Re: Dashticz v2.0, custom positioning and multiple screens
Posted: Monday 01 May 2017 17:08
Staying tuned
Open source Home Automation System
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function getBlock_233(device,idx){ //change 233 to the idx of your device!
var html='';
html+='<div class="col-xs-4 col-icon">';
if(device['Status']=='Off') html+=iconORimage(idx,'fa-toggle-off','','off icon');
else html+=iconORimage(idx,'fa-toggle-on','','on icon');
html+='<div class="col-xs-8 col-data">';
html+='<strong class="title">'+device['Name']+'</strong><br />';
if(device['Status']=='Off') html+='<span class="state">AFWEZIG</span>';
else html+='<span class="state">AANWEZIG</span>';
if(_SHOW_LASTUPDATE) html+='<br /><span class="lastupdate">'+moment(device['LastUpdate']).format(_LASTUPDATE_FORMAT)+'</span>';
return html;
robgeerts wrote:NEW FUNCTION IN BETA!
Want your block to show up differently then Dashticz generates and do you have a little bit of coding skills?
Add to custom.js the following function:
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Change '233' in the function-name to the idx of your device! This is a sample-function, you can do whatever you want inside this function.[/quote] Thanks. Works great. Now I need to figure out how to adapt the afvalwijzer changes in to this. BTW.. Did I say You Rock
Code: Select all = { title: 'business', icalurl: '' }
Code: Select all
columns[4] = {}
columns[4]['blocks'] = [196,195,197,49,268,] //news, ,'train','traffic'
columns[4]['width'] = 5;
Code: Select all
blocks['news_1'] = {} // NU.NL
blocks['news_1']['feed'] = '';
blocks['news_2'] = {} // TWEAKERS
blocks['news_2']['feed'] = '';
Thx... saves me a trip to the funny farmrobgeerts wrote:Will do
Edit: inlatest beta, add to config.js:Code: Select all
Backup everything (CONFIG.js, custom.css and anything you might have changed. Remove the map.ThenPhantom wrote:Hey, i used "git clone dashboard" to install the dashboard a couple of days ago and it works and looks great but i want to use the beta version now.
Now when i use git pull i get the message "Already up-to-date." what must i do?
First time for me to work with github
BTW this is how you clone beta branch into dashticz directory:
git clone --branch beta dashticz
Or simple click here. ... e/
Or go to the project page: then click on 2 branches then select beta branch.
Might be fun thereHansieNL wrote:Thx... saves me a trip to the funny farmrobgeerts wrote:Will do
Edit: inlatest beta, add to config.js:Code: Select all
Thanks that workedEdKo66 wrote:Backup everything (CONFIG.js, custom.css and anything you might have changed. Remove the map.ThenPhantom wrote:Hey, i used "git clone dashboard" to install the dashboard a couple of days ago and it works and looks great but i want to use the beta version now.
Now when i use git pull i get the message "Already up-to-date." what must i do?
First time for me to work with github
BTW this is how you clone beta branch into dashticz directory:
git clone --branch beta dashticz
Or simple click here. ... e/
Or go to the project page: then click on 2 branches then select beta branch.
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// Ramen
blocks[386] = {}
blocks[386]['icon'] = 'fa-sign-out';
blocks[386]['title'] = 'raam slaapkamer';
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When Domoticz is updated, it has removed this dashboard?!
Unfortunately, this occurs when the dashboard is installed into Domoticz's www-directory. When Domoticz installs an update, it complete removes the www-directory, before placing the updated version back. Currently, there is no solution for this (except for installing the dashboard on another webserver), you have to re-install this dashboard.
Not at my laptop right now but i thought every block has a unique identifier-classname like '.block233'... wich you can use in css. But if not (will check this out later) I will fix thisSuperMouse wrote:Hi,
I have been looking around for an hour now, but I can not find how to change the font-size of 1 (text) device? I want my rain prediction smaller and all the others as they are.
Can anybody tell me how to do this? Is there also a way to put the text next to the cloud?
So there is no problem?robgeerts wrote:I've installed Dashticz outside Domoticz-folder. Every folder you can reach via your webbrowser is suitable to put Dashticz in... you dont need to run a webserver for it
So there is no problem?robgeerts wrote:I've installed Dashticz outside Domoticz-folder. Every folder you can reach via your webbrowser is suitable to put Dashticz in... you dont need to run a webserver for it
Just updated Domoticz beta and my Dashticz folder is still in place.Derik wrote:So there is no problem?robgeerts wrote:I've installed Dashticz outside Domoticz-folder. Every folder you can reach via your webbrowser is suitable to put Dashticz in... you dont need to run a webserver for it
Please a example What map and place u use..