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Re: Siri / HomeKit support for Domoticz

Posted: Thursday 17 September 2015 20:48
by tcviper
Trying to update it to Jessie now, I read somewhere that might help :P

Re: Siri / HomeKit support for Domoticz

Posted: Thursday 17 September 2015 22:09
by shoulder
tcviper wrote:Trying to update it to Jessie now, I read somewhere that might help :P
Seems like many have trouble getting homekit working on pi2?? Trying to find a solution too.
Tell us if it works for you =)

Re: Siri / HomeKit support for Domoticz

Posted: Thursday 17 September 2015 23:16
by tcviper
Yep, updating raspbian to jessie worked ;) as in the link i pasted above.

Re: Siri / HomeKit support for Domoticz

Posted: Thursday 17 September 2015 23:24
by tcviper
Eduard wrote:i got my HomeBridge running with autostart @reboot (rpi) :D

I used PM2 instead of forever. If you follow the instructions below, it will autostart HomeBridge after a reboot of you pi...

Code: Select all

sudo npm install pm2 -g
cd ~/homebridge/
pm2 start app.js --name HomeBridge

pm2 save

pm2 startup raspberry
sudo su -c "env PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin pm2 startup raspberry -u pi"

sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/
Edit /etc/init.d/ so that
export PM2_HOME="/home/pi/.pm2"
(was export PM2_HOME="/root/.pm2" but this causes errors)

Code: Select all

sudo update-rc.d defaults
Reboot and check proceslist...

Code: Select all

sudo reboot
pm2 list
Should something look like...

Code: Select all

│ App name   │ id │ mode │ pid  │ status │ restart │ uptime │ memory     │ watching │
│ HomeBridge │ 0  │ fork │ 9092 │ online │ 0       │ 0s     │ 9.113 MB   │ disabled │
This procedure is very cool however, when rebooting it didnt start, when i then manually enter pm2 start app.js --name HomeBridge it works but when i reboot it ha s nothiing in pm2 list. Any idea? :)

Re: Siri / HomeKit support for Domoticz

Posted: Friday 18 September 2015 9:38
by charlysquare
Heisenberg wrote:
charlysquare wrote:not better
Try updating Domoticz.js. Then sudo reboot and see if it helps: ... omoticz.js
Done, but still the same issue

Code: Select all

Loading 1 platforms...
[Domoticz] Initializing Domoticz platform...
[Domoticz] Fetching Domoticz lights and switches...
Loading 0 accessories...
[Domoticz] There was a problem connecting to Domoticz.

Re: Siri / HomeKit support for Domoticz

Posted: Monday 21 September 2015 0:25
by asmithdub
I can't for the life of me find the persists file/folder!

Everything else is working fine. Just can't add the devices perviously added as I need to find 'persists'.

Anyone know where it is?

Re: Siri / HomeKit support for Domoticz

Posted: Monday 21 September 2015 9:25
by Heisenberg
asmithdub wrote:I can't for the life of me find the persists file/folder!

Everything else is working fine. Just can't add the devices perviously added as I need to find 'persists'.

Anyone know where it is?
you can find it in the homebridge folder: cd ~/homebridge/persist/

btw, you don't need to manually add the devices anymore with the latest Homebridge: ... tion-Guide

Re: Siri / HomeKit support for Domoticz

Posted: Monday 21 September 2015 10:31
by asmithdub
Heisenberg wrote:
asmithdub wrote:I can't for the life of me find the persists file/folder!

Everything else is working fine. Just can't add the devices perviously added as I need to find 'persists'.

Anyone know where it is?
you can find it in the homebridge folder: cd ~/homebridge/persist/

btw, you don't need to manually add the devices anymore with the latest Homebridge: ... tion-Guide
Thanks for that!

Just installed homebridge yesterday. The devices are still showing up individually in Eve. Any ideas?

Re: Siri / HomeKit support for Domoticz

Posted: Monday 21 September 2015 11:18
by Heisenberg
Just installed homebridge yesterday. The devices are still showing up individually in Eve. Any ideas?
Try resetting Homekit Configuration on your IOS device: Settings -> Privacy -> Homekit
After that start Eve again

Re: Siri / HomeKit support for Domoticz

Posted: Monday 21 September 2015 21:06
by King1987
G3rard wrote: I did try it but couldn't get it working. It was some while ago so don't know anymore what didn't work.
However Nodejs 0.12 is part of the Synology packages. You could try that. Please share your results.
Really, I'm going to search for that one, once I've got an update, I will let it know here :)

Re: Siri / HomeKit support for Domoticz

Posted: Monday 21 September 2015 23:28
by asmithdub
Heisenberg wrote:
Just installed homebridge yesterday. The devices are still showing up individually in Eve. Any ideas?
Try resetting Homekit Configuration on your IOS device: Settings -> Privacy -> Homekit
After that start Eve again
Thanks again. Removed and reinstalled homebridge.
persist doesn't seem to exist anymore and devices are still missing from 'add accessories an Eve'. No homebridge option either.

very strange!

Siri / HomeKit support for Domoticz

Posted: Tuesday 22 September 2015 1:25
by simon_rb
Hi Guys,

After a while away from this I thought I'd give it another go. After installing nodes 0.12.6 and getting NPM installed I ran it and I get this error... Any ideas? Could it be to do with the new updated homebridge?

Code: Select all

[Domoticz] Loaded services for Curtains Open Off
[Domoticz] Initializing platform accessory 'Curtains Open On'...
[Domoticz] Loaded services for Curtains Open On
[Domoticz] Initializing platform accessory 'Early F1 Bedroom Power'...
[Domoticz] Loaded services for Early F1 Bedroom Power
[Domoticz] Initializing platform accessory 'Early F1 Bedroom Watch'...
[Domoticz] Loaded services for Early F1 Bedroom Watch
[Domoticz] Initializing platform accessory 'Film Remote'...
[Domoticz] Loaded services for Film Remote
[Domoticz] Initializing platform accessory 'Home'...
[Domoticz] Loaded services for Home
      throw new Error("Cannot add a bridged Accessory with the same UUID as an
Error: Cannot add a bridged Accessory with the same UUID as another bridged Accessory: 70f8bb9a-8a53-493e-b080-507a89e4b98d
    at Bridge.Accessory.addBridgedAccessory (/home/pi/homebridge/node_modules/HAP-NodeJS/lib/Accessory.js:164:13)
    at /home/pi/homebridge/app.js:135:18
    at /home/pi/homebridge/node_modules/HAP-NodeJS/lib/util/once.js:15:19
    at callbackLater (/home/pi/homebridge/platforms/Domoticz.js:96:53)
    at Request._callback (/home/pi/homebridge/platforms/Domoticz.js:160:6)
    at Request.self.callback (/home/pi/homebridge/node_modules/request/request.js:373:22)
    at Request.emit (events.js:110:17)
    at Request.<anonymous> (/home/pi/homebridge/node_modules/request/request.js:1318:14)
    at Request.emit (events.js:129:20)
    at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (/home/pi/homebridge/node_modules/request/request.js:1266:12)

Re: Siri / HomeKit support for Domoticz

Posted: Tuesday 22 September 2015 21:46
by dannybloe
I indeed had to upgrade to Jessie on my RPiB+, reinstall node 4.0.0. Only then everything compiled properly and homebridge finally started. Yay!!
Interestingly though... Eve was able to get devices but Insteon never saw any device. But what worried me was that when I change some device name or restart homebridge, more often than not, Eve couldn't connect or find anything. It was like a roulette..sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Strangely, requesting homebridge via the browser always returned the proper data in the response. So maybe Eve sometimes couldn't bonjour it's way into homebridge?

Re: Siri / HomeKit support for Domoticz

Posted: Wednesday 23 September 2015 10:54
by Thyraz
Is the new HomeBridge where we don't have to add the single devices already in the beta repo for Domoticz on Raspberry?

Re: Siri / HomeKit support for Domoticz

Posted: Saturday 26 September 2015 15:31
by simon_rb
Anyone have this working with the new homebridge? I followed wiki to the letter and it doesn't work... Hmmm

Re: Siri / HomeKit support for Domoticz

Posted: Sunday 27 September 2015 14:53
by Heisenberg
simon_rb wrote:Anyone have this working with the new homebridge? I followed wiki to the letter and it doesn't work... Hmmm
I have no problems here. Siri is working stable since the last two weeks.
What exactly doesn't work? Could you post more details like logs, screenshots or just more info of your errors?

Re: Siri / HomeKit support for Domoticz

Posted: Sunday 27 September 2015 20:47
by h143

i have install a raspberry sd image on my raspberry witch contains hombridge.
how can i update homebridge to the last version?

Re: Siri / HomeKit support for Domoticz

Posted: Monday 28 September 2015 2:19
by simon_rb
Heisenberg wrote:
simon_rb wrote:Anyone have this working with the new homebridge? I followed wiki to the letter and it doesn't work... Hmmm
I have no problems here. Siri is working stable since the last two weeks.
What exactly doesn't work? Could you post more details like logs, screenshots or just more info of your errors?
Thank you, there is a bit of a log a couple of of posts above..


Re: Siri / HomeKit support for Domoticz

Posted: Monday 28 September 2015 20:49
by deejc
hello everyone, this is my first post and i don't want it to be a cry for help so i will word it slightly different :D

i have domoticz as my main HA system, sent my vera back and its working almost flawlessly... i am using openmediavault (based on debian) and also have homebridge running which is almost flawless as well, but i have a strange occurrence which i doubt it anything to do with Domoticz but someone on here may have an idea..
when i ask siri to turn up / down the temp on my nest it does do what i ask, but it replies with:

Ok i have set the 0000004A-0000-1000-8000-0026BB to 19 degrees ?!?!?

i tried changing the name in the Eve app and also changing the siri name in eve but i cannot get it to stop calling nest 0000004A-0000-1000-8000-0026BB
the "shim" has nest as the name as well... i cannot find a single thing about it on google, and the developers only seem to have git accounts which i don't have.

does anyone have any pointers ?

Re: Siri / HomeKit support for Domoticz

Posted: Tuesday 29 September 2015 19:10
by fennec62

first thanks for all works very good job

I use nfarina homebridge with domoticz 2524 and all is ok for light

But is it possible to recognize blind and temp information

Thanks a lot