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Re: LUA Pass2php

Posted: Thursday 05 January 2017 20:14
by Egregius
That's an old version and you didn't change the ip address of domoticz in the functions at the bottom. I asume your webserver isn't the same as your domoticz because you entered that ip in the lua file.

Re: LUA Pass2php

Posted: Thursday 05 January 2017 20:43
by ropske
if i try it with this version it also not works:

Code: Select all

$t=microtime(true);$micro=sprintf("%03d",($t-floor($t))*1000);define('stamp',strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.", $t).$micro);
//Create the array of events. Wich idx calls wich function?
//Start of user functions
function Test_switch(){
    global $a,$s,$i,$t;
//End of user functions
// ========== FUNCTIONS ==========
/* sw switches $idx on/off. If no action is provided a toggle is made. $info is optional logging */
function sw($idx,$action="",$info=""){
    $t=microtime(true);$micro=sprintf("%03d",($t-floor($t))*1000);$stamp=strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.", $t).$micro;
    print $stamp."          Switch ".$idx." (".ucfirst($info).") ".strtoupper($action)."
    if(empty($action)) curl(api."json.htm?type=command&param=switchlight&idx=".$idx."&switchcmd=Toggle");
    else curl(api."json.htm?type=command&param=switchlight&idx=".$idx."&switchcmd=".$action);
/* sl sets dimmer $idx to level $level. $info is optional logging */
function sl($idx,$level,$info=""){
    $t=microtime(true);$micro=sprintf("%03d",($t-floor($t))*1000);$stamp=strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.", $t).$micro;
    print $stamp."        Set Level ".$idx." ".ucfirst($info)." ".$level."
    curl(api . "json.htm?type=command&param=switchlight&idx=".$idx."&switchcmd=Set%20Level&level=".$level);
/* ud updates a device $idx with $nvalue and $svalue. $info is optional logging */
function ud($idx,$nvalue,$svalue,$info=""){
    $t=microtime(true);$micro=sprintf("%03d",($t-floor($t))*1000);$stamp=strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.", $t).$micro;
    if(!in_array($idx, array(395,532,534))) print $stamp."  --- UPDATE ".$idx." ".$info." ".$nvalue." ".$svalue."
function lg($msg)
	curl(''.urlencode('=> '.$msg));
function curl($url){dl("");$headers=array('Content-Type: application/json',);$ch=curl_init();curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL,$url);curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,$headers);curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT, TRUE);$data=curl_exec($ch);curl_close($ch);return $data;}

Re: LUA Pass2php

Posted: Thursday 05 January 2017 20:47
by ropske
my webserver is running at
and domoticz is running at

you are correct ;)

Re: LUA Pass2php

Posted: Thursday 05 January 2017 21:41
by Egregius
At least there must be errors in domoticz and/or webserver logs. Lg(test) must drop a error because it must be lg('test')

Re: LUA Pass2php

Posted: Thursday 05 January 2017 21:46
by ropske
no errors :(

this is what i have in log:
2017-01-05 21:46:25.142 LUA: PHP script runs
2017-01-05 21:46:24.805 (Open zwave usb) Usage (Verbruik Droogkast)
2017-01-05 21:46:25.585 LUA: PHP script runs
2017-01-05 21:46:25.252 (Open zwave usb) General/kWh (Totaal verbruik droogkast)
2017-01-05 21:46:26.034 LUA: PHP script runs
2017-01-05 21:46:25.691 (Open zwave usb) Usage (Verbruik vaatwas)
2017-01-05 21:46:26.623 LUA: PHP script runs
2017-01-05 21:46:26.143 (Open zwave usb) General/kWh (Totaal verbruik vaatwas)
2017-01-05 21:46:27.302 LUA: PHP script runs
2017-01-05 21:46:26.766 (Open zwave usb) Usage (Verbruik vaatwas)
2017-01-05 21:46:28.010 LUA: PHP script runs
2017-01-05 21:46:27.475 (Open zwave usb) General/kWh (Totaal verbruik vaatwas)
2017-01-05 21:46:28.491 LUA: PHP script runs
2017-01-05 21:46:28.151 (Open zwave usb) Usage (Verbruik vaatwas)
2017-01-05 21:46:28.596 (Open zwave usb) General/kWh (Totaal verbruik vaatwas)
2017-01-05 21:46:30.878 LUA: PHP script runs
2017-01-05 21:46:30.668 (Stijn) Temp (Living)
2017-01-05 21:46:31.367 LUA: PHP script runs
2017-01-05 21:46:31.153 (Stijn) Temp + Humidity (Kinderen)

Re: LUA Pass2php

Posted: Thursday 05 January 2017 21:59
by Egregius
Is that the log from domoticz www ui or through ssh? There's a difference.
Also check your webserver logs. Because webserver is not on same machine errors will probably not be in domoticz log.

Re: LUA Pass2php

Posted: Thursday 05 January 2017 22:01
by ropske
this log is in domoticz www ui

Re: LUA Pass2php

Posted: Thursday 05 January 2017 22:04
by Egregius
Not good :P
That only shows stuff generated by domoticz.

Re: LUA Pass2php

Posted: Thursday 05 January 2017 22:07
by ropske
i activated syslog server of my nas but nothing is shown in here:

webserver log will be something dirrefent?

Re: LUA Pass2php

Posted: Thursday 05 January 2017 22:09
by Egregius
You'll need ssh and Google for that.

Re: LUA Pass2php

Posted: Thursday 05 January 2017 22:56
by ropske
lol i quit searching
i better bought another NAS server instead of this Zyxell NAS540
Almost no support, not many 'extra' packages available.
Installed 'Entware' a 3th party plugin
but you can't set the Zyxell much to 'your hands' :(

i wanted to run my php pages on this webserver
is there maybe another way to setup a php webserver somewhere else? :s

Re: LUA Pass2php

Posted: Thursday 05 January 2017 22:59
by ropske
apt-get is not working here
opkg should be working according to forum, but like many people, it's not working, so it's difficult to install some things

Re: LUA Pass2php

Posted: Thursday 05 January 2017 23:44
by Egregius
Why don't you install it on the same machine as domoticz?

Re: LUA Pass2php

Posted: Friday 06 January 2017 20:12
by sincze
Egregius wrote:Why don't you install it on the same machine as domoticz?
I can confirm apache and domoticz running on the same machine does work :D with Egregius solution.

@Egregius: All events have been converted and disabled in Domoticz :lol: :lol:

Re: LUA Pass2php

Posted: Friday 06 January 2017 21:25
by Egregius
En response time? On what hardware and how many used devices?

Re: LUA Pass2php

Posted: Saturday 07 January 2017 0:24
by sincze
Egregius wrote:En response time? On what hardware and how many used devices?
140 ms -> 133 ms.... so next step.... put everything in cset memcached to have all the speed advantages. :D

Re: LUA Pass2php

Posted: Saturday 07 January 2017 8:28
by Egregius
Can you check where the time is lost?
Add 3 lines to the lua file:
print('encoding started')
print('encoding finished')
print('curl finished')
and a lg function in the php file at the start.

The memcached/apcu will only be several milliseconds, not 100.

Re: LUA Pass2php

Posted: Sunday 08 January 2017 1:06
by sincze
Egregius wrote:Can you check where the time is lost?
Add 3 lines to the lua file:
print('encoding started')
print('encoding finished')
print('curl finished')
and a lg function in the php file at the start.

The memcached/apcu will only be several milliseconds, not 100.
After flipping a Switch it shows the following:

Code: Select all

2017-01-08 01:04:15.032 User: Admin initiated a switch command (621/ZonweringAuto/On)
2017-01-08 01:04:15.069 LUA: 1. encoding started
2017-01-08 01:04:15.073 LUA: 2. encoding finished
2017-01-08 01:04:15.085 LUA: 3. curl finished
2017-01-08 01:04:15.033 (Virtual Device) Light/Switch (ZonweringAuto)
2017-01-08 01:04:15.154 --->> 4. Egregius Start of Pass2PHP
2017-01-08 01:04:15.157 --->> SETLEVEL 100
2017-01-08 01:04:15.160 User: Admin initiated a switch command (531/Lamp (CV Ruimte) (RF)/Set Level)
2017-01-08 01:04:15.161 RFLink Sending: 10;NewKaku;ba1e09;a;15

Re: LUA Pass2php

Posted: Sunday 08 January 2017 16:29
by Egregius
That's strange. You already lose 37msecs for the lua to start. Sure your scripts folders are empty, except the pass2php script?
The encoding, is that just the devicechanged table?
Because this takes 9/10 times less than 1 msec (same timestamp in logfile)

Code: Select all

c = ''
for k,v in pairs(devicechanged) do c = c..k.."|"..v.."#" end
And then 81 msecs for the php to launch? With opcode cache enabled?

Re: LUA Pass2php

Posted: Sunday 08 January 2017 18:10
by sincze
Egregius wrote:That's strange. You already lose 37msecs for the lua to start. Sure your scripts folders are empty, except the pass2php script?
The encoding, is that just the devicechanged table?
Because this takes 9/10 times less than 1 msec (same timestamp in logfile)

Code: Select all

c = ''
for k,v in pairs(devicechanged) do c = c..k.."|"..v.."#" end
And then 81 msecs for the php to launch? With opcode cache enabled?
Ok, I moved all scripts to archive.

Code: Select all

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jan  8 17:59 archive
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jan  8 17:56 converted2db
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  734 Jan  8 01:06 script_device_pass2php.lua
Pass2php.lua is currently based on sneezydevil cjson. As not all has been rewritten to cset/cget memcached style.

Code: Select all

local cb64json = require "cb64json"


os.execute('curl -s --data "c='..c..'&s='..s..'&i='..i..'&t='..t..'" &')

return commandArray
This is the result.

Code: Select all

2017-01-08 18:06:24.962 User: Admin initiated a switch command (621/ZonweringAuto/On)
2017-01-08 18:06:25.011 LUA: 1. encoding started
2017-01-08 18:06:25.014 LUA: 2. encoding finished
2017-01-08 18:06:25.027 LUA: 3. curl finished
2017-01-08 18:06:24.964 (Virtual Device) Light/Switch (ZonweringAuto)
2017-01-08 18:06:25.103 --->> 4. Egregius Start of Pass2PHP
2017-01-08 18:06:25.108 --->> SETLEVEL 100
2017-01-08 18:06:25.114 User: Admin initiated a switch command (531/Lamp (CV Ruimte) (RF)/Set Level)
2017-01-08 18:06:25.120 RFLink Sending: 10;NewKaku;ba1e09;a;15
And the in database events are all disabled.
egregius_disabled.JPG (39.22 KiB) Viewed 1479 times