DD-WRT Internet Usage Script

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Re: DD-WRT Internet Usage Script

Post by JeroenJ »

I installed the script but i'm experience a strange behavior.

Once a day (random time as far as i can tell) I get a negative measure for the "WAN Down Mbps Avg Per Min".

Does anybody experienced this behavior as well, and how did you fixed it (has it something to do with the router)?

I was thinking about an extra line of code to validate the result, if it is a negative number i will not update it to domoticz. But that is not really an fix more a workaround.

Version: 2020.2
Build Hash: b63341bc0
Compile Date: 2020-04-26 13:47:55
dzVents Version: 3.0.2
Python Version: 3.7.3 (default, Dec 20 2019, 18:57:59) [GCC 8.3.0]

Router ModelTP-Link ARCHER-C5 v1
Firmware Version DD-WRT v3.0-r40559 std (08/06/19)
Kernel VersionLinux 3.18.140 #49336 Tue Aug 6 03:18:43 +04 2019 mips
2020-05-06 10_17_45-Domoticz - Devices_776_Log.png
2020-05-06 10_17_45-Domoticz - Devices_776_Log.png (20.51 KiB) Viewed 798 times
Posts: 4
Joined: Saturday 11 January 2020 17:51
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: 4.10717

Re: DD-WRT Internet Usage Script

Post by maartenterp »

Hi all,

My linux level is absolutely amateur, yet I've been able to successfully connect Ikea Tradfri, Smart energy meter, Netatmo, Homecoach and an Honeywel Lyric T6 to my pi running Domoticz. Thanks to these forums! Great work.

This seems like a cool script to be running. So far I've flashed my router successfully couple of months ago. No trying to setup the scripts to monitor internet usage.
I distilled all steps in these posts.
- Created dummy sensors
- placed the script in domotics/scripts/,,
- changed all variables, and checked these.
- Installed screen
- have it boot automatically

Yet when I try to check with this:
ben53252642 wrote: Sunday 21 October 2018 15:04
Reboot and type screen -x at terminal, you should see it running in the background.
I get the message : "There is no screen to be attached."

What can I check? And how do I check logs?

would it be possible to run the script with Domoticz events?

It would be great if there would be some sort of step by step copy/paste guide for n00bs like me :)
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