier', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_blue.png'},
    kca: {kliko: 'red', code: '#b21807', name: 'Chemisch afval', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_red.png'},
    brown: {kliko: 'brown', code: '#7c3607', name: 'Bruin', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_brown.png'},
    black: {kliko: 'black', code: '#000000', name: 'Zwart', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_black.png'},
    milieu: {kliko: 'yellow', code: '#f9e231', name: 'Geel', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_yellow.png'},
    kerstboom: {kliko: 'green', code: '#375b23', name: 'Kerstboom', icon: 'img/garbage/tree.png'},


var calendars = {} = { maxitems: 5, url: '', icalurl: '' }
calendars.private = { maxitems: 5, icalurl: 'xxxxxxx' }

// Online Radio Stream Plugin, Note: you must enable plugin in column section 'streamplayer'
{"track":2,"name":"Radio 538","file":""},
{"track":3,"name":"Arrow Classic Rock","file":" ... stream=205"},
{"track":4,"name":"Radio Veronica","file":" ... GSTR09.mp3"},
{"track":5,"name":"Q-music","file":" ... bantHq.m3u"},

var buttons = {}
buttons.webcam1 = { width:6, isimage:true, refresh:5000, image: 'http://sensored/image.jpg', url: 'http://sensored/image.jpg' }
buttons.webcam2 = { width:6, isimage:true, refresh:5000, image: 'sensored' }
buttons.buienradar = {width:4, isimage:true, refreshimage:60000, image: '', url: ''} = {width:12, image: 'img/radio_on.png', title: 'Radio', url: ''}
buttons.nzbget = {width:12, icon: 'fa-download', title: 'NZBget', url: 'http://sensored:6789'}
buttons.log = {key:'log', width:12, icon:'fa-microchip', title: 'Domoticz Log', log:true, level: 2}

//defining wich blocks to show, de numbers represents the IDX of the device in Domoticz
//only define if you want to use a custom width instead of the default

var blocks = {}

//Groepen & Scenes



blocks[6] = {}
blocks[6]['width'] = 6;
blocks[6]['title'] = 'Temp. Kamer Amaury:'
blocks[6]['switch'] = true;

blocks[7] = {}
blocks[7]['width'] = 6;
blocks[7]['title'] = 'Temp. Kamer Valerie:'
blocks[7]['switch'] = true;

blocks[8] = {}
blocks[8]['width'] = 6;
blocks[8]['title'] = 'Temp. Woonkamer:'
blocks[8]['switch'] = true;

blocks['blocktitle_1'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_1']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_1']['title'] = 'Temperatuur sensors';

blocks['blocktitle_2'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_2']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_2']['title'] = 'Scenes';

blocks['blocktitle_3'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_3']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_3']['title'] = 'Schakelaars';

blocks['blocktitle_4'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_4']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_4']['title'] = 'Weer';

blocks['blocktitle_5'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_5']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_5']['title'] = 'Radio';

blocks['news_2'] = {}
blocks['news_2']['feed'] = '';

// Kolommen
var columns = {}

columns[1] = {}
columns[1]['blocks'] = ['clock','sunrise', 'currentweather_big']
columns[1]['width'] = 2;

columns[2] = {}
columns[2]['blocks'] = ['news', 'blocktitle_1','6','7','8', calendars.private, 'news_2']
columns[2]['width'] = 5;

columns[3] = {}
columns[3]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_3','1','2','5','blocktitle_4','weather']
columns[3]['width'] = 5;

columns[4] = {}
columns[4]['blocks'] = ['currentweather_big']
columns[4]['width'] = 6;

columns[5] = {}
columns[5]['blocks'] = [buttons.buienradar,, buttons.nunl]
columns[5]['width'] = 6;

//if you want to use multiple screens, use the code below:
var screens = {}
screens[1] = {}
screens[1]['background'] = 'bg9.jpg';
screens[1]['background_night'] = 'bg12.jpg';
screens[1]['columns'] = [1,2,3]

Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Posted: Friday 07 September 2018 19:13
by HansieNL
@amauryverschooren :

Code: Select all

blocks['news_2']['feed'] = '';
TIP: Don't post personal keys on the forum config['wu_api'] =

Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Posted: Friday 07 September 2018 21:01
by bierlaagh
HansieNL wrote: Friday 07 September 2018 18:30 @bierlaagh : Me too still have a lot to learn ;-)
You have to use the class shown in the developers tools. That's in your case buttons-weer.
So try: .buttons-weer I think is a good place to start to learn HTML and CSS.
well it took a while, finally found the problem. :geek:

Spoiler: show
.buttons-weer {
height: 200% !important;
doesn't work , not figured out why

Spoiler: show
.buttons-weer {
height: 120px !important;
does work. (was 65px)

only question remaining is why doesn't percentage work and px do?

Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Posted: Friday 07 September 2018 22:08
by HansieNL
@bierlaagh : CSS can be rather complex. It depends on what classes are used , what order and where they are in a CSS file. You also can have more then one CSS file.
Cascading Order
What style will be used when there is more than one style specified for an HTML element?
Generally speaking we can say that all the styles will "cascade" into a new "virtual" style sheet by the following rules, where number one has the highest priority:
1. Inline style (inside an HTML element)
2. External and internal style sheets (in the head section)
3. Browser default
So, an inline style (inside a specific HTML element) has the highest priority, which means that it will override a style defined inside the <head> tag, or in an external style sheet, or a browser default value.

Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Posted: Saturday 08 September 2018 11:22
by peter141080

I installed Domoticz on a Raspberry Pi 3B +. I installed Dasticz with Github. Then I changed the Config file with the correct IP address and port number. When I go to I get the message:

Dashticz v2 is loading ...
Time-out! Something is wrong please check your CONFIG.js
For more help visit Dashticz v2 wiki

I have already searched the forum but can not really find an answer. What am I missing? I have already placed Authentication on Basic-Auth in settings.

Dashboard of Domoticz is working fine.

Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Posted: Sunday 09 September 2018 10:45
by Stepdes
peter141080 wrote: Saturday 08 September 2018 11:22 Hey,

I installed Domoticz on a Raspberry Pi 3B +. I installed Dasticz with Github. Then I changed the Config file with the correct IP address and port number. When I go to I get the message:

Dashticz v2 is loading ...
Time-out! Something is wrong please check your CONFIG.js
For more help visit Dashticz v2 wiki

I have already searched the forum but can not really find an answer. What am I missing? I have already placed Authentication on Basic-Auth in settings.

Dashboard of Domoticz is working fine.
Can you post your config.js file here?

Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Posted: Monday 10 September 2018 14:26
by Stephan83
Hi a few months ago I posted the below quoted message. I might be very well possible I missed the answer and did not search enough. But I was wondering if there is a solution to my problem.

The cold season is starting again and now the Interest in CO2 is becomming higer again :).


Stephan83 wrote: Tuesday 03 April 2018 18:21
javed222pi wrote: Sunday 01 April 2018 0:53 Hi all,
I’m try to insert an CO2 (air quality) graph, in my dashticz dashboard, but I cant …
How I must to do? I must to edit graphs.js ? but how??
Please help

I can get the basiscs of the graph with this code:

Code: Select all

blocks[255] = {} //CO2
blocks[255]['width'] = 4;

blocks['graph_255'] = {} //CO2
blocks['graph_255']['width'] = 12;
But the result is this:
2018-04-03 18_13_01-CONFIG.js — C__Users_Stephan_AppData_Local_Temp_scp10343_home_pi_domoticz_www_da.png

If I check the json (x.x.x.x/json.htm?type=graph&sensor=counter&idx=255&range=day) in Domoticz this is my data:

Code: Select all

co2	"398"
d	"2018-04-02 18:15"
co2	"399"
d	"2018-04-02 18:20"
co2	"398"
d	"2018-04-02 18:25"
co2	"399"
d	"2018-04-02 18:30"
co2	"398"
d	"2018-04-02 18:35"
co2	"398"
d	"2018-04-02 18:40"
co2	"399"
d	"2018-04-02 18:45"
co2	"414"
d	"2018-04-02 18:50"
co2	"486"
d	"2018-04-02 18:55"
co2	"481"
d	"2018-04-02 19:00"
co2	"480"
d	"2018-04-02 19:05"
Do you get the same or less?
And how can I get the graph in total?

Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Posted: Wednesday 26 September 2018 15:10
by pkrabben
Hi All

I hope everybody is fine.
I did an update today of my Dashticz system but for some reason all the FA icons are not showing anymore all the custom icons are oke did I miss something that I need to change.

Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Posted: Wednesday 26 September 2018 22:06
by HansieNL
pkrabben wrote: Wednesday 26 September 2018 15:10 Hi All

I hope everybody is fine.
I did an update today of my Dashticz system but for some reason all the FA icons are not showing anymore all the custom icons are oke did I miss something that I need to change.
Theversion of FontAwesome is changed to newer version. You have to change fa to fas. fas fa-bell
For an overview of all fonts:

Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Posted: Thursday 27 September 2018 12:46
by pkrabben
Thanks Hansie that did the trick