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Re: plugin Zigate - Beta 3.1.x

Posted: Wednesday 21 November 2018 22:56
by pipiche
hkhk wrote: Wednesday 21 November 2018 22:06
The Aquara wall switch (the flat battery driven one) is detected wrongly I think since Domoticz thinks it is a XCube and it creates 2 devices.

I sent you a Private message, and in paralell I found that your Aqara wall switch was known under an other model. I did update, so if you can update the plugin, restart remove the olde device and re-pair it .

Re: plugin Zigate - Beta 3.1.x

Posted: Monday 18 March 2019 18:29
by ThomasTelos
ATTENTION, there is no way to fall back, so make sure that you have the proper backup in place (domoticz.db and DeviceList.txt at least).
It is not possible to back-up this file. I get the mssge: ....=> see picture. ??
DeviceList.txt is Locked?
DeviceList.txt is Locked?
NotToDownload.PNG (22.92 KiB) Viewed 342 times
I use latest Zigate version and foor SSH Filezilla

Re: plugin Zigate - Beta 3.1.x

Posted: Tuesday 19 March 2019 14:33
by pipiche
Could you clarify what is the problem you want to report?

The plugin 3.1 is not supported since a while.

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