changing colors on a zipato rgbw bulb in LUA

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changing colors on a zipato rgbw bulb in LUA

Post by JuanUil »

Hi there,

I want to use the zipato rgbw bulb as a burglar prevention.
when i put it behind the television and randomly change the colors it looks like some is at home.

Anybody any idea how to do this in LUA?

Thanx in advance
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Re: changing colors on a zipato rgbw bulb in LUA

Post by JuanUil »

Anyone any idea please?
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Re: changing colors on a zipato rgbw bulb in LUA

Post by JuanUil »

Realy nobody can help me with this?
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Re: changing colors on a zipato rgbw bulb in LUA

Post by mbtr »

Hi there,

I'm not sure about the zipato bulb, but the Fibaro RGBW-controller (often used for LED-strips) can be set by one of the following. I bet one of these could help you as well.
- A scene (commandArray['Scene:MyScene'] in LUA, where the scene is defined using the RGBW-device*
- Individual Set Levels for R, G, B, W (commandArray['device_R'] = 'Set Level 20'), if those devices are available for your bulb
- Calling the Domoticz API from LUA, see this post (I haven't tested thisone)

* Something to remember: You can't detect which scene is activated, so you may want to use User Variables for the purpose of changing scenes.

As far as I'm aware, we don't have a "Set RGBW" operation in LUA at the moment, although I'd love to have it.
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Re: changing colors on a zipato rgbw bulb in LUA

Post by JuanUil »

Thanks, I will try this!
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Re: changing colors on a zipato rgbw bulb in LUA

Post by verdeel »

Hi JuanUil,

Did you get this working in LUA?
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Re: changing colors on a zipato rgbw bulb in LUA

Post by verdeel »

I've managed to change the color of the bulb using the following command:
commandArray['OpenURL']='http://ip:port/json.htm?type=command&param=setcolbrightnessvalue&idx=IDX&hex=0000FF' --blue
use your own ip:port and device idx

But I'm confused on the correct way to determine hex values for the different colors. When trying the command in a browser The returned status is ok with any hex value, and seems to change between 00000000 and FFFFFFFF. But cannot find any real logic in why a value results in a color. Some regions of the hex value appear to switch the bulb off or to a normal bulb color.
Spoiler: show
the following were determined using the domoticz color picker
--7fb9ff --lightblue
--ff7f7f --lightred
--824141 --darkred
--ffee00 --darkyellow
--fff99e --lightish yellow
--9effa3 --lightish green
--19ff25 --darker green
--ff19e8 --darker purple
--db34ca --lighter purple
--000000 --off
--ffffff --on (normal light)
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