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Re: Domoticz-Google-Assistant (dzga)

Posted: Tuesday 02 February 2021 22:45
by DewGew
Seems lika certification issue. I use this method without ... ertificate. Self signed certification is not allowed.

Re: Domoticz-Google-Assistant (dzga)

Posted: Wednesday 03 February 2021 8:58
by damien60
Hello DewGew,

My certificate is signed by let'sencrypt. I used another ACME client than certbot. My site is secured and verified by navigators.
I supposed a problem during authentication: - damien [03/Feb/2021:08:22:26 +0100] "POST /dzga/login HTTP/1.1" 301 5 " ... NK0lpfYJNg" "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; EML-L29) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.1.424.141 Mobile Safari/537.36" - - [03/Feb/2021:08:22:28 +0100] "POST /dzga/token HTTP/1.1" 401 188 "-" "OpenAuth"

Edit 1:
It works without nginx (DZGA configured with SSL and my certificate, without ngrok)...
I have to debug my nginx configuraton file...

location /dzga {
rewrite ^/dzga/?(.*) /$1 break;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Scheme $scheme;
proxy_pass http://localhost:3030; #local ipno to dzga
proxy_read_timeout 90;

Edit 2:
I disabled basic auth in nginx for location /dzga and it works. :)

Thanks for your project!

Re: Domoticz-Google-Assistant (dzga)

Posted: Wednesday 03 February 2021 15:10
by DewGew
damien60 wrote: Wednesday 03 February 2021 8:58 Hello DewGew,

My certificate is signed by let'sencrypt. I used another ACME client than certbot. My site is secured and verified by navigators.
I supposed a problem during authentication: - damien [03/Feb/2021:08:22:26 +0100] "POST /dzga/login HTTP/1.1" 301 5 " ... NK0lpfYJNg" "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; EML-L29) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.1.424.141 Mobile Safari/537.36" - - [03/Feb/2021:08:22:28 +0100] "POST /dzga/token HTTP/1.1" 401 188 "-" "OpenAuth"

Edit 1:
It works without nginx (DZGA configured with SSL and my certificate, without ngrok)...
I have to debug my nginx configuraton file...

location /dzga {
rewrite ^/dzga/?(.*) /$1 break;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Scheme $scheme;
proxy_pass http://localhost:3030; #local ipno to dzga
proxy_read_timeout 90;

Edit 2:
I disabled basic auth in nginx for location /dzga and it works. :)

Thanks for your project!
Take a look at this ... issues/238

Re: Domoticz-Google-Assistant (dzga)

Posted: Thursday 04 February 2021 8:23
by damien60

I had a problem with my blinds when I try to close them.
Google Home said they were already closed.
dzga.log : ERROR - Unable to execute action.devices.commands.OpenClose for BlindInverted8. 1 Already in state

They are set blindinverted in domoticz to have the correct behavior (standard electric blinds).

I inverted "Closed" and "Open" in Domoticz-Google-Assistant/ line 383 & line 386 and it works correctly now...

I don't open a bug because I think the original bug is in Domoticz...

Re: Domoticz-Google-Assistant (dzga)

Posted: Thursday 11 February 2021 14:00
by samourai47
I update with the beta version 1.10.8 today. I wanted apply the 236 issues for blind.
I delete the new file
Where can i found the beta package or juste the file
Thank' you

Re: Domoticz-Google-Assistant (dzga)

Posted: Sunday 28 February 2021 18:48
by Chichi92

I'm having trouble installing dzga. After installation, the service fail. And when i tried to manually start it, when i type "source Domoticz-Google-Assistant/env/bin/activate", i have "Domoticz-Google-Assistant/env/bin/activate: No such file or directory"

Thanks in advance!

Re: Domoticz-Google-Assistant (dzga)

Posted: Saturday 06 March 2021 18:23
by Chichi92
Chichi92 wrote: Sunday 28 February 2021 18:48 Hello,

I'm having trouble installing dzga. After installation, the service fail. And when i tried to manually start it, when i type "source Domoticz-Google-Assistant/env/bin/activate", i have "Domoticz-Google-Assistant/env/bin/activate: No such file or directory"

Thanks in advance!
My bad, i was messing up things because i had multiple python versions installed at once.
It works like a charm now !
Thanks for your great work !

Re: Domoticz-Google-Assistant (dzga)

Posted: Tuesday 09 March 2021 14:41
by marigo
Today I was trying to enable a camera to stream to chromecast. First I installed "ffmpeg" on a server and converted a rtsp stream to hls. This stream should be activated, via dzga, and transported to Chromecast. To do this you have to create a virtual switch and link it to your camera. Now this is where I don't see the relation between the (converted) camera stream and the virtual switch.

Do I have to add the original camera (the one with the rtsp stream) to Domoticz?
Does the virtual switch needs a script to enable te conversion of the stream or must the hls stream always be available?

I have this in my config.yaml

Code: Select all

  Enabled: true
      - '580'

      - ''
The conversion does not take place on the domoticz server. So maybe that is the cause it fails.

Can someone help me with this?

Re: Domoticz-Google-Assistant (dzga)

Posted: Wednesday 31 March 2021 11:45
by lolomin

I was using DZGA for now a few weeks and everything seems to work properly but for now a few days without understanding why, I'm facing a problem with only Lights switches which seems to generate errors like this one :

Code: Select all

2021-03-31 11:37:43 - INFO - Request {
  "inputs": [
      "context": {
        "locale_country": "FR",
        "locale_language": "fr"
      "intent": "action.devices.EXECUTE",
      "payload": {
        "commands": [
            "devices": [
                "id": "Light4708"
            "execution": [
                "command": "action.devices.commands.StartStop",
                "params": {
                  "start": true
  "requestId": "4050808670232186740"
2021-03-31 11:37:43 - ERROR - Unable to execute action.devices.commands.StartStop for Light4708
I'm telling OK Google and then in French "Allumes le plafonnier de la salle à manger", before Google was doing the action properly and the devices was switch on but now it immediatly tells in french : "To be true, this device is not compatible with this functionnality" ...

Can't understand why because neither DZGA or Domoticz were updated recently ?

Does anyone is facing the same problem please or know the cause ?

Thanks !



Re: Domoticz-Google-Assistant (dzga)

Posted: Thursday 01 April 2021 7:15
by DewGew
lolomin wrote: Wednesday 31 March 2021 11:45 Hi,

I was using DZGA for now a few weeks and everything seems to work properly but for now a few days without understanding why, I'm facing a problem with only Lights switches which seems to generate errors like this one :

Code: Select all

2021-03-31 11:37:43 - INFO - Request {
  "inputs": [
      "context": {
        "locale_country": "FR",
        "locale_language": "fr"
      "intent": "action.devices.EXECUTE",
      "payload": {
        "commands": [
            "devices": [
                "id": "Light4708"
            "execution": [
                "command": "action.devices.commands.StartStop",
                "params": {
                  "start": true
  "requestId": "4050808670232186740"
2021-03-31 11:37:43 - ERROR - Unable to execute action.devices.commands.StartStop for Light4708
I'm telling OK Google and then in French "Allumes le plafonnier de la salle à manger", before Google was doing the action properly and the devices was switch on but now it immediatly tells in french : "To be true, this device is not compatible with this functionnality" ...

Can't understand why because neither DZGA or Domoticz were updated recently ?

Does anyone is facing the same problem please or know the cause ?

Thanks !


It seems to be a Google issue with translations. According to the logs you are trying to start or stop Light4708. Try if it works correct in English.

Re: Domoticz-Google-Assistant (dzga)

Posted: Thursday 01 April 2021 9:20
by lolomin
DewGew wrote: Thursday 01 April 2021 7:15
It seems to be a Google issue with translations. According to the logs you are trying to start or stop Light4708. Try if it works correct in English.
Hi DewGew,

I can confirm what you supposed :
- If I say : "Ok Google, allumes le plafonnier de la salle à manger" => I have the message in french : "To be true, this device is not compatible with this functionnality"
- If I say : "Ok Google, turn on plafonnier de la salle à manger" , so a mixed English/French then the Light switch on perfectly ...

More curiously, the problem does not affect the way to turn off the light because this works OK with "Ok Google, éteins le plafonnier de la salle à manger" :)

Do you mean that the problem is on Google side then ?
Do I need to contact Google Support for google devices then ?

Thks !


Re: Domoticz-Google-Assistant (dzga)

Posted: Thursday 01 April 2021 9:29
by DewGew
lolomin wrote: Thursday 01 April 2021 9:20
DewGew wrote: Thursday 01 April 2021 7:15
It seems to be a Google issue with translations. According to the logs you are trying to start or stop Light4708. Try if it works correct in English.
Hi DewGew,

I can confirm what you supposed :
- If I say : "Ok Google, allumes le plafonnier de la salle à manger" => I have the message in french : "To be true, this device is not compatible with this functionnality"
- If I say : "Ok Google, turn on plafonnier de la salle à manger" , so a mixed English/French then the Light switch on perfectly ...

More curiously, the problem does not affect the way to turn off the light because this works OK with "Ok Google, éteins le plafonnier de la salle à manger" :)

Do you mean that the problem is on Google side then ?
Do I need to contact Google Support for google devices then ?

Thks !

Try to refrase your french. I understand that "allumer" means both start and turn on ?

Re: Domoticz-Google-Assistant (dzga)

Posted: Sunday 11 April 2021 12:55
by kerherno

I'm facing the same problem than lolomin. I can't tell since when.
As suggested, it's working when asking action in english
DewGew wrote: Thursday 01 April 2021 7:15 Try to refrase your french. I understand that "allumer" means both start and turn on ?
Yes, in French we may use "allumer" to start or switch on something.
As you suggest, I tried "Ok Google, éclaire [...]" which would be close to "Light the light"
it's working.

Re: Domoticz-Google-Assistant (dzga)

Posted: Sunday 11 April 2021 15:58
by josemi
Hi, I have updated 1.10.8 docker version released today, and 400 error disappeared.
I have got a RGB strip (not RGBW), and if I change of colour, it is working fine, unless I say to the assistant: blanco (white in spanish).

I get this error in domoticz log:
2021-04-11 15:42:36.080 Error: Arilux: SetRGBColour - Color mode 2 is unhandled, if you have a suggestion for what it should do, please post on the Domoticz forum

Log in dzGA docker:
Request working 'azul' (blue in spanish):

2021-04-11 15:42:28 - INFO - Request {
"inputs": [
"context": {
"locale_country": "ES",
"locale_language": "es"
"intent": "action.devices.EXECUTE",
"payload": {
"commands": [
"devices": [
"id": "ColorSwitch364"
"execution": [
"command": "action.devices.commands.ColorAbsolute",
"params": {
"color": {
"name": "azul",
"spectrumRGB": 255
"requestId": "833131764175788162"

Response not working 'blanco' (white in spanish):

2021-04-11 15:42:36 - INFO - Request {
"inputs": [
"context": {
"locale_country": "ES",
"locale_language": "es"
"intent": "action.devices.EXECUTE",
"payload": {
"commands": [
"devices": [
"id": "ColorSwitch364"
"execution": [
"command": "action.devices.commands.ColorAbsolute",
"params": {
"color": {
"name": "blanco",
"temperature": 5000
"requestId": "1226135500939339290"

It is sending 'Temperature' instead 'spectrumRGB'.

How could it work?

Re: Domoticz-Google-Assistant (dzga)

Posted: Sunday 11 April 2021 21:48
by lolomin
kerherno wrote: Sunday 11 April 2021 12:55 Hi,

I'm facing the same problem than lolomin. I can't tell since when.
As suggested, it's working when asking action in english
DewGew wrote: Thursday 01 April 2021 7:15 Try to refrase your french. I understand that "allumer" means both start and turn on ?
Yes, in French we may use "allumer" to start or switch on something.
As you suggest, I tried "Ok Google, éclaire [...]" which would be close to "Light the light"
it's working.
Hi kerherno,

I tried with "Ok Google, éclaire... ", not working here : Google is telling me that it does not understand :/

I'm now wondering if the problem is not related only with DZGA as my others "native" Google Assistant devices are still working with "OK Google allumes [Device]", I also noticed that thought DZGA all devices with type "Outlet" are still working, it seems that all devices of type "Light" are now not working anymore...

To Devs : at your disposal to do some debug if needed to understand precisely where is the problem...




Re: Domoticz-Google-Assistant (dzga)

Posted: Wednesday 26 May 2021 19:37
by MrRikkie
Hi, I would like to install DZGA on my synology within a docker container. Does anybody has any experience with this.

I face(d) several issues which are not documented in the Wiki instructions for "DZGA with docker on Synology".


Code: Select all

cd /volume1/${USER}/

This folder does not exist, there is no "user" folder on volume1. Solution : I created a new folder in a location where all my docker files are : /volume1/docker/Domoticz-Google-Assistant.
2. Git command is not available on my synology. I downloaded the Docker code manually from github and placed all files in the folder : /volume1/docker/Domoticz-Google-Assistant
3. I updated the docker-compose.yaml accordingly.

Code: Select all

docker-compose -f /volume1/${USER}/Domoticz-Google-Assistant/docker-compose.yaml up -d
Updated the command to :

Code: Select all

docker-compose -f /volume1/docker/Domoticz-Google-Assistant/docker-compose.yaml up -d
I received a error message

Code: Select all

ERROR: Couldn't connect to Docker daemon at http+docker://localhost - is it running?
Then i used :

Code: Select all

sudo docker-compose -f /volume1/docker/Domoticz-Google-Assistant/docker-compose.yaml up -d
This command worked.
5. When using previous command the download works fine but when creating starts i get the following error messsage :
Creating domoticz-google-assistant ... error
ERROR: for domoticz-google-assistant Cannot start service dz-googleassistant: Bind mount failed: '/etc/timezone' does not exists

I checked on my synology and indead there is no /etc/timezone folder on my synology.

Does anybody have an idea how to fix this ?

Re: Domoticz-Google-Assistant (dzga)

Posted: Saturday 05 June 2021 11:54
by Khaidakin
Please tell me what could be the problem. I installed dzga on my site and configured google services. On my phone, I am trying to get a list of Domoticz devices but I see an error in the Home application that it cannot update the settings. In the logs of dzga and nginx, I see that the connection is taking place. I see the BACKEND_FAILURE error in the Google logs. What do I need to do to understand what I am doing wrong?

Re: Domoticz-Google-Assistant (dzga)

Posted: Sunday 13 June 2021 13:51
by EddyG
MrRikkie wrote: Wednesday 26 May 2021 19:37 I checked on my synology and indead there is no /etc/timezone folder on my synology.

Does anybody have an idea how to fix this ?
/etc/timezone should exist, otherwise your Synology is not set for the right timezone.
Control Panel --> Regional Options.
My content of that file is "Europe/Amsterdam"

Re: Domoticz-Google-Assistant (dzga)

Posted: Thursday 24 June 2021 12:11
by marsflow

the command "sudo systemctl start dzga" does not work anymore, I run it manually and it remains bugged on the command.

Code: Select all

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo systemctl start dzga
(after 2 min press CTRL C)

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo systemctl status dzga
● dzga.service - Domoticz-Google-Assistant Service
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/dzga.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: inactive (dead)

sudo service dzga start (its good)

why ?

thank you

Re: Domoticz-Google-Assistant (dzga)

Posted: Saturday 26 June 2021 11:57
by Innovator
EddyG wrote: Sunday 13 June 2021 13:51
MrRikkie wrote: Wednesday 26 May 2021 19:37 I checked on my synology and indead there is no /etc/timezone folder on my synology.

Does anybody have an idea how to fix this ?
/etc/timezone should exist, otherwise your Synology is not set for the right timezone.
Control Panel --> Regional Options.
My content of that file is "Europe/Amsterdam"
I had the same problem; DSM 7.0 RC1.
I tried this;
There is one file in ETC; ntp.conf ;
includefile /usr/share/ntp/
includefile /usr/share/ntp/ntp-restrict-serveron.conf
includefile /usr/share/ntp/ntp-common.conf
includefile /etc/ntp.conf.user
I put this in the docker compose file:
- /usr/share/ntp:/usr/share/ntp:ro
- /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
it's working now.