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Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Posted: Wednesday 06 January 2016 12:09
by fantom
free_nsc wrote:
fantom wrote:ps. I think, that this INT-TSI is normal tablet 7" I want install normal tablet (much cheaper) and use domoticz on it or maybe own application.
It kinda is a tablet but not really. I wanted to keep it all in the same place but the tablet for domoticz is a good idea - people here have done similar things with 7" Raspberry PI screen but again cost wise you're better off with cheap tablet from Aliexpress.

fantom wrote:Hmmm.
I do not understand.
So there were four new devices like the text type? And what do they show? They should not be Text type is only for outputs other than BI / Mono, etc.

I know they shouldn't be coming in as TextType but here what they look like when I disabled/enabled the Satel hardware:
I cant reproduce this :(
Maybe you first set output to another type (not 25) and Domoticz read this. Next you set type to 25 and domoticz read this again, but with new type. Old four devies is not working now.


Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Posted: Wednesday 06 January 2016 17:07
by free_nsc
Ok, it's possible that it read them before I restarted hardware. Nevermind i can live with this I will delete them.

Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Posted: Tuesday 12 January 2016 9:06
by mmormon
I tried to add ATD-100 but it looks like Domoticz makes Satel busy all the time.

hex="$(echo -en "\xFE\xFE\x7D\x51\x4F\xE0\xFE\x0D" | nc 7094 | hexdump -v -e ' 1/1 "%02X" " "')"
echo $hex
10 42 75 73 79 21 0D 0A EF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

nc 7094

When I remove Satel from Domoticz devices I get proper outcome. Any idea?

Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Posted: Tuesday 12 January 2016 9:22
by fantom
Yes. Domoticz makes ETHM1 busy almost all the time. I read data from Integra every 2 sec.
But this is only busy one port (for example 7094). Other port (7091 etc) is not busy. You may normal use DloadX for programming Integra.

ps. When you want disable communication between Domoticz and ETHM1, you may only disable hardware. You dont need to remove it.

Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Posted: Tuesday 12 January 2016 9:38
by mmormon
I disabled, not removed :D
I know I can use DloadX at 7090 but I need both: Domoticz and script for reading ATD100 at 7094.
Only 7094 give me proper answer (when not busy).

hex="$(echo -en "\xFE\xFE\x7D\x51\x4F\xE0\xFE\x0D" | nc 7091 | hexdump -v -e ' 1/1 "%02X" " "')"
echo $hex
22 CB 33 4C 09 72 ED 73 C3 BE A4 D5 9B 05 11 33

Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Posted: Tuesday 12 January 2016 10:16
by fantom
You may disable this script now and use ATD100 from Domoticz :)
I dont have this devices, but i wrote support for them. And probably it is works, because user free_nsc using ATD100 :)


Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Posted: Tuesday 12 January 2016 10:17
by fantom
You may disable this script now and use ATD100 from Domoticz :)
I dont have this devices, but i wrote support for them. And probably it is works, because user free_nsc using ATD100 :)

ps. I wrote about this earlier. ETHM-1 supports only one connection.

Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Posted: Tuesday 12 January 2016 11:26
by proohu01
Hello fantom,
I have another small Satel question for you.
When I reboot my Domoticz (using the webinterface) all my hardware works perfect after the reboot. The only thing that never works after a reboot is the Satel. I always get the error...
2016-01-12 11:09:30.190 Error: Satel hardware (9) thread seems to have ended unexpectedly
2016-01-12 11:10:00.718 Error: Satel hardware (9) thread seems to have ended unexpectedly
When I disable and re-enable the hardware after the reboot, all is oke again.

Could it be that you need to include a proper disconnect from the ETHM-1 in the shutdown/reboot sequence code of Domoticz?
Note. A workaround seems to be to set the "data timeout" value to x minutes in the hardware. I personally think that that is not the proper way.

Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Posted: Tuesday 12 January 2016 11:34
by fantom
This is not error, but only warning. And nothing doing :)
Domoticz check every 60 sec (this value is not configurable), that module is responsing or not. First start of Integra, reading all zones, outputs etc and this is takien a long time.
i will may add heartbeat in some places ...


Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Posted: Tuesday 12 January 2016 12:59
by mmormon
fantom wrote:You may disable this script now and use ATD100 from Domoticz :)
I dont have this devices, but i wrote support for them. And probably it is works, because user free_nsc using ATD100 :)

ps. I wrote about this earlier. ETHM-1 supports only one connection.
I tried free_nsc method trom the first page of this forum. Where can I find your method?
My domoticz see only text from ATD-100 input

Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Posted: Tuesday 12 January 2016 13:06
by fantom
Aaaa, my fault.
I didt write the important case about using ATD100.

On Integra, zone with temperature, must contains string "ATD100". For example "ATD100: room 1".
Only this way can I identify ATD100. Integra dont have method of showing where is connected temperature detector.


Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Posted: Tuesday 12 January 2016 13:40
by mmormon
fantom wrote:Aaaa, my fault.
I didt write the important case about using ATD100.

On Integra, zone with temperature, must contains string "ATD100". For example "ATD100: room 1".
Only this way can I identify ATD100. Integra dont have method of showing where is connected temperature detector.

So it looks I cant read temperature :(

Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Posted: Tuesday 12 January 2016 13:46
by fantom
Please change on Integra zones names from keyboard or DLoadX and its all :)
Change only zones where you have temperature. As i know, ATD100 add two zones: one with temperature and one with info about change the threshold. Change name only for this first type.


Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Posted: Tuesday 12 January 2016 14:03
by mmormon
It works...thanks :D

Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Posted: Thursday 14 January 2016 7:35
by mKotek
I have installed ETHM-1 module for my Integra and updated all to newest versions. Next I have connected it to my Domoticz running V2.4169 on RPi. I have all the devices created - outputs for Siren and Power as texts and modules - PIRs, etc. as General/Alert as well as Arm and Alarm switches.
I have 2 issues:
1. Domoticz reads sensor names without Polish characters, replacing them with � character. Is there any chance, it may be read correctly or I should rename the sensors in Satel?
2. Domoticz shows all inputs as General/Alert with Level: 1 and I cannot see any changes to them - no matter if for example PIR is triggered (in unarmed state), Domoticz does not reflect this at all. What might be the reason for this? I have created blocky to test, if I am really not getting info from Satel and this is the case.

Update: It seems, it might be related to my RPi, as in the log files I am able to see Level 3 for some sensors. I am going to switch to RPi 2 during the weekend, so I will come back if issue is still valid. But question no. 1 stays.

Otherwise, it looks really promissing and I have been waiting for this for some time now. Thank you Fantom.

Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Posted: Thursday 14 January 2016 8:21
by fantom
I can see how to do to polish font work. Maybe on the weekend i will to see this problem.


Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Posted: Saturday 16 January 2016 11:36
by fantom
proohu01 wrote:Hello fantom,
I have another small Satel question for you.
When I reboot my Domoticz (using the webinterface) all my hardware works perfect after the reboot. The only thing that never works after a reboot is the Satel. I always get the error...
2016-01-12 11:09:30.190 Error: Satel hardware (9) thread seems to have ended unexpectedly
2016-01-12 11:10:00.718 Error: Satel hardware (9) thread seems to have ended unexpectedly
When I disable and re-enable the hardware after the reboot, all is oke again.

Could it be that you need to include a proper disconnect from the ETHM-1 in the shutdown/reboot sequence code of Domoticz?
Note. A workaround seems to be to set the "data timeout" value to x minutes in the hardware. I personally think that that is not the proper way.
I tjink that i resolved this warning : ... aa5016d8b4


Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Posted: Sunday 17 January 2016 2:57
by free_nsc
Yes, ATD100 has been working perfectly in domoticz for me since Fantom worked tiredly with me few months ago!
ATD100 must be in the name of the zone (just one of them is fine). I have edited my post on the first page so everyone gets the best out of it. We should write up a wiki as well.

Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Posted: Sunday 17 January 2016 15:50
by mKotek
Fantom, I have a question regarding the functionality.
I am using Satel in a bit complex scenario, where some zones are active and some not. So general status of Satel is Armed. Would you be able to add switches that would indicate, which zones in Satel are armed, so they might be used in logic (blocky) to invoke actions on more detailed level, than just if system is armed?

Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Posted: Tuesday 19 January 2016 21:56
by fantom
I added support for arm/disarm many partitions :
Please waiting for merge and new version of domoticz.
Now in domoticz exists switches for any using partitions in Integra.

p.s Please check that this changes is working