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Re: Sensative strips

Posted: Thursday 23 November 2017 18:52
by johanvandyck

On Domoticz 3.8153, it is working as a sharm.
- include via round magnet like described in the manual.
3 new devices are added (alarm level, alarm type and access control)
- change the notification type in "binary sensor report"
1 new device is added (sensor type) --> will be used as switch
- after playing with tamper, Burglar and alarm type burglar devices are added as well

However the exact working of the tamper switch (it stays on) and reporting of battery level is not clear to me. My battery-level stays "empty".


Re: Sensative strips

Posted: Monday 27 November 2017 21:11
by micha_pr
I have 5 such Strips since February 2016 - and all show still 100% battery.
Strips are at doors and windows - doors frequently used.
(Fibaro door sensors have only 40% after this time)

Important is that the connection (ZWave network) is good, so that no resend must be done by sensor.