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Re: Aeotec Siren Gen5 parameters
Posted: Friday 23 June 2017 9:34
by Mecallie
mrdata wrote:<SNIP> Something in French</SNIP>
I have tried your json commands mrdata. At first I did not think they worked, until I noticed the "applyzwavenodeconfig" part in the URL. It seems it only works once: when the initial config is applied. For instance: when I set the sound to 3 and the volume to 1 in Domoticz my siren sounds. When I replay that json command it does not, because it is already set. When I play a different sound, say sound 4 volume 1, it works. Again: only once.
I think the applyzwavenodeconfig needs to be replaced by some kind of alarm command, but I have no idea what it would be
Until then I do not think you can use this for an alarm. If it has been triggered once, it will not trigger again. Unless you reset it to something different every x time. But that would get annoying since the siren would sound every time you did that. Now that I think of it: it would only sound if there was an alarm event. Otherwise it would ofcourse still be on the original setting and not sound...
Re: Aeotec Siren Gen5 parameters
Posted: Sunday 13 August 2017 20:49
by bvhoesel
The following urls (shown here send with curl) will switch the sounds:
Code: Select all
// "Sound 1 - Low Volume"
curl 'http://<DOMOTICZ-SERVER>:8080/json.htm?type=command¶m=applyzwavenodeconfig&idx=<NODE-ID>&valuelist=37_U291bmQgMSAtIExvdyBWb2x1bWU%3D'
// "Sound 1 - Mid Volume"
curl 'http://<DOMOTICZ-SERVER>:8080/json.htm?type=command¶m=applyzwavenodeconfig&idx=<NODE-ID>&valuelist=37_U291bmQgMSAtIE1pZCBWb2x1bWU%3D'
// "Sound 1 - High Volume"
curl 'http://<DOMOTICZ-SERVER>:8080/json.htm?type=command¶m=applyzwavenodeconfig&idx=<NODE-ID>&valuelist=37_U291bmQgMSAtIEhpZ2ggVm9sdW1l'
// "Sound 2 - Low Volume"
curl 'http://<DOMOTICZ-SERVER>:8080/json.htm?type=command¶m=applyzwavenodeconfig&idx=<NODE-ID>&valuelist=37_U291bmQgMiAtIExvdyBWb2x1bWU%3D'
// "Sound 2 - Mid Volume"
curl 'http://<DOMOTICZ-SERVER>:8080/json.htm?type=command¶m=applyzwavenodeconfig&idx=<NODE-ID>&valuelist=37_U291bmQgMiAtIE1pZCBWb2x1bWU%3D'
// "Sound 2 - High Volume"
curl 'http://<DOMOTICZ-SERVER>:8080/json.htm?type=command¶m=applyzwavenodeconfig&idx=<NODE-ID>&valuelist=37_U291bmQgMiAtIEhpZ2ggVm9sdW1l'
// "Sound 3 - Low Volume"
curl 'http://<DOMOTICZ-SERVER>:8080/json.htm?type=command¶m=applyzwavenodeconfig&idx=<NODE-ID>&valuelist=37_U291bmQgMyAtIExvdyBWb2x1bWU%3D'
// "Sound 3 - Mid Volume"
curl 'http://<DOMOTICZ-SERVER>:8080/json.htm?type=command¶m=applyzwavenodeconfig&idx=<NODE-ID>&valuelist=37_U291bmQgMyAtIE1pZCBWb2x1bWU%3D'
// "Sound 3 - High Volume"
curl 'http://<DOMOTICZ-SERVER>:8080/json.htm?type=command¶m=applyzwavenodeconfig&idx=<NODE-ID>&valuelist=37_U291bmQgMyAtIEhpZ2ggVm9sdW1l'
// "Sound 4 - Low Volume"
curl 'http://<DOMOTICZ-SERVER>:8080/json.htm?type=command¶m=applyzwavenodeconfig&idx=<NODE-ID>&valuelist=37_U291bmQgNCAtIExvdyBWb2x1bWU%3D'
// "Sound 4 - Mid Volume"
curl 'http://<DOMOTICZ-SERVER>:8080/json.htm?type=command¶m=applyzwavenodeconfig&idx=<NODE-ID>&valuelist=37_U291bmQgNCAtIE1pZCBWb2x1bWU%3D'
// "Sound 4 - High Volume"
curl 'http://<DOMOTICZ-SERVER>:8080/json.htm?type=command¶m=applyzwavenodeconfig&idx=<NODE-ID>&valuelist=37_U291bmQgNCAtIEhpZ2ggVm9sdW1l'
// "Sound 5 - Low Volume"
curl 'http://<DOMOTICZ-SERVER>:8080/json.htm?type=command¶m=applyzwavenodeconfig&idx=<NODE-ID>&valuelist=37_U291bmQgNSAtIExvdyBWb2x1bWU%3D'
// "Sound 5 - Mid Volume"
curl 'http://<DOMOTICZ-SERVER>:8080/json.htm?type=command¶m=applyzwavenodeconfig&idx=<NODE-ID>&valuelist=37_U291bmQgNSAtIE1pZCBWb2x1bWU%3D'
// "Sound 5 - High Volume"
curl 'http://<DOMOTICZ-SERVER>:8080/json.htm?type=command¶m=applyzwavenodeconfig&idx=<NODE-ID>&valuelist=37_U291bmQgNSAtIEhpZ2ggVm9sdW1l'
To be sure the selected sound is heard (if you set it to the same sound as before) just switch the siren on (and later off) with:
Code: Select all
// ON
curl 'http://<DOMOTICZ-SERVER>:8080/json.htm?type=command¶m=switchlight&idx=<DEVICE-IDX>&switchcmd=On'
// OFF
curl 'http://<DOMOTICZ-SERVER>:8080/json.htm?type=command¶m=switchlight&idx=<DEVICE-IDX>&switchcmd=Off'
Where <DOMOTICZ-SERVER> needs to be replaced with your domoticz server IP or name. And <NODE-ID> is the z-wave NodeID of the siren. And <DEVICE-IDX> is the index of the corresponding switch device.
The base64 and url encoded part after valuelist=37_ is the description of the sound as seen in de config page, for example "Sound 5 - High Volume" (without the double quotes). I dit not test all the urls so there might be a typo. But if so you know how to check and correct it.
Just incorporates these in you preferred language and then "Happy sound switching".
Re: Aeotec Siren Gen5 parameters
Posted: Friday 18 August 2017 11:08
by Ries
I checked all the urls, but none of them worked even though the json call reported success.
Re: Aeotec Siren Gen5 parameters
Posted: Sunday 17 September 2017 13:58
by bvhoesel
Ries wrote: ↑Friday 18 August 2017 11:08
I checked all the urls, but none of them worked even though the json call reported success.
They do work for me. Can you switch sound from the z-wave device config page? If so, did you check you have the correct z-wave NODE-ID (for sound setting) and Domoticz DEVICE-ID (for on/off)? You cannot rely on the json return status as indication of a correctly executed action on the intended device. As I saw, it is most of the time "OK". If I mangle a working url it shows OK as return status but no sound. So double check all values to be substituted in the example url's and try again. Where did you execute the curl command from? It definitely works for me when executed from the PI itself.
Re: Aeotec Siren Gen5 parameters
Posted: Sunday 25 February 2018 12:56
by renerene
Only swtich on/off works for me.
The other command
Code: Select all¶m=applyzwavenodeconfig&idx=96&valuelist=37_U291bmQgMSAtIEhpZ2ggVm9sdW1l
gives error in browser:
what is the '
U291bmQgMSAtIEhpZ2ggVm9sdW1l' part at the end? Is it unique per device?
Re: Aeotec Siren Gen5 parameters
Posted: Tuesday 12 June 2018 10:06
by Ries
Still no result
Re: Aeotec Siren Gen5 parameters
Posted: Friday 22 February 2019 14:00
by jonlv
I also wonder how one could trigger and mute the siren using MQTT (I use domoticz together with node-red) from node-red. Has anyone such a setup running? Thanks!
Re: Aeotec Siren Gen5 parameters
Posted: Sunday 04 August 2019 22:08
by JuanUil
sur Domoticz j'ai réussi à faire en sorte de configurer le type de sonnerie en fonction d'un événement...
Dans un 1er temps il faut sur mettre sur réglages - matériels - puis selectionner le noeud Aeotec ZW080 Siren Gen5 correspondent à l'alarme.
Sur Google Chrome appuyer alors sur F12 cela fera apparaitre une fenetre à gauche ou en bas suivant votre configuration (pour moi elle est a gauche)
Dans le haut de cette nouvelle fenetre il y a des onglets, selectionner l'onglet "NETWORK"
puis cliquer sur le parametre 37 et choisir le 1er soit : Sound 1 - Low Volume et cliquer sur "Appliquer la configuration sur le dispositif"
une ligne json.htm... apparaît alors dans la fenêtre network
il suffit de copier cette ligne en cliquant bouton droite et faire copy link.
coller ça dans un fichier texte en attente
repeter l'opération pour toutes les sonneries et les volumes.
Ensuite il faut créer un capteur virtuel example "volume sonnerie alarme"de type "interrupteur selecteur"
aller ensuite dans l'onglet interrupteur de Domoticz
Editer le capteur virtuel créée précedement et modifier pour mettre un icone Alarme.
Puis renommer les niveaux deja existent par :
0 Off
10 Sound 1 88 dB
20 Sound 1 100 dB
30 Sound 1 105 dB
40 Sound 2 88 dB
50 Sound 2 100 dB
60 Sound 2 105 dB
70 Sound 3 88 dB
80 Sound 3 100 dB
90 Sound 3 105 dB
il faudra creer un 2eme capteur virtuel pour le reste des valeurs, cela ne marche pas si on en met trop...
penser a cliquer sur le bouton sauvegarder!
puis aller dans Reglages - Evenements
et creer un nouvel evenement
BLOCK : IF THEN ELSE avec l'engrenage :
IF switch capteur virtuel "volume sonnerie alarme" ="OFF"
DO switch "nom de votre dispositif AEON ALARME" = OFF
ELSE IF switch capteur virtuel "volume sonnerie alarme" = "Sound 1 88 dB"
DO (choisir MESSAGE - Open URL et coller les adresses json mises de coté dans le fichier texte) exemple OPEN URL "http://IP:PORT/json.htm?type=command¶m=applyzwavenodeconfig&idx=41&valuelist=37_U291bmQgMSAtIExvdyBWb2x1bWU%3D_80_Tm90aGluZw%3D%3D_200_QWVvbiBMYWJzIFN0YW5kYXJkIFByb2R1Y3Q%3D_252_RGlzYWJsZQ%3D%3D_255_Tm9ybWFs_"
cela renvoie la programmation complète avec le sound 1 et le volume 88db et les autres parametres ne sais pas comment faire pour ne renvoyer que le parametre 34...
et ainsi de suite en rajoutant des ELSE IF
avec les URL des parametres correspondants a chaque sonneries et volumes.
Il faudra refaire la meme chose avec un autre capteur virtuel pour les sonneries 4 à 5 et un 2e evenement aussi
cela permettra à la fin de pouvoir modifier la valeur du capteur virtuel en fonction d'un evenement et donc d'envoyer la config à l'alarme.
Probally a good instruction on how to change sound and volume but since I am poor on French I do not understand any of this.
could you reply in Englisch since this is an Englisch spoken Forum!
Re: Aeotec Siren Gen5 parameters
Posted: Saturday 17 April 2021 16:03
by Ries
I solved it on my part
The idx of the siren in domoticz = 1
The idx of the zwave node is 019/0x13
It worked when I used idx = 7
I found it by using the chrome developement tool, when changing a parameter (network tab, shows the json url when hitting “pas configuratie toe” in de openzwave tab