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Re: Weather Underground Upload script

Posted: Thursday 13 August 2015 10:46
by theezeefje
arnaudth wrote:Hi,
You can modify the script to fit your needs.
Here is some help ... d_Protocol.
I'm not a LUA programmer, have no clue how to add these items to the script.
Can you help me ?

Weather Underground Upload script: no updates

Posted: Sunday 06 September 2015 9:49
by westd001
Hi there,

Maybe somebody knows this issue and can help me solving it.

I am using the upload script a few days now. I tested the generated URL with the print statement in the log and it's working fine, but after removing the remarks before the CommandArray statement Wunderground isn't updated at all. So my PWS will only update when I use the generated URL in my browser.
Anyone ?

Thanks in advance,

Re: Weather Underground Upload script

Posted: Monday 07 September 2015 22:37
by Toulon7559
Perhaps a minor detail: which value do you apply in scriptline 16 for 'Interval'?
If you use the latest script-version incl. the lines for BMP180 and have not changed that Interval-value, then the default value for Interval is 55 minutes (intended for an hourly update), which means that you usually have to wait very, very long before you will see an upload to Wunderground .......
At least for initial testing suggest to change that value to 5: then it takes only 5 minutes before you can expect an upload.

Re: Weather Underground Upload script

Posted: Friday 11 September 2015 17:22
by westd001

The timer value is OK, though, I deleted my script and copied yours (with the BMP180 and 55 min. timer), changed the timer to 2 minutes and that works !! I changed the code a bit because it gives an error every minute because the URL is null. Don't know the difference between the two versions but it works. See below, thanks for your reply !

Code: Select all

-- Weatherunderground PWS upload script
-- (C)2013 GizMoCuz, adapted by Toulon7559 for periodic upload of info received via RFXCom, supplemented by pressure-info from a BMP180 sensor

date ="*t")
if (date.min % 55 == 0) then
--start script every 55 minutes

-- Line 05, Defintion of inputs
Outside_Temp_Hum = 'Temperatuur buiten'
Barometer = 'Barometer'
RainMeter = 'Regenmeter'
WindMeter = 'Windmeter'
-- UVMeter = ' '

-- Line 12, WU Settings
baseurl = ""
ID = <ID>
PASSWORD = <password>

-- Line 18, Local functions
local function CelciusToFarenheit(C)
   return (C * (9/5)) + 32

local function hPatoInches(hpa)
   return hpa * 0.0295301

local function mmtoInches(mm)
   return mm * 0.039370

-- Line 31, Extraction of required calendar info
utc_dtime ="!%m-%d-%y %H:%M:%S",os.time())
month = string.sub(utc_dtime, 1, 2)
day = string.sub(utc_dtime, 4, 5)
year = "20" .. string.sub(utc_dtime, 7, 8)
hour = string.sub(utc_dtime, 10, 11)
minutes = string.sub(utc_dtime, 13, 14)
seconds = string.sub(utc_dtime, 16, 17)

timestring = year .. "-" .. month .. "-" .. day .. "+" .. hour .. "%3A" .. minutes .. "%3A" .. seconds


-- Line 44, Current date as date.year, date.month,, date.hour, date.min, date.sec
WU_URL= baseurl .. "ID=" .. ID .. "&PASSWORD=" .. PASSWORD .. "&dateutc=" .. timestring

-- Line 53, Extraction of data from BMP180
sBMP180T, sBMP180B = otherdevices_svalues[Barometer]:match("([^;]+);([^;]+)")
-- sBMP180T = tonumber(sBMP180T);
-- print ('BMP180_temp = '.. sBMP180T) 
sBMP180B = tonumber(sBMP180B);
-- print ('BMP180_druk = '.. sBMP180B)

if Outside_Temp_Hum ~= '' then
   WU_URL = WU_URL .. "&tempf=" .. string.format("%3.1f", CelciusToFarenheit(otherdevices_temperature[Outside_Temp_Hum]))
   WU_URL = WU_URL .. "&humidity=" .. otherdevices_humidity[Outside_Temp_Hum]
   WU_URL = WU_URL .. "&dewptf=" .. string.format("%3.1f", CelciusToFarenheit(otherdevices_dewpoint[Outside_Temp_Hum]))

if Barometer ~= '' then
   WU_URL = WU_URL .. "&baromin=" .. string.format("%2.2f", hPatoInches(sBMP180B))

if RainMeter ~= '' then
   WU_URL = WU_URL .. "&dailyrainin=" .. string.format("%2.2f", mmtoInches(otherdevices_rain[RainMeter]))
   WU_URL = WU_URL .. "&rainin=" .. string.format("%2.2f", mmtoInches(otherdevices_rain_lasthour[RainMeter]))

if WindMeter ~= '' then
   WU_URL = WU_URL .. "&winddir=" .. string.format("%.0f", otherdevices_winddir[WindMeter])
   WU_URL = WU_URL .. "&windspeedmph=" .. string.format("%.0f", (otherdevices_windspeed[WindMeter]/0.1)*0.223693629205)
   WU_URL = WU_URL .. "&windgustmph=" .. string.format("%.0f", (otherdevices_windgust[WindMeter]/0.1)*0.223693629205)

-- if UVMeter ~= '' then
--    WU_URL = WU_URL .. "&UV=" .. string.format("%.1f", mmtoInches(otherdevices_uv[UVMeter]))
-- end


WU_URL = WU_URL .. "&softwaretype=" .. SoftwareType .. "&action=updateraw"

--print (WU_URL)

commandArray = {}

--remove -- before the line below to actually upload

return commandArray

-- end of script

  commandArray = {}
  return commandArray

Re: Weather Underground Upload script

Posted: Saturday 12 September 2015 19:47
by Toulon7559
;-) That is the best way to apply the example-script: borrow & adapt to your situation&wishes!

Note: The '1-minute-error' was already recognized for my original script of 8th of January, but the URL-error is in the background and therefore no further effort done to 'clean' that aspect.

Re: Weather Underground Upload script

Posted: Saturday 19 September 2015 11:19
by Robin
Since this morning i keep getting the same error:

Code: Select all

2015-09-19 11:09:00.346 Error: EventSystem: /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/script_time_wu.lua:16: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'C' (a nil value)
My script looks like this:

Code: Select all

-- Weatherunderground PWS upload script
-- (C)2013 GizMoCuz

Outside_Temp_Hum = 'Buiten'
Barometer = ''
RainMeter = 'Regen'
WindMeter = 'Wind'
UVMeter = ''

--WU Settings
baseurl = ""

local function CelciusToFarenheit(C)
   return (C * (9/5)) + 32

local function hPatoInches(hpa)
   return hpa * 0.0295301

local function mmtoInches(mm)
   return mm * 0.039370

utc_dtime ="!%m-%d-%y %H:%M:%S",os.time())

month = string.sub(utc_dtime, 1, 2)
day = string.sub(utc_dtime, 4, 5)
year = "20" .. string.sub(utc_dtime, 7, 8)
hour = string.sub(utc_dtime, 10, 11)
minutes = string.sub(utc_dtime, 13, 14)
seconds = string.sub(utc_dtime, 16, 17) 

timestring = year .. "-" .. month .. "-" .. day .. "+" .. hour .. "%3A" .. minutes .. "%3A" .. seconds


WU_URL= baseurl .. "ID=" .. ID .. "&PASSWORD=" .. PASSWORD .. "&dateutc=" .. timestring

if Outside_Temp_Hum ~= '' then
   WU_URL = WU_URL .. "&tempf=" .. string.format("%3.1f", CelciusToFarenheit(otherdevices_temperature[Outside_Temp_Hum]))
   WU_URL = WU_URL .. "&humidity=" .. otherdevices_humidity[Outside_Temp_Hum]
   WU_URL = WU_URL .. "&dewptf=" .. string.format("%3.1f", CelciusToFarenheit(otherdevices_dewpoint[Outside_Temp_Hum]))

if Barometer ~= '' then
   WU_URL = WU_URL .. "&baromin=" .. string.format("%2.2f", hPatoInches(otherdevices_barometer[Barometer]))

if RainMeter ~= '' then
   WU_URL = WU_URL .. "&dailyrainin=" .. string.format("%2.2f", mmtoInches(otherdevices_rain[RainMeter]))
   WU_URL = WU_URL .. "&rainin=" .. string.format("%2.2f", mmtoInches(otherdevices_rain_lasthour[RainMeter]))

if WindMeter ~= '' then
   WU_URL = WU_URL .. "&winddir=" .. string.format("%.0f", otherdevices_winddir[WindMeter])
   WU_URL = WU_URL .. "&windspeedmph=" .. string.format("%.0f", (otherdevices_windspeed[WindMeter]/0.1)*0.223693629205)
   WU_URL = WU_URL .. "&windgustmph=" .. string.format("%.0f", (otherdevices_windgust[WindMeter]/0.1)*0.223693629205)

if UVMeter ~= '' then
   WU_URL = WU_URL .. "&UV=" .. string.format("%.1f", mmtoInches(otherdevices_uv[UVMeter]))


WU_URL = WU_URL .. "&softwaretype=" .. SoftwareType .. "&action=updateraw"

--print (WU_URL)

commandArray = {}

--remove the line below to actualy upload it

return commandArray

Re: Weather Underground Upload script

Posted: Sunday 20 September 2015 17:20
by Toulon7559
No typo visible in line 16, but recheck anyway ....

The mentioned local function is called in script-lines 46 and 48.
if Outside_Temp_Hum ~= '' then
WU_URL = WU_URL .. "&tempf=" .. string.format("%3.1f", CelciusToFarenheit(otherdevices_temperature[Outside_Temp_Hum]))
WU_URL = WU_URL .. "&humidity=" .. otherdevices_humidity[Outside_Temp_Hum]
WU_URL = WU_URL .. "&dewptf=" .. string.format("%3.1f", CelciusToFarenheit(otherdevices_dewpoint[Outside_Temp_Hum]))
THAT the local function is called implies that the initial check in line 45 is passed, which means that you have data for Outside_Temp_Hum.
You could check which next line is causing the errorreport, by putting -- in front of line 46 (disabling that line, resulting in an WU_URL without "&tempf") and look what happens.
If you still see an error for line 16, it means that that the next function call in line 48 has failed.
If you see an errorreport not for line 16, but for line 47, it means that you unfortunately have a problem with Outside_Temp_Hum, because the 'humidity'-function gets no data [which causes some headscratching related to script-line 45].
In latter case, check whether you have actual reception of data from the 'Buiten'-sensor: the latest reception-time can be found under Dashboard/Devices, most right column

Re: Weather Underground Upload script

Posted: Thursday 08 October 2015 11:40
by westanfelda
Hello all,

i´m also using the upload script. It works great for me.

Now i have an Aeon Multisensor 6, which reads the solar radiation in Lux. Is it possible to integrate this in the script?
In the Wunderground Wiki i found something about "solarradiation", but after some searching, i still have no clue how to get this into the script.

Could you help me with this?


Re: Weather Underground Upload script

Posted: Sunday 25 October 2015 8:24
by maxmizer
Hello to all
my system gives me this error

Code: Select all

EventSystem: /usr/local/domoticz/var/scripts/lua/script_time_wu.lua:16: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'C' (a nil value)
anyone knows why?

thank you

Re: Weather Underground Upload script

Posted: Sunday 25 October 2015 10:13
by Toulon7559
The error report probably refers to the local function starting at line 16
local function CelciusToFarenheit(C)
return (C * (9/5)) + 32
The meaning of the error is that the local function is called (further down in your script), but ín the call there is no value C present for 'CelciusToFarenheit(C)'
For more extended explanation, see my response of 20 september 2015 to Robin on similar question.
Sometimes trivial reason for such error:
for example, check (approx. in line 6 of the script) that the applied 'name' in Outside_Temp_Hum = 'name' is in line with the sValue used by Domoticz, otherwise no data is extracted.

Re: Weather Underground Upload script

Posted: Sunday 25 October 2015 11:18
by maxmizer
Toulon7559 wrote:The error report probably refers to the local function starting at line 16

for example, check (approx. in line 6 of the script) that the applied 'name' in Outside_Temp_Hum = 'name' is in line with the sValue used by Domoticz, otherwise no data is extracted.
Ahhh Ok
It was something wrong in the name.
now it does not give me the error and seems to be okay ... no log.

How do I know how if the send data, because it seems that not come to Wundermaps, in my station?

Thank You

Re: Weather Underground Upload script

Posted: Sunday 25 October 2015 11:27
by Toulon7559
Suggest to check in the script that following values are correctly set for your uploads to Wunderground:
Interval [for a value < 55, otherwise long wait till upload: e.g. set to 5 for upload each 5 minutes]

Re: Weather Underground Upload script

Posted: Sunday 25 October 2015 11:33
by maxmizer
Thank You Toulon7559, works :D
with all the evidence that I had, in the end, in fact I had removed the two lines in front of commandarray :!: :oops:

Interval = "<55" doen't work..( where <55 is 15) 15 minute..

Re: Weather Underground Upload script

Posted: Tuesday 27 October 2015 16:34
by Toulon7559
Perhaps cryptic, but with "<55" I intended to say: "a value smaller than 55"
As you already detected, you must insert just a numeric value without any sign in front.

Re: Weather Underground Upload script

Posted: Tuesday 02 February 2016 10:27
by epierre
My small contribution to add solar radiation from a lux meter, and PM10 / PM25 (here they all come from mysensors nodes):

Code: Select all

if LuxMeter ~= '' then
   WU_URL = WU_URL .. "&solarradiation=" .. string.format("%2.2f", luxtoWattsm2(otherdevices_svalues[LuxMeter]))

if PM25 ~= '' then
   WU_URL = WU_URL .. "&AqPM2.5=" .. string.format("%u", otherdevices_utility[PM25])

if PM10 ~= '' then
   WU_URL = WU_URL .. "&AqPM10=" .. string.format("%u", otherdevices_utility[PM10])

Re: Weather Underground Upload script

Posted: Thursday 05 May 2016 14:08
by gizmocuz
Could you post the luxtoWattsm2 function as well ?
What is the range of your 'Lux' sensor ? 0-100% or 0-20000 ?

Re: Weather Underground Upload script

Posted: Thursday 05 May 2016 17:09
by epierre
sorry here it is:

Code: Select all

local function luxtoWattsm2(mm)
   if mm == nil then return 0 end
   return mm * 0.0079

Mine has been up to 54k

Re: Weather Underground Upload script-WU_URL doesn't upload

Posted: Sunday 29 May 2016 11:06
by jms3700
the script works well, but i can't realize an upload to weatherstation.wunderground

the line commandArray['OpenURL']=WU_URL result in the log as
2016-05-29 10:49:00.077 EventSystem: Fetching url...
2016-05-29 10:49:00.077 EventSystem: Script event triggered: /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/script_time_ws.lua
but doesn't update de weather station

when I copy the value of the variable WU_URL in the log file (result from print(WU_URL) , and paste it litterally in the script as command. The updates works fine of the weather station.
of course: i sent all the time the same data to weather underground , but the scripts works.
Example of the working update script
' ... ewptf=58.2........

remark: Obviously I have no rights problem, but for some reason directly with the variable WU_URL the script doesn't update the site.
What can be the reason for this.

beste regards


Re: Weather Underground Upload script

Posted: Sunday 29 May 2016 12:01
by gizmocuz
you unmarked the last line that actually does do the uploading part?

So this

Code: Select all

--remove the line below to actualy upload it
becomes this

Code: Select all


Re: Weather Underground Upload script

Posted: Sunday 29 May 2016 12:18
by jms3700
I already did it, but no result
The same line with the explicit hardcode value of WU_URL works well