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Re: Vision ZP3102 EU PIR Motion Sensor

Posted: Wednesday 22 July 2015 18:35
by Ralph
I have a Vision ZP3102 EU PIR Motion Sensor, it shows up fine in Domoticz, however I seem to be unable to persist the settings for the device. (I want to change the sensitivity and duration of the alarm.) Any thoughts?

Re: Vision ZP3102 EU PIR Motion Sensor

Posted: Wednesday 19 August 2015 11:22
by bernard
Still no working Vision ZP3102 EU PIR
inclussion works (with latest Domoticz beta a lot faster) however , the PIR and domoticz does not register any motion.

Re: Vision ZP3102 EU PIR Motion Sensor

Posted: Tuesday 25 August 2015 10:36
by takel
My 3102 PIRs also suffer from battery drain occasionally.
The problem occurs after a restart of domoticz: after a restart, it seems they sometimes no longer enter low-power mode, and the battery goes empty within a month.

Re: Vision ZP3102 EU PIR Motion Sensor

Posted: Wednesday 30 September 2015 10:49
by thorbj
Hi, I recently bought a ZP3102 EU PIR, and I seemingly have included it successfully in my network. I get 6 different sensors form it:
- Sensor (Lighting 2)
- Alarm Type (Lighting 2)
- Alarm Level (Lighting 2)
- Burglar (Lighting 2)
- Temperature (TFA 30.3133)
- Alert 0x07 (AC)

Which one are the motion detector, and what does all the others do? Temperature I obviousely know what does. And Alert I guess is the tamper switch.

The Sensor, Alarm Type and Burglar is on at all times. The Alarm Level is Off and the temperature seems to show the right temperature.

Re: Vision ZP3102 EU PIR Motion Sensor

Posted: Thursday 29 October 2015 22:48
by Yihaaa
I have the same issues/questions like thorbj. Any updates someone?

Re: Vision ZP3102 EU PIR Motion Sensor

Posted: Friday 06 November 2015 12:55
by ErFr
Have apparently stumbled over the same questions but in another way: viewtopic.php?f=24&t=8752

Re: Vision ZP3102 EU PIR Motion Sensor

Posted: Sunday 06 December 2015 10:11
by revenger
I'm having troubles with the sensor as well. See attached image where all sensor of one motion sensor are listed. Why am i not getting any further info per sensor...I really can't distinguish the sensors?

Kind regards,


Re: Vision ZP3102 EU PIR Motion Sensor

Posted: Thursday 10 December 2015 0:04
by Evelen
Got My sensor yesterday, same problem...

Also: viewtopic.php?f=24&t=9317

Re: Vision ZP3102 EU PIR Motion Sensor

Posted: Monday 14 December 2015 14:50
by gerco
I came across this topic after I recently upgraded my Domoticz with ZWave, and got a few POPP switches and a Vision ZP3102 motion sensor.

I had to include the device a couple of times to get at least a device that represents motion. In the last inclusion I did, I got 7 devices, but though the device is said to have temp + humidity sensors as well, I never got any device that would resemble this in Domoticz.

The current list I have:


I altered the initially called 'Burglar' to ZWMotion1 and changed the type to a motion sensor. However, all the other devices are reported as Lighting2 devices, from which I don't know how to get a temperature value.

Any ideas on this? And what all other devices actually do or how to use these?


Re: Vision ZP3102 EU PIR Motion Sensor

Posted: Monday 14 December 2015 19:37
by Eternity
I have silimar problems, and solved it.... a little.

My Vision ZP3102 EU PIR Motion Sensor did show up in my Synology run Domoticz v2.3815, but was "asleep" and did not detect motion.
I installed it under a Windows 10 Domoticz, and it worked!!! Motion was detected.

So, my z-wave stick works, the inclusion was suiccesful, the motion sensor works... but it does not work on my Synology (yet).

Re: Vision ZP3102 EU PIR Motion Sensor

Posted: Monday 14 December 2015 21:10
by Evelen
worked yesterday, even after reboot, not today.

Re: Vision ZP3102 EU PIR Motion Sensor

Posted: Friday 08 January 2016 5:55
by j0ystick
I have a couple of those here.

Is there a jumper inside the chassis?

If it is there try to put it on one of the contacts, and repeat the association that way with the chassis left open, after the association is completed put the cover back on... Or something.
Or remove it, or put it on a different couple of contacts. At some point they begin to work, or not.
Basically fiddle with the tamper switch and the jumper and it should accept the inclusion and the group association at some point.
Also it is very likely that they will decide one day not to sleep, thus draining the battery overnight.

I never fully understood those sensors and what the heck is wrong with them and their troubled relationship with openzwave, but they pretty much s**k donkey b**ls.

(They are slightly better with zway software, they don't drain the battery out of the blue, but they are still erratic and temperamental).

Re: Vision ZP3102 EU PIR Motion Sensor

Posted: Monday 01 February 2016 22:24
by Evelen
A have a new problem with this sensor, it start to detect motion that don't exist, more and more often.
Logg (from 18:50 today):
Spoiler: show
2016-02-01 22:06:07 Off
2016-02-01 22:03:18 Off
2016-02-01 22:03:09 On
2016-02-01 21:53:46 Off
2016-02-01 21:51:01 Off
2016-02-01 21:50:51 On
2016-02-01 21:32:02 Off
2016-02-01 21:29:17 Off
2016-02-01 21:29:08 On
2016-02-01 21:19:37 Off
2016-02-01 21:16:52 Off
2016-02-01 21:16:43 On
2016-02-01 21:10:18 Off
2016-02-01 21:07:33 Off
2016-02-01 21:07:24 On
2016-02-01 20:23:44 Off
2016-02-01 20:20:59 Off
2016-02-01 20:20:49 On
2016-02-01 19:49:33 Off
2016-02-01 19:46:47 Off
2016-02-01 19:46:38 On
2016-02-01 19:21:37 Off
2016-02-01 19:18:51 Off
2016-02-01 19:18:42 On
2016-02-01 18:50:33 Off
ab.png (197.28 KiB) Viewed 3845 times
Any ide?

Re: Vision ZP3102 EU PIR Motion Sensor

Posted: Monday 15 February 2016 14:27
by FionnanBurke
I have the same problem here (but had it on Vera also, so I don't think its a Domoticz problem).
My sensor included with no issues at all, I have my motion sensor and Temp sensor. It worked well for 2 days so I mounted it in the corner of my hallway.
It worked for about 2 days and yesterday morning it registered motion at 8.45am, which would be correct but hasn't registered anything since.

I'd love to get this working because I've spent the money on it, but I will not buy another one.

Re: Vision ZP3102 EU PIR Motion Sensor

Posted: Monday 29 February 2016 8:31
by thorbj
Thanks @Lisa, that's what I have figured out also :)